74: An Upcoming Trip to Kyoto

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After that greatest adventure of her lifetime, Arina had Koro-sensei as her guardian angel since then — no one could ever hurt her, even her father. Ironic, it was, since he was her kill target and a literal lab monster.

Today class 3-E welcomed a new teacher. Her name was Irina Jelavich, a professional assassin from the fellow regenist country friendly with the Orlas Union. Arina was quickly drawn to this new teacher just by the fact that she could converse in her native language and found Irina quite admirable.

"You're quite an inspiration," Arina's eyes glistened as they spoke in private. "Oh, Ms. Jelavich, you're so young yet so BRILLIANT! How would you learn so many languages at the same time while I couldn't even speak English properly, oh my! I just recently had the most fantastical, dream-come-true trip of my life and I swear I would kill to speak as many languages as you do so I could understand the cultures and people better! Just imagine being able to have meaningful conversations with everyone across our planet is already made me so very," she sighed dreamily, resting her hands on her chest, "high."

Irina took out a cigarette and lit it up, as she inhaled it in and released the smoke. "What are you saying? Aren't you here since the Comrade Chairman assigned you with trust? Then how come you couldn't even speak proper English? Isn't that a very basic skill for the requirement?"

"Oh, I was too preoccupied with too many things back then," said Arina regretfully. "I was late for education, and had little time with English because I was focused on different subjects instead. But I do like it very much. One day you will see me speak it very fluently at length and I will be able to express myself as much as I want to. Just imagine describing your nuances of feelings on pineapple on pizza in English. I just think it was the greatest invention. And perhaps at that point you can already start to teach me other languages too! I really fancy how French sounds, don't you? It's such a romantic-sounding language. I kindly asked Asano to teach me before but— oh, am I oversharing? See, that's a very big problem of mine."

Irina laughed. She reassured the noob daughter of the Comrade Chairman that a professional like her would guide her hereafter. And just as Irina liked it, the young girl looked up to her like an idol.

"I will say this to you only, that I pretty much dislike NATO for the chaos in my country back when I was young," confided Irina, leaning against the hallway's window. "It's too easy for them to open their mouths and worship peace through speeches, but their actions on the other hand, gosh I would rather side with the UOPR. Did you see how the West treats African countries in comparison to China and the UOPR. Hypocrites. Literally a bunch of hypocrites."

"Oh," uttered Arina, comparing her memories in Burundi to the thing Irina just said and gasped.

Nevertheless, she was still pretty much in a neutral state. She had seen worse things in her country, but knowing everyone was always striving for their own country's benefit regardless of morality couldn't help it either. That was just the way the world works. That was just the way humanity was — always for their own survival.

After a bizarre day with the new teacher and class 3-E eventually accepted her and gave her the nickname of Bitch-sensei, which Arina disliked for how disrespectful and vulgar it was, the sun almost set when she walked home only to bump into Asano Gakushuu at the metro station.

Bump into? Not really, Asano had been waiting for her with his arms crossed. Arina's eyes widened in panic as she sweat and abruptly swiveled around at one hundred and eighty degrees and marched away without saying a word.

"Arina! Where are you going?" Asano immediately caught up and intercepted her. "I have no idea what's up with the whole situation but just come back to class A. You deserve to be there. You belong there."

IDENTITY- Assasination Classroom Fanfic  (Ft. OC x Asano Gakushuu - slowburn) Where stories live. Discover now