38: Asano's Hypothesis and Arina's Fate

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A/n: I really like my newly discovered artstyle so I applied them on Arina UwU I think I will draw a manga panel for this story if I ever have more time. Stay tune!

On Sunday the 'ONE' member was interviewed on TV along with the jealous band 'Kraken' having to sit beside them. Their answers to the questions were all scripted by their agency though to display the perfect persona to the public.

As for the problem with Arina's nationality -- the agency had announced to their fans that even though she was from the Evil Empire, she wanted to renew her life and was a strong anti-regenist; therefore she regained her image in the public's eyes and they still loved her nevertheless.

After the tour in Yokohama ended, it was time for Arina to throw herself to train for the Junior High Figure Skating Championships. But how was she supposed to train for a full program within merely one month!? By that, she needed a good coach. Like Asano, Arina was also someone who wanted the best; as a result, she contacted her father about this issue and asked for permission if could be trained under the best figure skating coach of all time -- Xenia Petrosyan.

["Fine,"] said her father on the other line. ["But you will have to continue competing for the Orlas Union from then on."]

Alexei surely had some evil plans in his mind when you sense his malicious tone, though Arina always failed to grasp it.

She hesitated for a while after hearing the deal. During the Cold War, sports were also a tool to assert dominance and show the other side that you're superior -- it was that much of a big deal. And the Orlas was currently leading in winter sports. If Arina ever competes for them, then her band's fame would be in danger. However, for now, she didn't take her father's words seriously and merely thought he'd change his mind later or she would just convince him if needed. She was his dearest daughter after all.

And so now under the Comrade Chairman's command, the reputable coach Petrosyan was sent to Japan for a month to train for Arina. Alongside the main coach Petrosyan herself there were also a coach for technical elements -- Garold Dyomin, and a coach for choreography -- Lenin Ilyin.

People might wonder why Arina invested that much just for a junior high tournament. They might need to know she was someone to do everything most earnestly. Perhaps that was a trait she had that resembled Asano.

Plus, one might wonder why was team Petrosyan the best figure skating team of all time. The answer was hidden, however, that they break their students on a regular. If a normal team trains four times a week, they made it double the number of times. Their students were reported to have their backs, arms, and legs injured frequently. But did Petrosyan care? No. Her team was like a factory. If a talented student was injured to the point they no longer can compete, then she will just replace them with another less injured talented student.

On Monday Arina began her intense training. Her schedule was too full that now whenever she finished school she had to rush to the ice rink immediately. And that left the Big Five to wonder why she suddenly wanted to be absent from their band's activity for the whole month because she was busy with something else. 'What could that thing be?' they thought.

Seo and Teppei once secretly followed Arina after school to find out why but were instantly detected by Arina through her sharp activated sense and had to resignedly give in.

As opposed to many's belief, Arina could handle the intensity of her harsh training due to being used to the military's training in the past. And add up to all of that was her recklessness. She had no fear of falling and that was what makes it easier for her compared to others when they try to do jumps. Sure, it hurts a lot to fall and hit on the hard ice floor but Arina saw it as some sort of thrill, even when her nose was bleeding nonstop from falling.

IDENTITY- Assasination Classroom Fanfic  (Ft. OC x Asano Gakushuu - slowburn) Where stories live. Discover now