25: Pool Time!

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This is Arina I drew in over an hour. I guess one of the best parts of being an artist is that you get to bring your imagination to life✨🌸

It's a funny thing if you think about it — things we do not yearn for often occur to us faster; so was Arina's concern for the day she would have to put that swimsuit on. And even worse, she only found out the day before, causing her to not mentally prepare for it just yet.

Arina was often a confident girl in many aspects, though, there was one person that held the absolute power to make her insecure whenever she looked at them.

Nagasawa Juria — a girl her age, yet this girl already possessed a nicely shaped body. Perfect height for females. Perfect model for her peers.

Arina — in the context of her Father constantly lecturing her that it's a great duty for females to always represent themselves flawlessly to marry a quality husband — had had her mind affected by it. As feminine as she was to the core, she'd rather be beautiful than be clever.

As a result, she took deep care of her appearance. From waking up at five a.m. every day to do her skincare routine and brushing her hair with essential oils to putting on a facial mask every day to possess flawless skin. Arina even went to a further extent to spend half of her Father's allowance on beauty products, which, was the reason why she usually looked so breathtakingly stunning.

Even though she wholeheartedly loved her face, she couldn't bring herself to love how dull her body looked. At this age, girls were starting to develop their bust size and hip whilst Arina's were still underdeveloped. Moreover, she wasn't a fan of her height either, thus all of these issues combined caused her to feel slightly jealous of Juria whenever she observe her from top to toe.

But Arina wasn't at all bothered by it since she appreciate her face way too much, until this day...

"Hm, I don't see Asano-kun anywhere," murmured Kimi, desperately scanning around the pool.

"Perhaps he's still in the changing room," said Kaguya, and turned to Kokomi. "And hey, I beg you to make it subtle, alright?"

"Make what subtle?" asked Kokomi, looking puzzled, to which Kimi and Kaguya facepalmed.

The moment their class president finally walked out of the changing room, all the girls from their class instantly drooled over his perfectly defined abs.

'He must be working out a lot' they all thought. Nagasawa Juria's heart rate was beating rapidly and she nearly fainted whilst Morikawa Mika and Tanaka Sekai were also no different. Kihira Kimi and Kuroda Kaguya squealed in subtle and were alerted by Kato Kokomi as soon as she opened her mouth. Obviously that the girls freaked out, to which their reflex told them to push her into the pool and they did.

While the girls in class were marveling over Asano Gakushuu, the guys also did over the queen bee Nagasawa Juria.

"What long legs does she have," drooled Toda Sejiro -- another guy in their class who was often troubled by his thick beard. Plus, a hardcore loyal Juria simp who refused to be swayed by any other girls. Although Juria sadly never noticed him.

"And look at her gorgeous body! I wish that swimsuit is transparent," Fujii Hiroyuki joined in, sighing in unfathomable that they were this lucky to have a female classmate like her.

"I know right," Mori Iori barged in -- a guy who was secretly troubled by his feminine name. He was also on Juria's side the whole time, making him and Toda Sejiro best buddies. "See? I honestly don't understand how some would prefer that Orlas girl over our goddess. I still prefer Asian girls nevertheless."

IDENTITY- Assasination Classroom Fanfic  (Ft. OC x Asano Gakushuu - slowburn) Where stories live. Discover now