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As soon as I walked into the living room, Dave spoke.

"So mom says you have something to tell me?"

I picked up my game controller from the couch and sat on the edge of the loveseat, across from him.

"Yeah, Dave, I do."

I crossed my legs, powered on my controller, and reached up to push my hair out of my eyes.

"So, one of the reasons mom and dad went back to California . . . was for me."

"What do you mean? I thought they had paperwork to complete for the sale of the house."

"Yeah, they did, but while they were there they visited Dr. Zara, the school, and the courthouse."

"They did? Why?"

"They got mom's therapist friend, Julie and Dr. Zara to write statements of recommendation for the courthouse so they could file for a new birth certificate and name change. They also talked to Principal Hoover about changing my name and gender on my school records before he sends them here."

"Wait . . . S-so it's official now? Your birth certificate and school records say Carla and female?"


"What do you mean?"

"Well, the school records say my name is Carla Rose O'Riley, but the birth certificate will take several weeks to process . . . Regardless, isn't this great?"

He paused a moment, before answering, "Yeah, if it's truly what you want."

"Duh, Im a girl," I replied with a smile. "Sooooo, are you upset that this is really happening. That it's going to be permanent?"

He replied in a subdued, serious tone.

"No, I want you to be happy and if this is it, then so be it."

"I think I've made it pretty clear over the last few days that this is what I want, not that I have any other choice."

I hit start on our game and quickly selected Alabama Crimson Tide as my team before Dave could react.

"Hey, no fair. I called it first. I had dibs."

"Fine, cry baby," I laughed as I tossed my controller at him. "I'll still beat you."

Dave quickly selected New Mexico State and hit the button to start the match before trading controllers.

"So what story did you tell mom about re-injuring your ankle," I inquired.

"I told her we were rough housing and I accidentally kicked the brick hearth in front of the fireplace. She yelled at me and told me I shouldn't do that with you any more cause that's not how I should treat girls. I said, 'technically, hasn't she always been a girl? Why stop now?' Then mom said, 'Yes, but now she's living as a girl and you need to start treating her as one, all the time.' "

We both burst out laughing.

As our teams lined up for the kickoff, Dave spoke, "I am happy for you. I--"

"Touchdown on a kickoff return," I yelled, interrupting Dave.

"No! Denied," he shot back as one of his strong Alabama defensive linemen sacked me on the 5 yard line."

I could already see this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. Maybe some of my skill actually was just because of my team choice, like Dave always tried to say in defense of why he lost.



I paused. I was afraid to say what I was about to, but knew I needed Dave to know before he found out some other way.

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