68: Arina Joins Class 3-E

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["We interrupt this program to bring you a breaking news."]

["We've just gotten word that about 70 percent of the moon has been vaporized into nothing. I repeat--"]

["Will we have only a crescent moon to look at for the rest of our lives?"]

The mass media across the globe quickly covered the news the next day. Only the world leaders were informed about the presence of the new weapon. But this one had gone too far. This experiment 1731, provoked both the West and the East by declaring it would neither side with anyone while threatening to blast the Earth straight away if the two sides went to war against each other. Nonetheless, March next year will be the final tick of the time bomb, which can only be stopped when one makes use of the time and defuse it. Thus the frenetic world leaders had to put their global political concerns to a halt and focus their resources on stopping the super creature before it was too late.

For the first time ever, the world united against a major threat to their one, single home Earth.

Alexei Avenir was dazed as well over something beyond his calculations. After receiving the news an hour after the blown-up moon incident he commanded his underling to summon the KGB units currently active in Japan and prepare for the assassination, along with sending rocket launchers. He contacted his daughter in person that night, informed her about the news and gave her a new mission to shoot down the super creature if there was a chance. He did all this without acknowledging the fact that he had underestimated Japan's newest experiment.

But apparently this man was lucky. Only the next day another shocking news arrived. This experiment 1731, this super creature, for a peculiar reason, opted to become the teacher of the bottom-ranked students in his daughter's school. What a great coincidence. Avenir without a doubt ordered Arina to drop to class E and carried on with the assassination there.

The reason why he locked his daughter in Japan was unsolved. And when another opportunity came he seized it abruptly. Arina, meanwhile, spiraling down her depression further than ever before since receiving the news. All day she lay in bed, wrapping herself in her quilt, refusing to leave elsewhere. Not until the KGB barged into her house and dragged her outside that she had to obey the command.

"I'm ashamed that I'm not quite strong enough," she now poured her emotions on the KGB. "What a pity...I've always thought I'd be stronger than this. I always tell myself to pull on a smile regardless of any adversity, but now I can't keep it up. Oh, just how much love and approval from people mean to me. I also don't want my beloved future husband to suffer the same way when he associates with a dreadfully grim criminal. I might have expected it. I deserve love from nobody. I will stop calling him my future husband now. He deserves the greatest happiness in the world one could imagine and a criminal like me can never give him that. I might have known everything was all too beautiful to last. I might have known a criminal deserves love from nobody."

Until this point she still wasn't aware of the super creature's capability. Mind-blowing. Out of this earth. What kind of experimented weapon is this? Arina's lifelessness subsided and superseded with amazement and increasing fear when the news of the uncountable number of failed assassinations and rocket launcher and fighter jet attempts came to her hearing. Why was she even surprised? This super-being had the power to turn a full moon into a crescent. His speed topped out at Mach 20.

Bu-But why would he opt to teach class 3-E?

Precarious, Arina's unstable mind explored different possibilities on its own, which further terrified her with rising anxiety as a result: what if the students there connected with him under some evil conspiracy? What if he wanted to inject something that would turn them into super-beings like him and blast the entire universe? Or, what if the whole world was pulling a prank on her?

IDENTITY- Assasination Classroom Fanfic  (Ft. OC x Asano Gakushuu - slowburn) Where stories live. Discover now