27 - Three begin to lose each other

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TW - swearing, homophobia, transphobia, conversion therapy


The car pulled up outside my new school. My parents sat either side of me, stopping me from escaping. My father took my arm as we got out of the car, making sure I couldn't run.

The school looked like a prison, large metal fences topped with barbed wire surrounded the massive mansion like building. The entire thing was ominous and unwelcoming.

I glared at my parents as they shoved me through a small door in the gate where a teacher stood, ready to escort us inside. We were lead straight to the principals office and I was given a form to fill out whilst my parents met with the principal. The form was filled with a lot of homophobic and transphobic things and I started to worry that this was some strange twisted conversion therapy. At the back of the form, there was a questionnaire, a questionnaire that seemed perfectly tailored to my situation.


Name: Alex Quackity

Age: 17

Gender: m/f

Sexuality: Pansexual

How did you contract gay disease:
- from a friend
- from a peer
- from a family member
- from the internet
- from an ad
- social media
- "born with it" ✔️
- From some hot sexy men <3 (Big Q came up with that option all by himself)

Significant other of opposite sex: *Others. Karl and Sapnap <3

Will you trust us to help you: No way in fucking hell


Once I was finished with the questionnaire, the principal called me into his office. He glared at me as I sat down,
"Welcome to our school Alex. I'm principal Richard Si'Normous, but my friends, and most students call me Dick," The principal held out his hand and I took it, trying not to laugh at his unfortunate name.

"You will be rooming with Miss Niki Nihachu whilst you're here, usually we wouldn't allow girls and boys to room together but this is special circumstances, you see, you need to get over your strange attraction to males and Miss Nihachu needs to get over her strange attraction to females,"

I did not want to laugh anymore. I wanted to punch Dick Si'Normous in the face. Then he said something that made me want to punch him even more.

"Also, we have a no phone policy here, to cleanse you from your past trauma,"

No. Absolutely McFucking not. I needed my phone to call Karl and Sapnap and everyone else. I needed to stay in touch with my boyfriends! I couldn't lose them! I couldn't!

I didn't say a word to the principal as he explained the rules and lead me out of the room. I followed him through the cold, dark halls towards my dorm room. I held my phone tightly in my pocket, refusing to let go of it, refusing to lose my last connection to the outside world, to the loves of my life.

We arrived at a grey door and to my horror I saw bars on the small window set into it. This place was starting to look like a prison. Dick the principal opened the door and gestured for me to enter.
"We'll send the dinner monitor around to fetch you and Miss Nihachu once dinner is ready,"

With that he closed the door and left, leaving me near to tears.

My bags were already at the foot of the bed. I sat down hopelessly, burying my head in my hands, trying not to let the tears spill.

Then I heard someone shuffling around in front of me, I looked up to see a girl with light pink hair and a kind smile,
"Hi, I'm Niki, nice to meet you," She smiled and held her hand out to me. I shook it, returning the smile, slightly sadly.
"I'm Quackity, nice to meet you too,"

Niki sat down next to me, looking at the ground,
"So, tell me about your boyfriend," She murmured, her voice quiet as if she thought that Dick Si'Normous was listening at the door.

"Boyfriends actually, well, more like fiancés, we're secretly engaged, their names are Karl and Sapnap and they're awesome. I love them both so much," I smiled sadly at the thought of the pair. Niki nodded her head grinning, then I continued, remembering what the principal had said about her liking women, "Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked, leaning back on my hands.

Niki nodded, her face lighting up as she began to talk about her girlfriend.

Then my phone started ringing and I pulled it out to see Karl's contact name.
I excused myself from my conversation with Niki and picked up, smiling.
"Hey loves," I greeted, immediately feeling happier. I heard both Karl and Sapnap yell happily in reply. It felt so good to hear their voices again.

"I've missed you guys so much," I murmured, smiling softly as they began to talk loudly about how much they missed me and how they were going to get me out of there, get me to safety.

We sat talking for twenty or so minutes, glad to be in each other's company. At times we would just sit in silence, savouring each other's company and at other times we would talk about all the things we'd do and all the dates we'd go on when I got home.

Then the dinner monitor walked into the room and caught sight of my phone.
He immediately turned around and ran away. Niki gave me a look of fear,
"They're going to come for your phone," She warned.

Then I heard footsteps.

I lifted my phone back up to my ear,
"Karl, Sap, I got to go, they're coming for my phone, guys, you have to save me, this is a secret conversion therapy thing here, please get me out, please," I said hurriedly, wishing I didn't have to hang up.

"What do you mean? Quacking?" Sapnap's voice rung through the phone, as I heard Karl calling out to his mom in the background.

"Guys, I love you both so mu-"

Word count - 1012

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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