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"Your lying! Come on, dude. Open the d*mn door." Dave was in a full blown panic.

I shook the handle again.

"Check the sliding glass door," he frantically suggested

I walked over and made an attempt to slide it open.

"It won't budge."

"What do I do," Dave cried out.

I quickly looked around and made a suggestion, "Hide in one of the gazebo tents over there. Go!"

Once he took off, running as fast as his hurt knee and his unsteadiness in the wedges would allow, I opened the back door, reached in, and flipped off the switch, while laughing hysterically.

The instant it went dark, and Dave heard my laughter, he realized what had happened. He stopped where he was and stood straight up.

"F*ck you," he called out to me. "F*uck. See if I ever trust you again."

Walking out towards him, I reminded him of an incident that occurred about a year ago.

"Now we're even."

"What do you mean?"

"Last summer? You tried to depants me in front of Mandy? Now you know how panicked I felt."

"Yeah, but you dropped into a squat so fast, I didn't even get them to your knees and no one saw anything."

"Yes, but the panic in that moment was all the same. Just imagine if she had."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Oh! Right! Yeah, that would have been terrible! She would have seen not only your penis, but also that you had a vagina."

Dave then leaned in and gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry, sis. But in my defense, I didn't know about your situation then."

As we hugged, his orange fruit boobs pressed into my boobs and I couldn't help but laugh at the situation, until I remembered that moment when I hugged Mandy goodbye and our boobs pressed against one another. That memory squashed my desire to laugh. I knew I still needed to have a conversation with her.

"Look," he began once he released the hug. "I'm not sure exactly what this is supposed to do for us; me dressed like this and being out here, but I'm doing it, cause I want to understand. You can stand there and get your kicks at my expense or we can hurry up and get this over with. What now?"

He shivered as a light breeze blew across the yard.

"We're going to walk out to the edge of the grotto, where you are going to remove your shoes, wade in until the water is to your waist, then try to swim with boobs."

"Too easy," he boldy proclaimed.

"Bet," I replied.

"You're on," he responded and took off towards the water.

I stood in the darkness and watched him go, whistling and catcalling him the whole time.

I glanced over at Brandon's window. I saw the blinds swing and a shadow quickly move away from the window.

When Dave got to the edge of the water, he bent down and began to fumble with removing the shoes.

I caught up to him.

"How does it feel to be treated like a piece of meat, eyed lustfully, able to feel the sexual thoughts they're thinking?"

"Well, I can assure you it wasn't me doing that to you out here earlier and I didn't hear Jeremy doing it either," Dave replied defensively.

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