8: The Swedish Relay (under-editing)

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The relay began and the students ran at their full speed. Sakakibara Ren from team one was the one in the lead while the typical girly girl, Minami Mei from team four was left far behind as her teammate groaned in despair.

"Look at our team! You're all useless pieces of shit!"

Seo Tomoya bawled in distress, pointing rudely at each member of team four, one could tell that they were very offended by the enraged gazes they shot at Seo.

Unfortunately, he didn't catch that and continued to brag, "Out of this hopeless team, I'm the only one capable of running properly, I guess you'll have to treat me after I carried this race then,"

Fujii Hiroyuki had enough of him and they ended up bickering, while Kato Kokomi merely stood there and watched, open-mouthed.

"Why don't you say something, Kato-san!?" snapped Fujii realizing Kokomi didn't join in the fight against Seo, "Don't you see that Seo-kun is being extremely rude to us!?"

"Uhh...what are you guys fighting for again?" asked Kokomi innocently. Instead of pretending she was innocent to stay out of trouble, she was just simply airheaded. Sometimes her classmates wondered how could she even get into class A.

"Goddamn it! Kato-san, how can you be so dumb and got in class A!?" questioned Fujii in exasperation.

Araki Teppei sweatdropped at overhearing team four's conflict. On the contrary, he and his teammates worked well together, they were cheering for Torii Hidetoshi – their first leg in the team, who was running passionately, almost surpassing Ren – and Kuroda Kaguya was making sure Torii could hear her in the distance.

"GO!! TORII-KUN! GO! LET'S GOO TEAM TWO!!" she shouted.

Teppei was having a strong urge to film the race, especially with how outstanding Torii looked; he was wearing a helmet during a Swedish relay. Actually, there was something about Torii and helmets as he always found a reason to wear them occasionally.

"Look, Araki-kun!! It's Tanaka-san's turn now!"

With Kaguya's prompt, Teppei snapped back to focus on the relay, and now instead of watching his own teammate passing the baton to Tanaka Sekai, his attention was on Mizuno Ami Peterson from team eight seizing the baton Koyama Natsuhiko passed to her.

'You can do it, Ami' Teppei thought while secretly cheering for her.

The second runners all started to take turns running while team four's Kato Kokomi was still standing there waiting for her teammate to come and pass the baton.

"S-sorry...I'm *pant* so slow..." panted Minami Mei while crawling toward Kokomi and was having a hard attempt to stretch out her arm just to pass the baton.

"Hey, wanna ditch this class and go eat ramen?" asked Kokomi distractingly, still not taking the baton to which Fujii and Seo growled like wild animals.

The first among the second runners to pass the baton was Kihira Kimi due to the gap of times Ren had initially created for her. Nagasawa Juria – team one's third leg -- seized it and quickly sprinted three hundred meters to her crush—Asano Gakushuu.

"Team one's unstoppable..." said Morikawa Mika from team six hopelessly, and her teammates also nodded in agreement.

However, to everyone's surprise, team eight's Mizuno Ami ran with the speed of light surpassing other students and the now exhausted Tanaka Sekai—who was supposed to be the second in place to pass the baton to the third runner. (Teppei was so proud despite his team got overcome by her)

"Go!! Ami-chan!!" cheered Arina Avenira. She and Koyama watched Ami pass the baton to their third leg—Okamoto Akeboshi. He got up from his position and sprinted at full speed.

IDENTITY- Assasination Classroom Fanfic  (Ft. OC x Asano Gakushuu - slowburn) Where stories live. Discover now