50: Asano's Feelings Exposed

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Arina Avenira went shopping for a brand-new prom dress two days ago just for her bosom friend's birthday party. As many said, "But you have so much already" she did not agree to that because the displeasing feeling of wearing the same dress to more than one party was too unbearable. Let alone, Arina was a girl of image and impulsiveness.

"Hurry up for goodness' sake!!" complained Seo outside of the fitting rooms, waiting for Arina to feel content with at least a dress she chose to try on. Girls, in his opinion, were too picky and demanding.

Arina had always had a problem with clothing stores. Even at the smallest size they offered, sometimes it would be too baggy for her tiny body frame, and she would have to bring it to the tailor to make it tighter.

She examined herself in the fitting room's mirror, twisting her body around, carefully observing every possible flaw of the dress. For this was the thirteenth dress she tried on, Seo and Teppei were growing tired of waiting outside; Arina, however, was still not satisfied.

"So, are we done here?" asked Seo in a spark of excitement when he saw Arina finally came out of the fitting room, shooting to his feet. Teppei was taking up the time to vlog everything he saw.

"Oh, I do very wish so, Seo, but it couldn't be -- it couldn't be done when I haven't found the PERFECT prom dress of my dream just yet!"

Seo sat back down whilst groaning in desperation. Teppei commented on his friend's frustration. Arina gave them candies for their patience and went to explore the entire store for the third time and came back with five more dresses to try on.

She loved the fourteenth dress with all her heart, though when fully zipped up, the dress turned out to be too loose that it fell all over her shoulders, thus making it a pass and had to move on the fifteenth. The fifteenth one was considered to be 'sleazy' compared to Arina's standard. It was, after all, a mini mock neck dress; but since it was sleeveless, for Arina's conservativeness in the way she usually dressed, it was too much skin exposed.

She put on the dress for a change, and surprisingly, after carefully checking it from the back to the front, she was quite fond of it. The dress hugged her body perfectly and adorned her visual to another level with its opalescent color, blending in with Arina's hair and skin. Snow. She was like a snowflake. On the upper of her breasts was a bow neck as the design of the collar. It somehow gave the illusion that her waist was even smaller with the high waist definition the dress offered. She slightly twirled around whilst giggling.

Teppei and especially Seo were bored to death when Arina finally found her perfect dress and stepped outside of the fitting room, returning the others.

"Wow, what!?" blurted the two simultaneously. Both were not used to seeing Arina Avenira the 'conservative' girl wear something so skin-exposed as this one.

Arina giggled merrily. She took one turn whirling around in her lovely new dress and then, dropping her voice lower than usual, pressing her fingertips together, lightly asked for their approval, "Well, what do you think?"

They both were flustered by their friend's sudden arose of cuteness. Teppei drew his camera out and commented, "After two hours of waiting, Arina Avenira has found the perfect dress! But the reason for her dedication this time is still unknown to me and Seo Tomoya. Perhaps there is someone she wants to impress at the party? Let's wait and see it until then!"

"Oh, Teppei, well, since it's my bosom friend's birthday, I-- I thought it would be very lovely to--" said Arina, flushing, "to dress better for him."

It was recorded by Teppei. While Seo snapped back and cringed at those cheesy words, Asano later saw it and melted into a puddle of water.

IDENTITY- Assasination Classroom Fanfic  (Ft. OC x Asano Gakushuu - slowburn) Where stories live. Discover now