13 - Three roommates

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TW - BRANDON, swearing, unaccepting parents, fluff


I had to be dreaming.

It had to be a dream, there was no way in honking hell that Brandon was back. Not now, just when I was finally happy.

I was going to wake up in between Sapnap and Quackity and we would be okay.


I kept my eyes squeezed shut, sinking onto the floor of Quackity's bedroom, tears rolling down my cheeks as my mind spun. I was still in shock from seeing Brandon again, after all this time.

I barely registered as Sapnap and Quackity opposed him angrily, sending punches into his face and stomach.

I curled into a ball on the ground, eyes closed, willing this to be a dream even when I knew it was real.

After a moment I felt Quackity and Sapnap wrap their arms around me, whispering softly in my ear.
"Hey, hey, you're okay love, we've got you, you're safe, we won't let him hurt you," Sapnap murmured, stroking my hair gently.

I was about to respond when there were sudden footsteps and Quackity's parents burst into the room, followed by Brandon. Sapnap and Quackity immediately stood up and moved in front of me, clenching their fists.

"Alex! What is the meaning of this? Why have you just attacked the new member of our family?!" Quackity's dad yelled, gesturing to Brandon who had a bruise forming on his jaw. Quacking glared at his parents, he looked just about ready to murder Brandon.

"He is not part of the family. This asshole tried to rape Karl a few years ago," He growled, Sapnap nodding in agreement. Both parents looked shocked and they turned to Brandon, disgusted.
"Is this true Brandon?" Quackity's mom asked, crossing her arms, her face creasing into a frown. Brandon rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"That's a bit extreme, Karl was just being a baby," Brandon gave me an evil grin, stepping forward and I whimpered in fright. Quackity stepped forward, cracking his knuckles,
"Don't fucking touch him," He snarled, ready to attack once again but his dad stopped him.

"Look Brandon, what you did was wrong but we're going to help you get better, okay?" Quackity's dad gave Brandon a sympathetic smile that made me feel sick. Brandon nodded, sweeping his greasy hair out of his face and giving everyone a twisted smile before saying something about needing to sleep and heading out to his room.

Once he was gone, Quackity looked back at Sapnap and I before turning to his parents,
"Hey, mom, dad? I have two questions for you, just cause I'm curious," He said, all of a sudden looking nervous. Sapnap helped me to my feet and we stared at Quackity as he said, "Okay well the first question is, what's your opinion on gay relationships?

Both adults shared a slightly concerned look,
"Well, I think that kids your age are far to young to decide to be gay but I have no problem with it," His mom responded, reaching out and placing her hand on Quackity's shoulder. Quackity looked on the verge of tears as he spoke again.
"Okay, second question. What's your guy's opinion on polyamory?" He questioned in a very shaky voice.

His parents didn't know what polyamory was so Sapnap and I watched painfully as Quackity explained. As he talked his parents face became more and more worried. Eventually he finished talking and his dad spoke first.
"I couldn't imagine sharing your mother with anyone else. It wouldn't work, it's just people being greedy. There would always be a favourite. It's just wrong,"

Silence fell over the room. Quacking took a deep breath, his eyes full of tears.
"Mom, dad, I'm pansexual," He said, letting out a shaky breath.
"Alex, I think you're a little too young to decide that and label yourself, what if you change your mind?" His mom asked, sharing a worried look with her husband.

"No mom, I'm not too young! And I don't decide, its just who I am! Like when the fuck did you decide that you like men?," Quackity cried, tears rolling down his face. Everyone went silent again. His dad looked around desperately for a change of topic. His eyes eventually landed on Sapnap and I.

"You haven't introduced us to your friends yet," He said hurriedly. Quacking turned to us, wiping away his tears. Sapnap grinned and winked, stepping forward and holding out his hand to Quackity's parents.
"Hi, I'm Sapnap, your son's boyfriend," His parents both looked shocked, their shock intensified however as I followed Sapnap, holding out my own hand and said,
"And I'm Karl, your son's other boyfriend,"

All three of us linked hands, smiling at each other. Then Quackity looked up at his parents, his face full of rage.
"Keep Brandon the bitch as your new perfect son. I'll be leaving now. Come find me when you're actually accepting," He then began throwing clothes into a large bag, tears streaming down his face. Sapnap and I hurried to help him.

We were packed and out of the house within five minutes. Quackity's parents obviously thought he'd be back later that night but I could tell that he was dead set on leaving.

"You can live with me," I told Quackity as the three of us walked aimlessly down the street. I turned to Sapnap, suddenly smiling, "And you can live with me to! I'm sure my mom won't mind!"

The three of us grinned at each other, a sudden excitement filling us.
"I'll call my mom and ask now!" I exclaimed, pulling out my phone. I clicked on my mom's contact and it quickly began to ring. She picked up within seconds and after hearing my explanation of the whole situation, agreed that Sapnap and Quackity could live with us.

The three of us cheered upon hearing this news and Sapnap called Dream to let him know the new plan.


The three of us now lay on my bed, cuddling in each other's arms, on the verge of sleep. We'd collected Sapnap's stuff and brought everything home. Sapnap and Quackity each had their own room that my mom had prepared but secretly we knew we wouldn't need them.

"Hey guys?" Quackity whispered sleepily. I hummed in response and Sapnap mumbled something unintelligible. "You guys are really hot, I'm glad you're my boyfriends," Quackity murmured making us both laugh.
"You too," I giggled, burying my head deeper into Sapnap's chest. Quackity placed a gentle kiss on my cheek from behind me, making me blush.

I think it would be okay.

Because I had Sapnap and Quackity .

And Brandon would have to go to some extreme lengths to get in the way of us.

Word count - 1120

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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