9 - Three Children

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TW - BRAD, swearing, homophobia


"Brad the Chad,"

I hated Brad. With a burning passion. Most people hated Brad actually. He was the fugliest, rudest fucking dickhead to ever walk the face of the earth. And no, I'm not over exaggerating or being mean and shit. He's that bad.

Sapnap was frozen with fear as Brad and the other footballers made their way towards us. I surveyed the situation, trying to figure out how to save Sapnap and get out of there so we could go on our date.

"Sapnap! Dude! What are you doing here with these losers?" Brad asked, approaching Sapnap to do one of those weird football guy handshakes. Sapnap did the handshake, still rigid with fear.

"We're doing our project for history and needed a break," I intervened, Sapnap gave me a grateful smile as I stepped forward, making eye contact with Brad. The stupid fucker nodded and took all three of us in properly. His eyes came to rest on Karl and he let out a laugh before looking at Sapnap.

"Dude, sorry you got put in a group with this homo," Brad said loudly, laughing obnoxiously and encouraging everyone else to join in. Sapnap stayed quiet. I protectively slipped my hand into Karl's, I would've done the same with Sapnap but I didn't want to make things worse so I didn't.

"Don't fucking talk about him like that," I growled, giving Brad a death glare. Brad scoffed and stepped towards me.
"Defending your little boyfriend? How disgustingly gay of you," He laughed in his stupid voice. I wanted to punch him but I refrained, instead smirking and saying,
"Yes, now get the fuck away from him before I beat the absolute shit out of you asshole,"

A flash of fear flashed in Brad's eyes before he composed his confident stance again, grinning evilly at me.
"We'll see about that,"

Brad then did something very unexpected.

He punched me in the face.

He deadass swung his fist into my face, making me stumbled backwards. Karl leapt forward to catch me before I collapsed.

"What the fuck?!" I spat, clutching my eye which was in a lot of pain. Brad and his goons laughed loudly and shoved roughly past us to the counter.

"You should join us Sapnap, get away from these homos before they infect you," Brad smirked, patting Sapnap's back. Sapnap looked between us and I could tell he wanted it go with them so they didn't find out about his sexuality and so he didn't get bullied.

Most of my mind completely understood his situation. The other tiny bit however was mad that he was like ashamed of us or something.

And it was the tiny, angry bit of my mind that drove my thoughts as I made eye contact with Sapnap.

"It's fine. Go with your friends," I spat, once again slipping my hand into Karl's, removing it from my face and revealing the bruise that was already forming under my eye. Sapnap gave us a guilty look, still looking conflicted.

"C'mon dude, surely you haven't already been infected by these gay freaks," Brad laughed at his own, stupid comment. Sapnap shook his head vigorously.
"No dude, yeah I'll come with you guys," Sapnap smiled at the football team who all cheered and began to leave Sapnap away.

They walked up to the second floor and settled in a green leather booth. Once they were gone, Karl and I turned to Phil who looked angry.
"I'm going to spit in their fuckin' food," He assured us, hurrying to inspect my eye. Karl softly thanked him, I said nothing, still fuming over the interaction with Brad.

"You two go and visit the kids, I'll deal with those idiots," Phil pushed us towards the door behind the counter. Karl pulled me along, smiling softly. We walked through a short corridor and towards a door at the end that had loud voices erupting from inside of it.

We entered a small room that had a large tv and a bunch of couches. Three kids that looked around eight were sitting on beanbags and playing a video game. My eyes immediately flickered to the two other people in the room. Wilbur and Technoblade.

"Will?" I asked, alerting everyone to our presence. Wilbur looked up at me and smiled,
"Quackity!" He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug as the pink haired guy behind him looked confused. Wilbur and I pulled apart and I gestured to Karl.

"Will, this is Karl, my boyfriend. Karl, this is Wilbur, my best friend," I smiled as I introduced the pair, Karl grinned and shook Wilbur's hand. Then the three boys on the floor got up, all shouting Karl's name. They ran forward and hugged Karl, almost causing him to fall over.

I took in all three of the kids, the tallest had half black, half white hair and possibly the coolest eyes I'd ever seen, one was green and the other an unusual red colour. The shortest had bright blue eyes and brown hair and the third kid had blonde hair and blue eyes and he definitely looked the most annoying.

They were introduced as Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy. I found out that the three of them and Techno were actually Wilbur's brothers, I was slightly shocked to find this out, but then again with the amount of yelling Tommy did, I wasn't surprised Wilbur didn't talk about them much. I greeted the children as nicely as I could, considering they were all shouting excitedly. Karl quickly managed to distract them however and I turned to Wilbur and Techno who were staring at my bruise.
"Hi Techno," I said, waving at him. He smiled,
"Helloo," Techno said in his deep voice.

"Q, how did you get that bruise," Wilbur asked, leading us all over to a couch in the back corner of the room. I debated wether or not I should tell them the truth, eventually I decided I would. Wilbur was my best friend and Techno didn't seem like the type of person to spill my secrets.

"I got it defending my idiot boyfriend," I muttered, my anger at Sapnap  resurfacing,
"Don't call Karl an idiot!" Wilbur scolded, glancing at the brunette who was competing with Tommy in mario kart whilst Tubbo and Ranboo cheered him on.

I shook my head slightly, bracing myself for them to judge me,
"Not Karl, our other boyfriend. We're poly. I won't say his name though because I don't want to out him," I explained, watching carefully for their reaction.
"Triple gay, poooog," Techno grinned at me, showing, in his own strange way, that he was supportive. I laughed slightly, still anxious about Wilbur's reaction.

"Quackity..." Wilbur started, looking at ground and sighing deeply.

After a moment he spoke and when he did he said something that shocked me.

"Quackity, how the fuck did you manage to get two guys to date you before I manage to ask out a single girl? How the fuck is that fair? You're not that hot!" He cried dramatically, making Techno and I burst out laughing.

I was really glad that Wilbur was so accepting and after talking to Techno for a bit longer I was positive that we were going to be great friends. Techno was hated by pretty much everyone at school because he was good at all of the subjects and at the same time he was threatening as fuck. It turns out he just had a bad experience with the principal so he acted out a lot. He was actually a really cool guy.

Wilbur, Techno, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Karl and I spent the next hour and a half having a tournament on a racing game.

Karl and Wilbur were in the middle of a race and everyone else was cheering loudly, picking sides, when a voice from the doorway interrupted.

"Karl, Quackity, can I talk to you?"

Karl and I both turned to see a guilty Sapnap standing in the doorway.

Karl stood up silently, looking upset and I followed him out of the door. The three of us walked out of the back door and into a small garden area.

Karl was the first to speak. And he looked almost as angry as I felt.

"Sap, you just spent what was supposed to be our first date with a bunch of homophobic football players...

after one of them punched Quackity...

care to explain yourself?,"

Word count - 1153

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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