60: A Not-So-Bright Prospect for the Future

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"Arina, I'm back, have you eaten anything? Arina?" Asano excused his parents to come home early. Carrying a bag of her favorite food, he wandered around the house to see where she was at.

The sight of the empty birdcage soon hit his view as he stood petrified for a moment to process what had happened, seconds after he had already gone panicked and rushed to find Arina -- whom he assumed the culprit -- whilst desperately yelling her name until he found her sitting in between the bookshelves in the library.

"I'm here, Asano-kun," muttered Arina wanly. A guilty teardrop rolled down her cheek. "I know, I've risen to be the most sinful individual on earth. You can kill me now, and never mind whatever flowers I want because I don't deserve a funeral anymore, Asano-kun. Father had raised me wrong but why do I pity him so much? But at least I'm willing to admit my fault. Okay, I'm ready now, Asano-kun, kill me-- oh wait, do you suppose my sin is too great to just die like this? Perhaps a little torture would do it -- you could go boil water and throw it at me...make sure you get it in my eyeballs..."

"Arina..." Asano's voice went heavy as if he was about to hit her, dropping the bag of food to the ground. Maybe almost a year hanging out with Arina didn't guarantee him a full understanding of her character, because she was sincerely guilty and truthful in her words, he meanwhile, thought she was being sarcastic.

"This ISN'T a joke, do you hear me!?" he bellowed, "What HAD happened!?"

As for Asano's character, he was the embodiment of dutifulness and someone who possessed an immaculate level of nobility and responsibility. Even if it was the lover girl who he can't help but go mellow for, she still WOULDN'T escape this!! as he berated her at full volume for the first time in months after she confessed everything.

"I just want Mr. Birdman to be free for a while-e-e--" choked Arina, hiccuping nonstop.

"YOU WILL TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS!!" yelled Asano with burning rage, as he stormed out of the room looking for a solution.

More tears spilled forth from Arina's eyes after her bosom friend scolded her. But wouldn't it be odd to say that she felt more relieved after she got scolded? It was as if a portion of her guilt was lifted.

Minutes went by and after Asano cooled down he began to feel bad for yelling at Arina. With only one resolution in his mind, he reentered the room to see Arina lighting up candles before a hand-drawn portrait of a lovebird and intertwining her fingers, saying whatever thing under her breath.

"We're going to the pet store -- now!" announced Asano.

"Now? Bu-But I'm in the middle of a little funeral ceremony. It would be disrespectful to cut it short," gasped Arina with a quiver in her voice.

"NOW!" he repeated.

Luckily the pet store was still open when they arrived. Asano and Arina hurried to the bird section and looked for one that exactly resembled Mr. Birdman.

"This one looks alright," Asano held up the cage and examined the lovebird inside. "The problem is it doesn't know how to say 'Shit'."

"Asano-kun, why don't you just let me admit my fault?" queried Arina. "The truth would certainly break Mr. Urushiyama and little Naruto's hearts, but I would rather be honest as it is rightful to do so."

Asano heaved a sigh. It was true that one shall take responsibility for the fault they committed, but the love he had for her had surpassed that at last and feared she would be in trouble if she confess so he opted to go this way.

"Just this time," he warned her and set off to the cashier with the birdcage in his hands.

After payment, using ultimate full speed they fled home in a matter of minutes before Asano's parents got back.

IDENTITY- Assasination Classroom Fanfic  (Ft. OC x Asano Gakushuu - slowburn) Where stories live. Discover now