31 - Three movies

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TW - swearing, fluff


It was 1.am.

Karl and I couldn't sleep.

We were cuddled up in bed, I silently played with Karl's hair as he hummed quietly. We were both overflowing with nerves as the time to save Quackity drew closer.

We suddenly heard the door open and Pip appeared in the doorway,
"Do you guys want to come and watch a movie with us?" End asked, gesturing out into the shared living room where voices could be heard. Karl and I nodded, desperate to distract ourselves.

"Bring your mattress!" Dream's voice called, making us confused. Pip grinned and left the room. Karl and I stood up and shared a slightly amused look before we followed, pulling our large mattress with us. We dragged it into the living room to see two other mattresses already laid out in front of the couch which had been pushed back. We pulled our mattress over and laughed as George and Pitch began throwing pillows and blankets onto it.

Fury and Tea suddenly burst through the door, holding a bucket of snacks and drinks.

"What is this?" I asked, staring around at Fury, Tea, Pip, Pitch, Dream and George.
"Gay movie night," Fury shrugged, dumping the snacks on top of the blankets, sitting down and reaching out for Tea, making grabby hands. Tea laughed and collapsed on the mattress next to Fury, cuddling up to fire and pulling a blanket over both of them.

"Where's everyone else?" Karl questioned, leading me over to the spot in front of Dream and George who were cuddled on the couch having a whispered argument,
"George, you're the bottom in sex, not in cuddles, that's why you go on my lap in cuddles and not the other way round. But in sex, you go-"
"Dream! Shut up idiot!" George's face flushed red as Dream let out a wheeze. I shook my head laughing and turned to Pitch who began explaining where the others where.

"Wilbur, Karl's mom and Techno are sleeping. And Jam and Kyle are watching YouTube tutorials on how to stab someone with different school supplies, they're also planning some chaos for tomorrow," Pitch rolled their eyes when he explained Jam and Kyle. Karl and I laughed softly.

Pip and Pitch sat down next to us, Pip leaning ends head on Pitch's shoulder, cuddling up to ends husband. I pulled Karl into my lap, holding him close and gently playing with his hair. He smiled and grabbed a bag of candy as Pip pressed play on 'The Half of It'

We ended up watching three films. I cried in all three of them.

First was 'The Half of It'
We spent most of it making a considerable dent in the snack pile. Every so often someone would comment on something that was happening and we'd all collapse into a fit of giggles, all of us slightly out of it, seeing that it was 1.am.

Second was 'Call Me By Your Name'
Tears. We had all reached the stage of being awake for so long that you were just extremely emotional. We all cried at things that weren't even sad. Jam even had to come out of their room and tell us to pull ourselves together before we woke up Techno, Wilbur and Karl's mom with our unnecessary crying.

And third was 'The Prom'
Tea knew all the words. And not just to a few of the songs. Tea knew every single words to every single song. She sat, singing them quietly under her breath and every so often Fury would join in, making Tea's face light up. Pip and Pitch would speak up at random times to make a comment on the story line. Karl and I were both very invested in the plot and every so often we would comment on what was happening. Dream and George were both on the verge of sleep.

Fury definitely wasn't lying when fire said that this was a gay movie night.

"Sap?" Karl whispered as the ending credits of 'The Prom' began to play, I hummed in response, "Sap, it's day time. Today we get him back,"

My breath hitched in my throat. I'd been so distracted by the movies that I'd almost forgotten why we were here. Almost. I felt nerves wash through me.
"What time is it?" I breathed. Karl pulled out his phone and checked the time.
"Around seven," He mumbled. I let out a sigh and a yawn.

"You guys should sleep for a few hours, we're leaving here at one this afternoon. I'll wake you up at 11 for food," Pip said, making us stand up so end could help us take our mattress back to our room. Karl tried to protest, saying that he wasn't tired, but he let out a yawn halfway through his sentence and Pip rolled ends eyes.

"Go to sleep. Now," End closed our bedroom door, leaving us alone. Karl's eyes were half closed as he stumbled over to the bed. I followed him, turning of the lights. We were suddenly doused in darkness again and this time when I climbed into bed next to Karl, it was much easier to fall asleep.

I closed my eyes, letting sleep wash over me as my mind filled with happy thoughts of getting Quackity back. I pictured what it would be like, bursting through a door into a room and seeing him standing there. He'd look up and see us and our eyes would connect. He'd know that we would never give up on him. He'd run towards us and we'd hold him in our arms and we'd all hug and kiss and we'd be okay. Then we would take him home and everything would work out.

Soon. Soon Quackity would also be cuddled up in bed with us. Soon we'd have our third puzzle piece back. Soon.

Everything was going to be okay, I just had a feeling that it would all work out.


"Sapnap, Karl, get up, we're leaving in half an hour. You wouldn't wake up at 11 so now you have to rush," Pip's voice said, jolting me from my dreamless sleep.

I opened my eyes and looked around, my vision blurred.

Then it came to me. I realised what Pip had said.

Half an hour.

Then we were going to save Quackity.

Holy shit.

This was happening.

In just a few hours, Quackity would be safe.

Word count - 1072

A/N -

Pip, your husband threatened to fight me because of yesterday's angst chapter. I would definitely lose. Have this fluff. Miss you! Love you!/p <33

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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