33 - Three good luck charms

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TW - swearing, conversion therapy, blood/gore


The guards literally threw us onto the ground outside the school.

Sapnap immediately jumped to his feet and started yelling at the guards who were retreating inside.
"HEY! FUCKNUTS! GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME BITCHES!" He swung his fist wildly at thin air, tears streaming down his face.

It slowly began to hit me, how close we'd come to getting Quackity out of there. We'd had him in our arms, we'd kissed him, we'd been happy. For a split second and then Dick quite literally ripped that happiness away from us. Tears blinded my vision as I began to sob. So close. We'd been so close.

I heard voices behind us as the others came running forward. The plan had been that they wait outside whilst we go in first and if that didn't work, we'd operate plan B. When we'd come up with that plan it hadn't crossed our minds that there would be guards and teachers trying to stop us.

Pip ran forward and wrapped ends arms around me, comforting me. Sapnap still stood at the school's gate, his language progressively getting ruder and louder. He was also getting more and more hysterical. His face was stained with tears as he slowly deteriorated and became more and more upset.

Dream walked forward and gently pulled him back. Pip let go of me and directed me towards Sapnap who held out his arms. I collapsed into them, more tears falling.
"What happened?" My mom asked quietly. Sapnap began to tell her, seeing as I was incapable of speaking due to tears.

Everyone shared sympathetic looks as I sobbed harder.

"We'll get them out," Tea promised and Fury nodded, cracking fires knuckles threateningly.

"LEMME AT EM!" I heard Jam shout, running at the gate, followed closely by Kyle.
"YEAH! WE'LL FUCK YOU UP!" Wilbur cried, running after them.

"Children, please. There is a much better way to go about this," Techno spoke up for the first time in our planning of this whole thing. He stepped forward, holding out a bag to Sapnap and I. I took it as Techno began explaining his plan.

"Mrs Jacobs, you stay in the car, we'll need to get away fast. Karl, Sapnap, Wilbur, you come with me. Pip, Pitch, Tea and Fury go as a group. We'll split up and look for Quackity and Niki. Jam and Kyle, cause chaos. Distract everyone so that we can get them out safer,"

Jam and Kyle high-fived and grinned. The rest of us nodded. Sapnap and I managed to stop crying, pulling ourselves together for the sake of Quackity.

Then I opened the bag that Techno had given me and I collapsed in tears all over again.

Inside the bag were three beanies, all different colours and all displaying the word Karlnapity. I handed the orange beanie to Sapnap who smiled tearily and pulled it onto his head. I pulled on the purple one and I tucked the dark blue one safely into my hoodie pocket to give to Quackity when we found him again.

Then it was time to activate our new plan.

Equipped with our new good luck beanies, we approached the school. The very front gate was open and no one was guarding it. We filtered inside and Jam and Kyle ran off to commit arson or something. We split into our groups and moved off in different directions.

Our group immediately headed towards Quackity's room, hoping he was still there.

He wasn't.

Niki however, was.

Wilbur picked the lock on the door and it swung open. Niki looked up, her face stained with tears.
"Karl? Sapnap? Quackity's boyfriends?" She asked, staring at us in shock. We both nodded and Wilbur hurried to help her, noticing how she looked like she was going to vomit at any moment.

"Where's Quackity?" Sapnap asked, staring around the room. Niki shook her head, looking at the floor.
"Basement," She mumbled, her voice barely audible.
"You guys go ahead, I'll get Niki out to the car," Wilbur said, helping Niki to her feet and supporting her. Niki smiled softly and we all nodded, moving aside so they could get out of the room.

Once they were gone, we continued on our way, looking for the basement. Luckily the school had signs pointing you in directions of different places, probably because the people here were too stupid to remember their way around. We followed the signs to a door marked 'basement'.

Shouting could be heard from below us and we hurried to open the door and begin running down the stairs. Chills ran down my spine as the sickening thud of someone being punched sounded through the hollow hallways.

We reached the bottom of the stairs and found ourselves in a corridor full of unmarked doors. We sprinted in the direction of Quackity's angry yells, desperately looking into each room. Before long we found him.

We burst into a room that was empty apart from a drain on the floor and a tap on wall that was clearly connected to the shower heads on the roof. It haunted me as I realised it was for washing away the blood of the poor people forced down here.

Quackity stood in the middle of the room, facing a tall man wearing knuckle dusters. Quackity's face was bloody and bruised and he had a large cut on his arm.

"Stop right there," Techno said calmly. The guy whipped around, glaring at us. "Karl, get Quackity. Sapnap and I will take care of this man," Techno nodded towards Quackity who was clutching onto the wall, trying to stay upright. Then Techno pulled two small knives out of his pocket and handed one to Sapnap.

I immediately ran towards Quackity as I saw him begin to fall. I pulled him into my arms, holding him close.
"Hey, it's okay, you're okay, we've got you, I'm here, I'm not letting go," I whispered, slowly sinking onto the ground, stroking Quackity's hair gently.

"They destroyed my beanie," Quackity mumbled, his head buried in my shoulder. I chuckled softly, of course that would be what was on his mind at this moment. I pulled the dark blue Karlnapity beanie out of pocket and put it on his head,
"Here little Duck, we've got a new one for you," I smiled. Quackity pulled it off his head to inspect it before putting it back on, grinning as much as he could with a beat up face.

"Thank you," He smiled warmly.
"Techno gave them to us," I said, now doing my best to distract him from the noises of Sapnap and Techno beating the shit out of that guy. Quackity laughed, probably picturing Techno making them by hand or something.

There was a sudden, sickening crunch behind us and we heard a thud as the guy fell to the floor.

"Guys," Techno said, "We need to get out of here,"

I nodded and gently helped Quackity to his feet.

Now all we had to do was get out of here safely.

Easy, right?

Word count - 1180

A/N -

Pip, you've been gone for too long >:((. My friend from school read this ff today and I fear. He was trying to make fun of me but then he was like 'I want to know what happens' and he kept reading lol. Miss you! Love you!/p <33

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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