32 - Three reunite (almost)

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TW - swearing, conversion therapy, blood/gore, fluff


"FUCK YOU!" I yelled as a fist collided with my face for what felt like the hundredth time that day. I had blood running down my face and my beanie lay in shreds on the floor.

The unnamed man in the strange Jesus-like robe stepped backwards and slid on some brass knuckles, smiling evilly at me.
"Now, Alex, tell me, would you kiss a man?" He stepped forward and I stepped backwards, my back hitting the cold brick wall of the school's basement.

"Absolutely," I spat, glaring at him and raising my fists to fight back. The man cackled and punched me again, only this time, it was one hundred times worse. The metal knuckles collided with my face, making me groan in pain and collapse onto the floor, clutching my cheek which was bleeding.

The man pulled back my head by my hair, examining the damage. He leered at me, his yellow teeth making me want to vomit. Seemingly satisfied, he yanked me to my feet and began pulling me out of the room, clutching onto my arm tighter than necessary and most definitely leaving a bruise.

He dragged me along corridor after corridor and as we passed rooms, I saw other kids getting the same abusive treatment as me. The man stopped outside mine and Niki's dorm before shoving me inside and locking the door. I collapsed onto my bed, feeling numb.

I'd been here an entire week. Today was my eighteenth birthday and I was spending it in conversion therapy instead of with my fiancés.

I felt tears begin to slide down my cheeks as I lay hopelessly on the narrow, uncomfortable bed, staring up at the ceiling that was decorated with literal paintings of straight porn. They looked majestic and god-like upon first glance but after staring up at it every night it became very obvious that it was a man and a woman fucking each other.

I closed my eyes, imagining that I was back at home with Karl and Sapnap, baking cupcakes in the kitchen at 1.am.

I wished it was real.

But I knew it probably wouldn't ever be real. I'd accepted that they weren't coming to save me, and why would they? I was worthless. They had each other, they didn't need me, I was just the annoying background character that doesn't need to be there but just is.

I lay contemplating my now hopeless existence for a while before the door burst open and Niki collapsed on the floor, being shoved by some crusty ass old woman.
"Fuck you! Nothing you can do will ever break me!" Niki yelled as the woman slammed the door shut and locked it.

I immediately ran over to Niki and hugged her, trying to calm her down as she dissolved into tears.

Niki and I had become quite good friends in my time here, she was like the only sane person in this place. One of the reasons I hadn't given in to these psychopaths was because Niki and I never let each other forget who we had waiting on the outside. We would tell each other stories about our relationships and friends and family.

Niki turned to face me, her face streaked tears.
"I'm gonna be sick," She mumbled before jumping up and racing to our small bathroom, clutching her stomach. I tried not to listen as she vomited in the toilet, wrenching and groaning.

After a few minutes she stumbled through the doorway, her face pale. She collapsed on the bed next to me and I put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"They gave me stupid pills to make me sick and then made me watch a lesbian movie so I was vomiting through it the whole time. I just wanted to enjoy the gay," Niki mumbled, making me chuckle softly.

Then we were rudely interrupted. The crusty old woman was back. She walked into the room, giving us the creepiest fucking smile I'd ever seen in my life. She walked towards me and handed me a small box.
"Alex, we heard it's your birthday, here's a present from us to you and to miss Nihachu here," She sneered at me before clicking her fingers and hobbling out of the room.

A few seconds after she left, a bulky man walked in and literally took Niki's bed. He carried it away, closing and locking the door behind him.

I glanced down at box, fearing what was inside. Carefully, I opened it and almost gagged.

It was a bottle of lube and condom.


Niki leapt to her feet and ran back to the bathroom, followed soon after by the sound of more vomiting. Disgusted, I put the lid back on the box, threw it in our small trash can and walked over to the small closet that Niki and I shared. A few spare blankets and pillows lay at the bottom and I pulled them out carefully, setting them down where Niki's bed used to be.

Niki walked back into the room and stared at my makeshift bed,
"What's this?" She asked, sitting cross legged beside me.
"Take my bed, I'll sleep here tonight," I told her, smiling. Niki shook her head,
"I can't take your bed Q, you're all beat up and you need rest," She said, crossing her arms.
"You're sick," I countered.

She was about to reply with another argument when the door to our room flew open and two people ran in.

My mouth fell open.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

"Karl? Sapnap?" I stood up, staring wide eyed as the pair ran towards me, holding out their arms.

I was suddenly engulfed by the two. I felt dizzy, this couldn't be real, they couldn't really be here. We broke apart and I stared at them, taking in every feature of each of their faces.
"Holy shit, you're real," I breathed. They both laughed softly, nodding.

"We're here to take you home," Karl smiled, hugging me again as Sapnap leaned forward, his eyes flickering to my lips.
"Kiss?" He asked gently, cupping my cheek in his hand. I grinned and closed the gap between us. Fireworks exploded as I was reunited with him. When we broke apart, Karl looked up and smiled at me as we pressed our lips together. I felt the same euphoric feeling as it truly sank in that they were real.

I pulled them both closer after the kiss ended, hardly believing that they were really here.

"Hey guys?" I asked, suddenly remembering that Niki was right behind us, they both hummed in response, "Can we take Niki with us, she's my friend and she needs to get home to her girlfriend and well she just needs to get out of here," I said hurriedly.


We all turned to face the doorway.
"Hello Dick," I sighed, trying not to let it show how scared I was right now. Dick the principal glared at Karl and Sapnap before snapping his fingers.

"Get these two off my school property," He snarled as two strong looking bodyguards walking into the room and grabbed my fiancés. They both kicked and screamed and protested but neither of them could break free from the strong dudes's grasps. I started yelling and tried to follow them but I was blocked by Dick who slammed the door in my face, locking us in.

I immediately collapsed on the floor, crying hysterically.

I'd had them back in my arms for a split second.

Stupidly, I thought everything would be okay.

But now they were gone again and I was trapped.

Word count - 1273

A/N -

Pip, I'm going to write you a little not at the end of every chapter whilst you're away. Miss you! Love you!/p <33

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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