11 - Three Kisses

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TW - swearing, fluff, mentions of a manipulative and toxic relationship, mentions of rape


We pulled up in the McDonald's drive thru, Quackity and I quietly singing along to 'Sweater Weather'.

After the whole messy, tear filled evening, I suggested that we do our date properly. The other two quickly agreed and we borrowed Karl's mom's car to go and buy supplies for a movie night.

Quackity stuck his head out of the window and began ordering for all of us. After he was finished he looked over at Karl and I who were both sitting in the passenger seat, Karl asleep on my lap.
"If we get pulled over because you're sitting illegally then I'm ditching you here," Quackity muttered, driving forward to the window to collect our food.

I laughed softly and brushed a stray lock of hair out of Karl's peaceful face. He'd been exhausted from crying so it wasn't really a surprise when he fell asleep in the car, cuddled close to my chest.

We put the food in the back seat and made our way to the local shop to buy candy. We pulled into the parking lot and Quackity got out first, walking around to open the passenger door. I lifted Karl out of the car and he subconsciously wrapped his legs around my waist, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I smiled down at the sleeping boy as we walked into the shop.

I slipped one of my hands into Quackity's as we walked through the linoleum isles, supporting Karl with the other.
"What do you want to buy?" Quackity asked as we came to a stop in front of the massive amounts of candy. I scanned the many colourful bags, trying to make a decision.

I felt Karl stir and he opened his eyes slowly,
"I want monster and skittles," He mumbled quietly before closing his eyes again and laying his head on my shoulder. Quackity chuckled and reached out for a bag of skittles. We chose a few more bags of candy before moving into the drinks isle. We grabbed Karl's monster and Quackity picked out a massive bottle of coke and another massive bottle of Fanta.

I nodded, satisfied with our choices and we made our way over to the checkout. By this time, Karl had woken up fully and made me put him down. He still looked sleepy however as he clung onto Quackity's arm with one hand and held my hand with the other. We payed for our stuff and left the store, talking quietly as we did.

I offered to drive this time and Quackity agreed, climbing into the passenger seat with Karl on his lap.

We made it back to Karl's house. Karl was now awake. Very very awake. He had opened his monster in the car and drunk half of it by the time we got back, resulting in him no longer being half asleep. We waved to his mom as we made our way upstairs, giggling about literally nothing.

Karl had a tv in his room that hung on the wall opposite his bed, he walked over and started turning it on whilst Quackity and I set up the candy and drinks, Quackity going downstairs to get bowls and cups.

Eventually we settled in for the movie, all of us cuddled together.

We were watching Beauty and The Beast because why the fuck not.


By the end of the film we were all in tears, for no good reason. Karl had started crying first, near the end when the beast almost died. Him crying had set both Quackity and I off so by the time the credits started rolling, all of us were clinging onto each other, crying.

Unfortunately, Karl's mom walked into the room whilst we were all sobbing, holding onto each other.
"What the honk?" She giggled, snapping a quick photo of us as we all began to laugh. She shook her head, smiling,
"Sapnap, Quackity, I know we probably got off on the wrong foot but I just wanted to say that I'm glad my son has you two lovely boyfriends. And also, you're both welcome to stay the night if that's okay with your parents, I'll drop you all off at school tomorrow," She said, waving as she softly closed the door.

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