30 - Three hours

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TW - swearing, mentions of conversion therapy, fluff


Three hours. We had three hours left until we reached Quackity. My mom had booked us a few hotel rooms for the night so we could rest up and prepare for the next day, Thursday, Quackity's birthday, the day we were going to get him out of there. We'd spent Tuesday night in the van and I was extremely glad to not be doing that for a second time.

Techno was currently driving, giving my mom a much needed break. Wilbur sat quietly with headphones in, nodding his head to whatever music he was playing. Pip and Pitch were excitedly listening to Lovejoy's unreleased song, Wilbur had trusted them with it which made the pair extremely happy.

Kyle and Jam were having a quiet game of rock, paper, scissors. George and Dream were asleep, George's head on Dream's shoulder and Dream's head on top of George's, their hands intertwined. Tea and Fury were having a whispered compliment battle, glaring at each other as they said things like, 'you beautiful fuck,' or 'you incredible piece of shit'.

Sapnap and I sat quietly, holding hands, listening to music together. I was desperately trying not to let my mind drift back the the possibility that the conversion therapy would work on Quackity and that when he got back he wouldn't want us anymore. With uneasy thoughts filling my head, I drifted off to slip, planning to get some rest before we arrived at the hotel, knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep that night.


We approached the large gates of the school. Quackity was so close. He was within reach.

I took Sapnap's hand, hardly able to breathe with nerves. The group all gathered around and made sure we all knew the plan. Jam looked just about ready to throw someone out of a window and Kyle, who had previously been very quiet and unenthusiastic, was now jumping up and down, yelling about how they were going to beat the shit out of some homophobes.

Then it was time to activate the plan. We flawlessly infiltrated the building, going unseen by the many guards. Then we split up into pairs, so we'd cover more ground. My mom stayed with the van, ready to make a quick escape if need be.

Sapnap and I immediately ran towards the dorm block, planning on searching each and every room for Quackity. We sprinted along the dark, cold, depressing hallway, searching every room. All of them were empty and all of them were decorated with homophobic or transphobic posters.

We were beginning to lose hope as we reached the last few rooms. There wasn't a person in sight. Then, just as we were about to give up, we found a room with someone in it.

It was Quackity.

He was right there.

He was sitting on a small, uncomfortable looking bed, reading a book.

We burst through the door and Quackity looked up, placing his book down.
"Karl? Sapnap?" He looked shocked. Sapnap and I immediately grinned and ran forward, pulling Quackity into our arms as tears began to roll down our faces.
"Quackity, holy shit love, we missed you," I smiled, wiping the tears from my face. Sapnap grinned and gently turned Quackity's face towards his,

"It's been too long," He mumbled as he moved to close the distance between himself and Quackity. I gently intertwined my finger's with Quackity's, leaning my head on his shoulder.

We were back together, Quackity was back in our arms.

Then he pushed us both away.

"Get the fuck away from me, homo freaks," He spat, stepping backwards, cringing away from us.

My heart shattered.

All of my worst fears were true. He hated us. The conversion therapy had worked.

Then a pretty blonde girl walked out of the bathroom wearing very little clothing. She walked over and quite literally wrapped her body around Quackity, planting a kiss on his lips.
"Alex, who are these people?" She grimaced after they pulled apart, glaring at Sapnap and I. Quackity looked us up and down, his face full of disgust.
"I don't know babe, some gay creeps,"

I staggered backwards, reaching out for Sapnap as Quackity's words rang in my ears. Sapnap pulled me into his arms, glaring at Quackity.
"What the fuck did they do to you?! Where's our Quackity, our boyfriend?!" Sapnap yelled, beginning to cry. The blonde girl looked alarmed as Quackity rolled his eyes,

"Don't try and pull that bullshit with me, I know you guys manipulated me into thinking I was gay for your own pleasure. I never really loved you! I'm not gay! I'm not pan! I'm not anything wrong! There's nothing wrong with me anymore!" Quackity's eyes also filled with tears.

I sank onto the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. This had to be some sort of sick joke, surely Quackity would smile at any moment and pull us into a hug, saying how much he'd missed us. But he didn't. He stayed next to the girl, staring at Sapnap and I like we were disgusting creatures on the bottom of his shoe.

Sapnap moved to stand protectively in front of me.
"Quackity, c'mon I know you're in there, please little duck, come back to us," Sapnap whispered, reaching out for Quackity, his voice pleading. The blonde girl stepped forward slapped Sapnap across the face,

"Ew! Get away freak!" She screeched, clutching onto Quackity's arm. Quackity gave her a twisted smile and kissed her.
"Thanks babe," He murmured.

Sapnap gently pulled me to my feet,
"Karl, we should go," He breathed, clearly holding back a sob. I wiped my eyes and nodded, feeling myself go numb with grief. We staggered towards the door, both of us weakened by the loss of Quackity. We left the room but before we walked away, Sapnap turned back and looked at Quackity.

"If you ever need us, we're here," He smiled sadly as Quackity spat at us,
"Get the fuck out," He sneered.
"We're here," Sapnap repeated sadly.

"We're here,

Karl, we're here,

Wake up love,

We're at the hotel,"


I jolted awake, tears streaming down my face. I gasped for air, looking around frantically.
"Karl? What happened, are you okay?" Sapnap came into focus, carrying me in his arms towards the large entrance to the hotel. I immediately dissolved into sobs, burying my face into his shoulder as I explained the dream.

Sapnap whispered softly in my ear, reassuring me that we'd be okay as he carried me up to our room. We were sharing a kitchen with Pip and Pitch but we had our own room, a fancy room as well, with a large double bed and a tv. Sapnap laid me gently onto the bed and helped me change into more comfortable clothes.

He then changed himself and lay next to me, wrapping his arms around me.
"Karl, love, I promise, we'll be okay, it's going to be okay. Our little duck is tough, they won't be able to get to him," He whispered, stroking my hair.

"Goodnight Karl, I love you," Sapnap kissed my forehead before turning off the bedroom lights.

"I love you too... and Quackity," I murmured quietly, burying my face in his shoulder.
"And Quackity," He agreed.

We both fell asleep, our heads filled with thoughts of saving Quackity the next day.

Hopefully it would go better than my dream.

Word count - 1231

A/N -

Pip, when you get back from camp you will see this. You have been gone for a whole day. It is sad. We miss you. But we send hugs, love you!/p <33

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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