21 - The best friend

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TW - swearing, blood, mentions of death


The paramedics rushed Quackity away, Karl and Sapnap followed them, refusing to let go of Quackity's hands.

Almost immediately, teachers called the janitors forward to clean up the blood that now stained the floor of the corridor. A policeman picked up Brandon's knife and placed it in an evidence bag before he and his colleague began to question people. Techno, Pip, Pitch, Dream, George and I were all gathered to one side along with the footballers seeing as we'd all been involved in the fight.

Most of us were sporting bruises and one of the footballer's noses looked broken. The police pulled the group of us into an empty classroom and questioned us all individually. I was the last one that they spoke to.
"So, Mr Soot, what is your relationship with Alex?" A tall blonde woman asked, staring me down with cold eyes.

"He's my best friend, we've been best friends since grade one," I replied, the woman nodded,
"So you and him are close, were you aware of his sexuality and relationship?" Her partner cut in,
"Yes, I've known for ages. But thats besides the point-" The woman cut me off,
"And do you get along well with his boyfriends?"

I nodded, annoyed that they were wasting my time, if they wanted my account on what happened they should just ask immediately instead of asking pointless questions. She and her partner continued asking random, stupid questions and with each one I became visibly more frustrated. Then she asked a question and gave a statement that broke me.

"Have you ever had any reason to give Brad and Brandon Quackity's private information?"

My eyes widened and I shook my head. I couldn't believe that she was suggesting that I'd outed Sapnap, Karl and Quackity to Brad and Brandon. It was absolutely fucking absurd.

"And finally, you, along with others involved in the fight, will be suspended from school the week that Brad and Brandon's suspensions end, mainly for the reason that we don't want you at school at the same time because you will most likely still be angry over Alex's death,"

I felt my heart drop. So it was true? Confirmed? Quackity was dead. I let out a choked sob and stood up, gathering my belongings. The woman's partner smacked her in the arm,
"Jessica! The poor lad just watched this happen, don't talk about it so casually! We don't even know for sure" He then turned to me, sympathy in his eyes, "You can go, sorry for your loss, if you have lost him I mean," He smiled sadly and I stormed out of the room, trying not to cry.

Techno was waiting for me outside, he said that they'd closed the school for the rest of the day and the buses were coming early. I didn't say anything, I just followed Techno outside. Techno made his way over to his car and I was about to follow when I was blocked by Schlatt. He grinned and patted me on the back.
"Saw you in the fight man! Awesome!" I glared at him and tried to keep walking.

"So, is Quacktity dead?" He asked loudly, making me wince. I didn't respond, I pulled out my earphones and plugged them in, wishing that Schlatt would leave me alone. "Wilbur? Fuckin answer me!" He yelled as I began walking away, deciding I was walking home instead.
"Fuck off Schlatt," I mumbled, flipping him off as I left the school grounds.

I texted Techno to let him know that I was walking before putting my phone in my pocket and turning my music up. I buried my hands in my pockets as tears began to flow freely down my cheeks. My mind was plagued with thoughts of Quackity, the only person in the world who I trusted with everything. He was actually the first person I ever showed my music to.

🎹Flashback - Five Years Earlier🎹

Quackity and I raced out of school the second that the bell went, both of us super excited because we were allowed over to Quackity's house this afternoon. We always went to Quackity's house, he'd never met my family, mainly because they were super embarrassing and also because it was crowded at the minute with three children running around. Also Techno was there and I didn't want anyone to know that Techno was my brother because he punched people and I didn't want to be associated with that.

We slowed down after we cleared the school gates and we began the walk home, talking excitedly about anything and everything. Soon enough we arrived at Quackity's house and he led me up to his room after saying a quick hello to his parents. We immediately started playing video game, its what we always did.

It wasn't long however before we got bored and we collapsed on Quackity's bed, chatting shit about the popular people at school.

I suddenly noticed the keyboard sitting in the corner of the room and I felt the sudden urge to tell Quackity about my new love for writing music, maybe even show him the song I'd been working on. I deliberated for a while and Quackity seemed to sense my shift in mood.

"What's up?" He asked, rolling onto his side to look at me. I rolled over to face him, chewing my lip nervously.
"Q, if I show you something, promise not laugh?" I sat up, my eyes darting over to the keyboard. Quackity nodded eagerly,
"Of course! Unless it's like a sex toy, then I will laugh," He grinned and I laughed, slightly grossed out,
"Ew Quackity, We're twelve you absolute wanker," I chuckled, standing up and walking over to the keyboard.

I sat down on the chair and took a deep breath, placing my fingers over the keys and beginning to play. I played the chords that I'd worked on for weeks and after a moment I began to sing.

"Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be,
When I was a kid on VIOP
I thought when I get older
I'd marry her, I told her
Now I'm twenty-six and I work in an office
Nine 'til five's not the best, I'll be honest
If I could change a single thing
I'd make it me and not him,"

I paused for a moment, looking up to see Quackity's grinning face before continuing,

"But he's in your bed, I'm in your Twitch chat
I've got the key and he's just a doormat
And even though he's got social skills
That doesn't mean I can't pay the bills
Anyway, make the most of him
'Cause she moves on pretty bloody quick, oh-oh
Your new boyfriend's an arsehole!"

I stopped playing and Quackity cheered loudly, clapping his hands.
"LETS GOOOOOO! POP OFF! POP OFF! HE'S POPPING OFF YOUR HONOUR!" Quackity pulled me into hug, yelling excitedly.

🎹End Flashback🎹

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone suddenly ringing, I fished it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID, 'Karl Jacobs' I picked up,
"Karl?" I heard sniffling from the other end and it was clear that he was crying,
"Will, we j-just found out about Quackity... I think you should come to the hospital," Karl said, his voice thick with tears,
"Is he okay?!" I started running in the direction of the hospital, it was only ten minutes away,


Word count - 1239

A/N -

Sorry I missed yesterday's upload :)
There will be another chapter out at my usual time, I just wanted to leave you guys on this cliffhanger for a few hours :)

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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