8 - Three rules

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TW - swearing, fluff, Brad (Yes, he has come here from To The End of Time. I know, its very sad) (Don't worry if you don't understand this, Brad is a character from my other story. He is also in this one now. I promise you will hate him)


I felt like I was floating on a cloud of happiness.

Karl, Quackity and I sat in a close circle, smiling like idiots.

In the back of my mind however, there was a little voice begging for us to have a serious conversation about our relationship so that we didn't have confusion later and though I hated to interrupt the moment, I knew I had to speak up.

"Hey guys, we should probably like specify how this is gonna work," I said quietly. Both of them nodded and Karl was the first to speak.
"What if we have rules? So it's simple and clear how things work?" He asked, leaning back on his hands. I nodded my head in agreement and Quackity grinned.

"Okay, how about, rule one: we're all boyfriends, not two of us are boyfriends and the other is like the mistress," Quackity offered, making Karl and I burst out laughing.
"You're the mistress," We said at the same time, pointing at an unimpressed Quackity. Karl and I kept laughing, unable to calm down as we clung onto each other in fits of giggles.

After a few minutes we managed to catch our breath and Karl spoke again,
"Okay, rule one: We are equal boyfriends?" He grinned as Quackity and I both agreed. It took us another fifteen minutes to come up with two more rules, we decided three was enough and by the end of the fifteen minutes we all completely understood how our relationship would work.

Soon enough we had three rules and Quackity wrote them on a google doc on his phone,


Our Gay, Poly Relationship Rules - By Quackity, Sapnap and Karl

Rule 1: We are equal boyfriends

Rule 2: No pressuring anyone, we wait until all of us are ready before doing things e.g. kissing

Rule 3: Be honest with each other, communicate boundaries and feelings, and don't be mad at people for their boundaries and feelings.



Once the rules were finished, we discussed for a bit longer, figuring out the details. Basically we would have a normal relationship except there were three of us instead of two.

"Okay, now if you guys are up to it, I'd like to go out for dinner" Quackity announced, standing up and stretching.
"Are you officially asking us out Quackity?" I smirked, standing up too and holding out my hand to pull Karl up. Quackity linked arms with both of us, grinning.
"I am, will you two incredibly hot gentlemen go out with me on a date?"

"Okay," Karl shrugged, trying keeping a serious face. I burst out laughing as the three of us made our way out of the room.

We were about half an hour into our relationship and I was already the happiest I'd ever been in my life.

We walked into the kitchen and Quackity's dad was in there, making dinner.
"Hey Dad, if it's alright we're gonna go out for dinner," Quackity said tentatively, taking a few steps towards his father who sighed and threw down the carrot he was holding.

"Fine Alex. It wasn't like I just spent the last half hour preparing a family meal!" He glared at Quackity who looked extremely guilty.
"It was my suggestion, sorry sir," I stepped forward, slipping my hand into Quackity's as I stepped in front of him. Quackity's dad surveyed me suspiciously, I expected him to yell at me or something but instead he smiled warmly.

"My apologies, Alex has avoided the last few serious family dinners so I just assumed that it was him coming up with more excuses. Please, go and have fun boys. But Alex, your mom and I want to have a serious talk tomorrow at dinner," With that, we were shooed out of the house by Quackity's dad.

Once we were outside, all three of us fell about laughing.
"Thanks Sap," Quackity grinned as we all grabbed each other's hands, with Karl in the middle, and began walking into town. We chatted casually as we walked, not sticking to one topic for more than a few minutes. As we entered town and started seeing more people on the streets, we got a few strange looks but chose to ignore them, too caught up in our own happiness.

We quickly realised that we hadn't planned where we were going to eat. Karl suggested we go to a place called 'The Crow Diner', he said that he used to babysit the owner's kids. Quackity and I agreed eagerly and we made our way towards a diner with neon green lights around it and a sign out the front that said 'The Crow Diner'. On the sign there was a drawing of a crow with a red Minecraft hardcore heart on it's chest that was wearing a green and white striped bucket hat.

Karl lead us inside, clearly he'd been here many times before. Inside the diner was really cool. It was brightly lit and had a warm, cosy feel, it was like if you crossed a cosy little cafe with gamer's paradise. One wall was lined with computers and shelves full of video games, a sign above them said 'Computer use: $3 an hour. Streaming room use: $7 an hour'.

There were tables with light green table cloths well spaced throughout the room and a small set of stairs led up to a second story balcony type of thing which seemed to be lined with classic diner booths. I noticed a jukebox in the corner which was adorned with neon green LED lights.
"This is awesome," I breathed as we approached the counter.

A tall blond man in a green and white striped bucked hat stood behind the counter, playing snake on his computer. Karl cleared his throat and the man looked up, his eyes widened when he saw Karl and a grin spread across his face.
"Karl! Mate! It's been so long!" He cried, walking out from behind the counter and hugging Karl who was grinning.

"It's great to see you Phil! How are the wife and kids?" Karl asked as they pulled apart. Phil smiled warmly and motioned to a green door behind the counter,
"They're good, the kids are playing Minecraft and Kristin is out with the dog right now. You can say hi to the boys if you want, they'll be happy to see you again," Phil explained, returning to his computer. Karl nodded happily and turned to me and Quackity.

"Can we say hi? Just for a minute?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement. I chuckled softly and nodded,
"Of course," I responded, taking his and Quackity's hands.

We were about to follow Phil out through the door when someone yelled my name,

"SAPNAP! DUDE!" I turned around and immediately dropped my boyfriends's hands, a wave of fear sweeping through me.

"Sapnap, what's wrong," Karl whispered, sharing a worried look with Quackity. Then Quackity caught sight of the person who had yelled my name.

A tall, burly guy our age with shit coloured hair and eyes was standing in the door of the diner, a group of more burly guys stood behind him. I was practically shaking with fear as I stared at half of the super homophobic football team.

"Look who it is," Quackity muttered bitterly, staring at the guy in front, the one who'd called out to me

"Brad the Chad,"

Word count - 1153

A/N -

Okay, so people who've read To The End of Time, you're probably very upset because, well, Brad.
But I can explain! I can explain why he has returned! You don't need to come after me!

I needed a homophobic asshole to be like the villain. And I was going to put Punz as the the main guy on the football team and then I changed my mind because I didn't want Punz to be homophobic.

So yeah, thats why Brad is here.

I apologise for Brad's presence, don't worry tho, he won't be able to get in the way of Karlnapity... unless...

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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