35 - Date Time Part 1. - Pipitch

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Art by Pip! It's amazing and poggers and end is so talented! (Left to right - Fury, Tea, Pitch, Pip, Quackity, Karl, Sapnap)

TW - swearing, fluff, mentions of conversion therapy


We'd arrived back home the day before and Karl, Sapnap and Quackity were spending a week alone for Quackity to recover.

Pip and I had gone back to work, glad to be home.

I was vibing in the kitchen, Lovejoy's new EP playing over the speakers. A few metres away, Fury and Tea were having a good natured argument over wether or not Fury had put sugar or salt in the cupcakes. When I say good natured, I mean very intense, funny, argument. I could see Pip talking happily to customers outside.

I watched end lead a couple over to a table for two, chatting happily. An idea sprung into my mind and I turned to Tea and Fury who were throwing flour at each other now.
"Guys? Can you cover for Pip and I? I want to take end out on a date," I said, interrupting their heartfelt insults. Fury gave me a sorry look as Tea replied,
"Sorry, we're going out ourselves, I can call Jam and Kyle though?" She pulled out her phone as I nodded.

I heard her have a hurried conversation with Jam, and after a lot of arguing, I heard Jam agree, saying that they'd get Kyle. I thanked Tea quickly and ran out of the kitchen, my mind racing over the different places that I could take Pip. I sprinted over to my husband, grinning.

"Oi! Pip! You wanna go out?" I called, making end look up from ends notepad with people's orders. End grinned and nodded, linking ends arm through mine,
"Absolutely, who's looking after the cafe?" End asked, following me towards the kitchen,
"Jam and Kyle," I shrugged, waving goodbye to Fury and Tea as we made out way out of the back door.

"Is that safe though?" Pip laughed, making me roll my eyes, secretly reconsidering wether or not letting the two most chaotic people take care of our cafe was the smartest idea. Probably not. I ignored it, excited to be taking Pip out somewhere that wasn't a rescue mission to a secret conversion therapy in Mexico.

I lead end towards the park that was about a five minute walk from our cafe. We talked happily about anything and everything. The sun was beginning to set behind the sky line as we approached a large chess board like slab of concrete in the middle of the park. On every single square there was a small metal circle that was glowing a different LED colour.

Pip turned to me, grinning. After a moment, water erupted from the circles. The fountains shot high up, the water splashing everywhere. We both yelled with delight as we ran into the water, becoming soaked within seconds. We ran around for a few minutes, splashing water at each other and yelling loudly.

A few families walking past gave us weird looks but we ignored them, collapsing in laughter on the ground, out of breath from running around. A few metres away, a band began to set up and after taking a closer look, I saw that it was quite literally just Lovejoy.

Wilbur waved enthusiastically at me and spoke into a microphone.
"HELLO! Tea called Karl who talked to Quackity who called us and said you guys might need live music!" He grinned as Pip and I waved back at them, slightly shocked.

They began to play 'Perfume' and Pip pulled me to my feet as the fountains erupted with water once again.
"Dance with me hubby!" End cried, pulling me further into the water as the music filled our ears. We adjusted our position into a ballroom dancing-like formation and began swaying on the spot.

Pip rested ends head on my shoulder as the music shifted to something slightly slower and softer.
"I love you Pitch," End mumbled, smiling up at me as I flushed slightly red.
"I love you too hubby," I whispered back, gently kissing end's forehead.

We continued to dance in silence for a while before I spoke up,
"I can't believe we just went to Mexico to save our friend," I laughed, in slight shock at how crazy life had become. Pip laughed along with me, nodding in agreement.
"It was pretty cool, not gonna lie," End replied, "I'm glad it was you by my side,"

I felt my heart warm as I looked down at the smaller,
"Me too Pip," I murmured.

Soon enough, we decided that we wanted to get food. We walked over and said a quick hello to Lovejoy, thanking them for the live music.
"No problem, it was our pleasure, we've been looking for a chance to play in public anyway. You guys have a great rest of your night," Wilbur said, waving and beginning to play 'The Fall' as we began walking away.

I slipped my hand into Pip's as we made our way home to change clothes before getting dinner.

We decided to go tour favourite cafe ever.

The PP cafe. Pip & Pitch's cafe. Totally not our own cafe.

We showed up at the door and walked inside, both of us trying not to laugh.

Jam was standing inside, looking bored.
"Welcome to the Pip and Pitch cafe, I'm Jam and I'll be your-" Jam looked up and their eyes widened. We smiled innocently,
"Table for two please," I said, making Jam curse under their breath.
"Right this way," They grumbled, leading us over to a table. We both sat down and Jam handed us menus.

"Kyle will be here soon to take your orders soon asshats," They mumbled,
"Thats not a nice fucking way to treat customers," I scoffed, making Pip laugh. Jam looked just about ready to punch me in the face as they prowled towards the kitchen.

We scanned the menu, not actually needing it seeing as we invented it. Before long, Kyle made their way over, smiling at us.
"Jam hates you and might beat the shit out of you later," They informed us before pulling out a notepad to write down our orders. We both burst out laughing and ordered our food, feeling Jam's glare on us from across the room.

I was glad to be home.

I was glad we were both safe.

I smiled across the table to Pip.

Everything was good.

Word count - 1050

A/N -

Pip, have this date of you and Pitch. You and your husband are just superior. Miss you! Love you!/p <33

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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