25 - Day Two

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TW - swearing, fluff


"FUCK! WHY IS IT SO STICKY?!" Sapnap screeched, struggling with the cotton candy in his hand. Quacking was laughing so hard that he collapsed in a bench, struggling to breathe from laughter. I sat down next to Quackity, giggling uncontrollably. We both watched as Sapnap attempted clean his sticky hands, only succeeding in dropping the cotton candy on the floor.

Quackity clung onto my shoulder, laughing hysterically. Sapnap pouted helplessly, staring at what remained of the pink fluffy candy.
"Oh shut up Q," Sapnap huffed, sitting on the other side of Quackity, looking slightly annoyed. I managed to calm down and stop laughing, Quackity on the other hand dissolved into even more laughter, unable to stop.

"You've got cotton candy in your hair nimrod," I chuckled, picking a piece of the pink sugar out of Sapnap's dark locks. He smiled warmly at me. It would've been a cute, romantic moment if Quackity hadn't been cackling in the background, clutching his stomach. Sapnap rolled his eyes,

"We need to take him somewhere else," He murmured, standing up and holding out his hand for Quackity. Quackity managed to slow his breathing and he took Sapnap's hand. I gently laced my fingers with Quackity's other hand and the three of us began to walk through the many different stalls on the fairground.

Every few years, the carnival would come to our town and luckily, it had just arrived in time for us to enjoy it. There were rides, games, stalls and even a circus, which we opted to avoid, none of us wanting to sit in a stuffy tent for an hour or two. Instead, we strolled the stalls, marvelling at different products and things for sale.

We chatted happily as we made our way over to the games stalls, planning on winning stuff.
"Okay, competition for you, we have to win two prizes from a stall each and then give them to each other," Sapnap grinned, a competitive glint appearing in his eye.
"Okay, three two one... GO!" Quackity sprinted away in search of a game he could win. Sapnap and I shared a playfull eye roll before we both ran off in different directions.

I made my way over to a stall where you threw small beanbags in an attempt to knock over a stack of bottles. I paid the carny and he handed me a stack of beanbags. I began throwing them at the bottles, I actually did surprisingly well, knocking almost all of them over. The carny smiled crookedly at me once I'd used up all the beanbags and gestured towards the prize rack, allowing me to pick one. A large plushie panda wearing a t-shirt with a flame picture on it caught my eye immediately, reminding me of Sapnap.

I pointed to it and the carny took it off the rack, handing it to me. I thanked him and moved away from the stall, looking for another game. Then I saw a fluffy yellow duck in a beanie and I made my way over to it's stall, not even caring what the game was, all I knew was that I needed to win that duck for Quackity. Turns out it was a shooter game, and I, being a pro gamer, was very good at this type of thing.

After more failed attempts than I'd like to admit and a lot of money that probably could've been spent on better things, I was clutching the panda in one hand and the duck tucked under my arm as I texted Quackity and Sapnap, trying to find them in the sea of people.

It wasn't long before I spotted the pair and called out to them, they grinned, waving at me. We regrouped, all of us excited to show off the gifts. I gave the panda and duck to them and they both got extremely excited. Quackity then handed Sapnap a flame plushie that had a smiley face stitched onto it and me a little fluffy frog which I immediately adored. Then Sapnap passed me a fat little purple cat that had a teal swirl on it's stomach. I grinned lovingly at it as Quackity started yelling at Sapnap about the leaf shaped plushie which I quickly realised was weed.(I shit you not, these are real)

After our exchange of prizes, Quackity suggested that we go on the Ferris wheel. Sapnap and I agreed, saying we needed to stop at the car first though, to put all of our stuff in so we didn't have to carry it around. After we'd done that, we made our way over to the Ferris wheel. The sun was going down and the sky was beginning to darken, the carnival suddenly lit up with bright lights, making everything look so much cooler.

We reached the giant wheel and we payed the man who stood at the front. He gave us a slightly judgemental look when he noticed our hands that were intertwined but we ignored him, climbing into the seat. Quackity sat in the middle, Sapnap and I on either side.

After a moment, the wheel started to move and we began our journey upwards. I squeezed their hands tightly as we climbed higher, slightly anxious.

Then we stopped at the very top and I began to panic.
"What are we stopping?! Is something wrong?!" I cried, looking down at the ground which was many feet in the air. Quackity immediately shushed me as a loud crackling voice came over speakers that were placed all around the carnival.

"I've been payed to do this everyone, a Mr Alex Quackity has something to say..."

Sapnap and I turned to Quackity, shocked. He pulled a small microphone out of his pocket and turned it on, smiling.
"Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that I am in love. And I wanted to celebrate that. When you find your person or your people, the ones that make you happy, the ones that you can really be yourself around, don't let them go. I've found my people, my soulmates. Karl, Sapnap, my fiancés, my best friends, I love you both so much, I always will,"

The crowd erupted into loud cheers as Sweater Weather began to play loudly and Quackity turned his microphone off. He grinned at us both,
"Kiss?" He asked, making us both blush. We both nodded and Sapnap pulled Quackity towards him first, just like our first kiss. After a moment they broke apart and Quackity turned to me, making my heart flutter. He pulled me in and our lips met, fitting perfectly.

After a few seconds the kiss ended and Sapnap gently pulled me towards him, in order to do that, he pulled me onto Quackity's lap which made Quackity laugh and me turn red. Sapnap connected our lips, tangling one of his hands in my hair. The kiss lasted for a moment and then we broke apart and I tried to slide back into my seat, Quackity stopped me however, keeping me on his lap.

"I love you both, I'm going to miss you," Quackity murmured, leaning his head on Sapnap's shoulder as I cuddled up to his chest, my eyes brimming with tears.
"I love you too," I whispered, trying not to cry,
"I love you too, we're going to miss you so much" Sapnap said, wiping his eyes quickly.

We stayed in that position, trying not to cry as the Ferris wheel began to move again and we began to go round in circles.

We finished the second of the three days cuddled together on a Ferris wheel, wishing that we could freeze time and stay here with each other forever.

Day two down.
One to go.
Then Quackity would be gone.

Word count - 1293

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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