10 - Three becomes two?

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TW - swearing, mentions of manipulative and toxic relationship.


I was mad at Sapnap. I know I probably shouldn't have been, it wasn't his fault that the footballers were all homophobic, but he could've made up some excuse and we could've gone somewhere else or he could've said that we had to do the the project. It was supposed to be our first date. It was going to be my first date. Ever. And Sapnap had just walked out on it.

I'd tried not to let it bother me at first but the longer we sat playing video games, and the longer Sapnap sat with Brad and his friends, the more upset I became.

The whole experience was just more proof that love didn't exist. I couldn't believe that I'd been stupid enough to have hope in love.


We stood in Phil's tiny backyard, Quackity had his arm around me and we were both looking at Sapnap who stood awkwardly infront of us.

"Sap, you just spent what was supposed to be our first date with a bunch of homophobic football players. After one of them punched Quackity. Care to explain yourself?," I asked, anger laced in my voice. Sapnap scratched the back of his neck guiltily.

"Look, guys, I'm not ready to come out and-" He started to hurriedly explain but I cut him off, close to tears.

"You didn't have to come out! You just had to tell him that you couldn't eat with him! We could've gone to a different restaurant!" My voice got louder and louder as I felt my anger rise. I hadn't felt this angry since him. Since he manipulated me and broke my heart. He was the reason that I didn't believe in love.

"I'm sorry, I was scared," Sapnap pleaded, stepping forward and reaching out to us. Quackity gave him an understanding nod, signifying that he was forgiven. I just shook my head, removed Quackity's arm from around me and ran back inside. I ran through the diner and out onto the street, my vision blurring with tears.

I ran home, trying to block out his face in my thoughts. I knew that deep down I wasn't angry at Sapnap, I was angry at myself and him.

I made it into my house and my mom was sitting on the couch, watching TV,
"Hey honey, how was school?" She asked, smiling warmly. I wiped the tears out of my eyes, trying not to let her see.
"Good," I mumbled, realising I'd left my bag at Quackity's house. I shook my head, I'd get it later.

My mom stood up and walked over to me, a concerned look on her face.
"Karl, whats wrong?" She gently guided me over to the couch and sat me down. She put an arm around me and waited patiently for me to talk.
"I had a date, my first real date ever, and got ditched. And I'm so stupid mom! I thought for a second that love was real and that I'd found it, but it's just like with him, I just never learn. But now I know. Mom, I hate love, it's not real and I don't want it," I was sobbing at this point, tears streaming down my face.

I couldn't sit there any longer, I got to my feet and hurried upstairs to my bedroom. I locked the door and collapsed onto my bed, curling up into a ball, crying uncontrollably.

I stayed like that for ages, I had no way of telling exactly how long because I'd thrown my phone onto the floor after Sapnap and Quackity started texting me.

It was only when I heard voiced outside that my crying subsided. I heard a knock on the door and voices downstairs.

"Hi Karl's mom, I'm Sapnap and this is Quackity, we're here to see Karl," Sapnap's muffled voice drifted up the stairs and into my room. I felt another wave of tears creeping up on me as I heard Quackity greet my mom aswell.
"Look boys, Karl is busy right now, I think it would be best if you came back a different time," My mom's voice said, I smiled softly, glad she was covering for me.

"I need to see him, I messed up bad and I need to apologise," Sapnap reasoned. A silence fell and I held my breath, waiting for someone to speak.
"Listen, I'm going to be honest with you, lets go and sit down," I listened as she guided them into the living room. There was quiet for a moment then my mom spoke again,

"My son had a very traumatic experience at his old school, it's why we moved. Karl met this British kid who had just moved here and they became best friends. Then this friend told my son that they were in love. He manipulated Karl, he messed with his head. Karl used to come home and cry to me every night because he was scared that his friend was going to hurt someone or hurt himself if Karl wasn't in love with him.

And then that friend moved back to England and Karl was free. But I will never forget what he said to me the day that kid moved away, he looked up at me, at fourteen years old and he said to me, 'Mom, I hate love, it's not real and I don't want it'

But then, after his first day at this new school, he came home, a big smile on his face. Then he came out to me as bisexual. And you know why he came out to me? Because for the first time ever, he'd felt what it was actually like to have a crush on someone. And then he told me about these two guys and as he spoke I watched as he slowly began to believe in love again.

I'm telling you boys this for one reason. Because tonight Karl came home in tears, and he said the same thing he said all those years ago. And he told me that his date ditched him and I'm guessing that you are the date Sapnap. So I'm telling you this right now.

You can talk to Karl, you can try and make things right. But if he EVER comes home crying again because of you, I will hunt you down and beat the absolute shit out of you,"

I dissolved into a puddle of tears as my mom explained what had happened to make me stop believing in love. I wasn't mad at her for telling them though, I was glad they knew, I wouldn't have been able to tell them myself, it would've hurt too much.

"I fucking told you Sapnap! Karl doesn't believe in love for a reason. You absolute idiot, we've probably just lost our chance with the prettiest boy on the planet," Quackity yelled suddenly, pulling me out of my tears and thoughts.
"I know! But we can still try and get him back right?" Sapnap responded, making me smile softly. He cared.

"Excuse me? We?"

Shit. My mom didn't know about the whole polyamory thing.

I leaped out of my bed, quickly wiping the tears from my eyes and sprinted down the stairs. I made it the the living room, just in time to hear Sapnap say,
"Don't be mad at Karl please. We're polyamorous, so like, all three of us are in a relationship together,"

My mom nodded and smiled,
"I see, I'm not mad, don't worry. It's just one extra person I have to beat up if Karl's heart gets broken," She said, making me step forward, embarrassed.
"Mom, don't beat them up please," I mumbled, making everyone jump and look towards me.

Sapnap immediately jumped to his feet and ran over to me, looking worried.
"Karl, I'm so so sorry, I was an absolute idiot. I wasn't thinking. I promise to you, I will never ever let it happened every again. You and Quackity are so important to me and I couldn't forgive myself if I lost you because of my stupidity," He said, guilt filling his voice.

After a moment I silently held out my arms for a hug and Sapnap smiled warmly, pulling me into his arms. I looked over his shoulder and beckoned for Quackity to join us, he did so, Sapnap pulling him in as well. We sunk slowly onto the floor, holding onto each other tightly. A warm fuzzy feeling began to fill me.

I still didn't believe in love.

Not yet.

But I definitely felt something for these two idiots.

They really cared about me, that made me trust them.

I was safe with them.

Word count - 1447

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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