40 - Three cheers

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TW - swearing, fluff, mentions of conversion therapy


We were all gathered in our favourite spot, the large booth in the back corner of the PP cafe.
"I love you Pitch!" Pip yelled as end jumped up and down with excitent, grinning at the sign in Pitch's hands. It was very very sparkly and written across it in glitter paint was the word.

"Yay!" Pitch cried, leaping to his feet and wrapping their arms around Pip who giggled.
"I like how you sound surprised," End chuckled, ruffling Pitch's hair. Pitch pouted defensively,
"Well I don't know okay! I'm gay!" Pitch replied, making all of us burst out laughing,
"Me too!" Pip grinned. Pitch made a fake look of shock as Pip planted a kiss on his cheek.

Pitch rolled their eyes playfully,
"Sir, people are gonna think were dating, most of these idiots already do," He said, jabbing his thumb towards the large group of us sat eating in the booth.
"Thats so beautiful," Tea remarked, leaning her head on Fury's shoulder as she laughed at the interaction. Everyone else stared in shock at the pair.

"We could be," Pip mused, doing the lip bite at Pitch who did it back, saying,
"We too sus already," Everyone laughed and Pip buried ends face in Pitch's shoulder, "Date me then coward," Pitch continued, making Pip turn red and all of us steadily become more confused.

"Okay," Pip replied, trying to sound casual as Pitch grinned,
"We too sus!" They repeated, making all of us laugh again, "That's it we be dating now!"

"You weren't already dating?" Karl asked, leaning his head on my shoulder.
"No, we're married platonically," Pip said, taking Pitch's hand. Everyone stared around in confusion,
"Please tell me that I'm not the only one who thought they were dating," I spoke up, making Pip and Pitch chuckle as everyone else nodded in agreement with me, murmuring that they thought the same.

"Well you're all fucking idiots," Pitch told us. We all burst out laughing.

It took us a full five minutes to calm down. Once we'd all stopped laughing however, I grinned around at the group of people in front of me.

Tea, Fury and their girlfriend Sleepy who had just returned from her marine biology trip were all cuddled close together, talking quietly. Wilbur was holding hands and talking with his new girlfriend, Sally. Techno was deep in conversation with Jam and Kyle who were eagerly trying to find out how to beat the shit out of someone. Ant and Velvet were whispering in each other's ears, smiling brightly. Sam was joking around with Ponk. Boomer, Foolish and Punz were arguing over their real names. Pip and Pitch were bickering over wether or not Pitch's promposal had been cringe or not.

Then there was Karl, Quackity and I.

I turned to my fiancés and smiled lovingly at them. Karl was adjusting Quackity's beanie atop his raven hair and Quackity was trying to smack his hands away, grumbling about how his hat looked fine.
"I love you both so much," I said, not meaning to actually speak aloud. They both turned to me, surprised smiles crossing their faces.

"We love you too Sap," They both responded in sync, each kissing me softly.

God, I loved them both so much. How was it even possible to be this devoted to people. They were my whole world and I loved that.


Graduation was here.


The end of the year had flown by so quickly.

We went to prom. It was the most nerve wracking and exciting night of my life. Both Karl and Quackity had looked stunning. Karl had worn eyeliner and I'd almost collapsed on the ground from the amount of butterflies in my stomach when I'd seen him. And Quackity looked so incredibly hot, I felt myself going red just looking at him. They both sent me into intense gay panic, I literally struggled to get out of the door, I was too lovestruck to walk.

And after prom, we'd had some special gay times. Participated in some special gay activities. Karl's mom wasn't very happy about it when we came into the kitchen the next morning, supporting Karl, but Zoe thought it was really funny . Trust me, it was hilarious. For me at least. And for Quackity. Karl not so much, I don't think he liked not being able to walk.

And now it was graduation. We'd gone through the whole ass ceremony, Karl's mom cheering in the front row the whole time. My father had the absolute audacity to show up but I just flipped him off as I walked onto the stage to receive my diploma. Once the last name was called, we all let out three cheers and threw our hats in the air.

I immediately began to search for Karl and Quackity, calling out their names. Soon enough I found Karl, he was also calling out for us.
"Karl!" I reached him and pulled him into my arms, kissing him passionately, "We did it darling! We made it through high school!" I grinned at him and he grinned back. Then we heard another voice that we both knew and loved,

"We just walked through hell together and survived!" Quackity cheered, pulling us both into a hug and taking turns to kiss us both. I grinned at my beautiful fiancés. Quackity was right. This year, all three of us had been through hell yet here we stood, we'd made it to the other side. We had each other and thats all that mattered. We'd survive anything as long as we had each other.

"Alex?" A voice interrupted our joyous moment. A very very unwelcome voice.

We turned to see Quackity's parents standing there, staring at Quackity.
"We though you were at conversio- I mean, school. Boarding school. We thought you were at boarding school," Quackity's dad stuttered, staring in disbelief. Quackity's smile dropped and his face paled. Karl and I had learnt over the past few months that this reaction meant that he was reliving his time in that awful place.

"Go away," Karl said, sounding surprisingly threatening. Quackity's mom scoffed and glared at the brunette,
"Alex is my son, I'll do what I'll like," She replied, her husband nodding in agreement.
"No," Karl contradicted, death staring them,
"Excuse us?" His dad asked, his eyes scanning Karl's furious face.

"You lost the right to call Quackity your son when you sent him to fucking conversion therapy! You have traumatised him for life! He's never gonna forget what you did! Sure, he can move on and be happy but he will always remember the horrible things they did to him there and you know why he has to have that in his head forever? Because of you. Because you are both shitty parents that absolutely failed," Karl's voice became a yell as he got more angry at Quackity's parents.

Both of them looked shocked at what Karl had just said.
"How dare you speak to us like that. Alex is our-"
"Shut the fuck up," I cut Quackity's mom off, taking one of Quackity's hands whilst Karl took the other, "You're both shit parents and if you ever come near Quackity again we will file a fucking restraining order. Now stay the fuck away from our fiancé,"

I flipped them both off and they turned to Quackity confused,
"Fiancé? What do you mean?" They both looked shocked. Quackity seemed to regain his ability to speak as he held up his and Karl's intertwined hands, showing the ring on his left ring finger. Karl and I also showed off ours,
"Don't expect an invite to the wedding, assholes," Quackity told them before turning away and leading Karl and I in the direction of our friends.

"I love you," We all said at the same time, making each other laugh.

It was true, I loved them and they loved me. I knew we always would.

Word count - 1326

A/N -

Sorry I missed yesterday's update!


Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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