2 - Sapnap

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TW - swearing, homophobia


I had been avoiding going downstairs all morning. I always avoided talking to my parents as much as possible.

It wasn't like they were evil or anything, they were just kinda insensitive and homophobic.

I sat on my bed, scrolling through twitter when my Dad's voice rang through the house.
"Sapnap! School!" I sighed and stood up, pushing my phone into my pocket as I trudged out of my small room and down the stairs. I braced myself before walking into the kitchen to get food.

My Dad was sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. Dad laid down his newspaper, scanning my outfit for today. A plain white t-shirt, my letterman jacket and cuffed jeans. I willed him not to know what the cuffed jeans meant as his eyes drifted down to my checkered vans.

After a moment he nodded approvingly.

"Such a handsome young man. I'm sure the ladies are all over you at school?" He asked, smiling proudly. I nodded bitterly, grabbing my bag from next tot he kitchen counter. "So, when you asking one of them out?" I grimaced at his question, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I don't know," I mumbled. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out some food.
"Well you need to hurry up, people are going to start thinking you're one of those disgusting gay boys that paint their nails and wear makeup and skirts," Dad growled.
"I'm not gay," I told him confidently.

Okay so hear me out.

I was only partly lying.

I'm not gay...

I'm just very very bisexual.

Dad nodded, pleased with my answer.
"Good, well hurry up and get a girl, and have a good day," He then looked back down at his newspaper. I muttered a hurried goodbye before practically sprinting out of the door.


No one knew that I was bisexual, not even my best friend, Dream. I wanted to tell him but I had no way to tell if he was homophobic or not. I'd watched him date half the girls at school and never one boy so I just assumed he was straight but I didn't know for sure. I'd also never heard him talk about gay people, every time the other guys on the football team started being all homophobic and mean, Dream and I would just sit silently in the background so I didn't have a clue on his opinion.

Only my cat, Ember, knew that I was bi which is kinda sad. The only being that I was out to was a small, clumsy, fluffy orange cat. Kinda pathetic, I know.

In all honesty, I'd never seen a reason to come out. Like, sure, I knew that I was bi but that didn't automatically mean that I had to tell people. I only really had to tell people when I had a serious crush or something. And in the five years that I'd known my sexuality I'd never liked anyone enough to actually admit it and come out.


I walked through the school gates and was immediately bombarded by a group of girls, all trying to flirt with me. I smiled weakly and tried to brush them off as I spotted Dream a few meters away, talking to a short brunette. I managed to push through the girls and call out Dream's name. He turned and waved before saying something to the brunette and walking towards me.

"Who was that?" I asked as he reached me, he looked back at the brunette who was walking in the opposite direction.
"Um, some nerd, I needed help with math," Dream stuttered. The way he said it made me almost not believe him but I didn't see a point in pushing it any further because he clearly looked uncomfortable.

"Mkay," I smiled, adjusting my bag on my shoulder slightly. Dream looked slightly relieved as he began to tell me about the new kid he had to show around today, someone named Karl Jacobs. We walked as we talked, instinctively making our way over to the big tree where we usually sat.

We'd only been sat there for a few minutes when a group of overexcited cheerleaders came running up to us and started asking questions about the party that one of the other guys on the football team was throwing. I let Dream talk to them, not interested in whatever they had to say. It wasn't long before they all started asking for our numbers. Usually Dream would jump at the chance so it came as a shock when he joined me in denying them.

All of them walked away, disappointed. I was about to start up a conversation about his sudden lack of interest in dating every girl at school when another person approached us.
"Excuse me Sapnap, I would just fucking adore it if I could have your number so we could go to that party and fuck in a random bedroom," A high pitched voice said as someone in blue converse and black adidas tracksuit pants came to a stop infront of us.

I looked up in shock. I found myself staring into the dark eyes of Quackity, one of the most popular guys at school, the class clown. I'd never had a real conversation with him or been near him properly before and it shocked me to realise how hot he was. He had jet black hair that was barely visible underneath his signature'LAFD' beanie and he was wearing a dark blue adidas jacket that was zipped all the way up.

"Well, I'm waiting, are we gonna fuck or not?" Quackity asked impatiently, talking in his normal voice this time instead of his strange imitation of Mickey Mouse. Beside me, Dream let out a joyous wheeze as my mouth fell open in shock.

"Nope," I muttered, standing up quickly and pulling Dream with me. "Maybe next time dude," I laughed, leading Dream away from Quackity who was holding back laughter. We both waved jokingly as Dream and I began to walk towards the office to find the new kid.

Still reeling from the strange interaction with Quackity, I didn't pay attention as Dream and I entered the office, talking loudly about our next football game. The thing that snapped my attention back to reality was a brunette boy sitting in the office's small waiting area, staring at us. I briefly made eye contact before he ducked his head, clearly embarrassed.

I drifted away from Dream and towards the boy, captivated by how pretty he was. He had beautiful golden-brown eyes, an incredible fashion sense and fluffy brown hair that I desperately wanted to play with. I also noticed as I sat down that his nails were painted black and blue. Pretty hot in my opinion.

"Hey, you're kinda pretty," I said. I didn't know why I did, it just slipped out. The boy, who I assumed was Karl looked up at me in shock, making me laugh. I casually leaned back in my chair, placing my hands behind my head and my shirt lifted, revealing half of my stomach. Karl's eyes widened and I suppressed another laugh.

"Like what you see pretty boy?" I asked flirtatiously. I didn't know why I was acting like this, I'd never talked to a guy like this before and even when I'd flirted with girls, I'd never felt a rush of excitement at their reaction. But at this moment, looking at the cute brunette in front of me, all I could feel was intense butterflies.

He looked like he didn't know how to respond which I found incredibly funny. I watched as he tried to come up with a response. The whole time that I was looking at him, all I could notice was how incredibly cute he was.

I was about to make another comment, desperate to see his smile.

But of course Dream had to interrupt.

"Sap! Go the fuck away idiot," He laughed, indicating towards the door. I rolled my eyes and stood up, slightly annoyed. I walked over to Dream and gave him a quick hug.
"We'll discuss this later," Dream mumbled as I pulled away. I realised that he was looking between me and Karl and I felt immediate fear run through me.

I muttered a quick goodbye before exiting the room, terrified for my talk with Dream.

Word count - 1423

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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