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Walking away from the most exciting go-cart race any of us had ever experienced, the four of us laughed and excitedly talked over each other, recounting the thrilling details of what had just occurred.

We then decided to go inside and play some skee ball until it was time for Jeremy and I to head out front to wait on Beck.

All throughout our skeet ball session, the boys again, recounted every exciting moment of our go-cart race. They laughed, shouted, and wildly gestured with their hands and arms, as they discussed their favorite moments.

After about twenty minutes I interupted, to remind Jeremy that we needed to head outside to wait for Beck, since she'd be here to pick us up in about ten minutes.

We said our goodbyes to Callan and Daisy. They told us they had a blast hanging out with us and wanted to exchange cell phone numbers so we could keep in touch. Everyone traded numbers, we'll, everyone except me. Daisy gave me her cell number and I gave her my Skype.

We had been standing out front a couple minutes when Jeremy saw one of his buddies from school.

"I'll be back in a moment."

He leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on my forehead before heading over to where his friend was.

As he walked away, he added with a smile, "You won't leave me, will you?"

"I'll miss you," I called out to him. I don't know why I said that out loud, but I did know I was feeling something inside I had never felt before, not even with Mandy.

I watched as Jeremy and his friend walked toward the main building entrance and disappeared inside.

While continuing to look for Beck, I began thinking back over the date. It really hadn't been at all like I feared it might. I was afraid it would be really awkward and uncomfortable, but thanks to meeting Callan and Daisy, it hadn't been.

Even when Jeremy tried to get romantic with me, I surprisingly didn't find it awkward, creepy or disgusting.

Honestly, looking back on it, I found it sweet and kinda wished he was next to me, holding my hand, right now.

At this moment, I was actually glad I had accepted this date and wondered, or better yet, hoped there would be another.

I definitely wanted to take it slow, but if he were to ask me out again, I already knew I would accept.

At just that moment, I heard someone walking up behind me. My heart began to pound again as I recognized the aroma of Jeremy's cologne announcing his arrival.

Recognition of the scent caused a desire to run from my heart, to my chest, and down toward my inner thighs.

I started to turn around and in the sweetest tone, he quickly announces, "Don't, don't turn around."

I froze, wondering what he was up to. Did he buy me something while he was inside and was about to give it to me or was it something else? I wondered.

It didn't take long to find out what he had up his sleeve.

His fingers gently touched the sides of my head, giving me a pleasant chill as his hands gently, slowly traveled from the sides of my head, down to my neck, out to my shoulders and down the length of my arms, coming to rest with his fingers intertwined with mine.

He took my hands and gently, yet firmly, brought them together in front of me and paused. He spoke no words.

I was yet again enveloped by his manly embrace, and this time I let go of any hangup, allowing myself to completely relax and enjoy the moment. I felt warm, comfortable, and completely safe in his arms.

My heart continued to race. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then exhaled. This didn't just feel warm and safe, it felt right.

He lowered his head, kissed my shoulder, and ran his lips along my skin towards my ear, but didn't quite make it that far. I tilted my head, and he gently nibbled my neck. His teeth on my skin didn't hurt, it only made me want more.

He then turned me around, so we were facing each other.

He gazed into my eyes and smiled. His two hands enveloped one of mine and he placed my open palm on his heart.

He held it there for several moments as I felt his heart beating a rapid as my own. This sent a wave of warmth across my body and caused me to feel as though I might faint at any moment.

I returned his gaze, feeling his eyes exude warmth, security, safety, patience, and respect. I smiled and we continued to peer into one anothers soul for several moments more before he let go of my hands.

With one hand he ran his fingers through my hair until his hand was on the back of my head and gently, yet firmly, guiding my face closer to his.

I was putty in his hands as he continued to pull me in until my head was resting on his chest. He wrapped his other arm around me.

While in that moment against his chest, I could only think about one thing; what could I do to make his heart pound even harder.

Next thing I know, I'm looking up at him and raising my head, moving my lips towards his.

Our lips connected and sparks of electricity danced between us as we kissed.

He responded with such enthusiasm that I was taken aback at first, but I quickly regained my composure and fully realized what was happening; I was kissing Jeremy, I was currently kissing a boy and all my previous protestations and reservations about doing so turned out to be silly and meaningless.

I let go of all my inhibitions and allowed myself to fully embrace the rapturous emotion of this moment.

Nothing could have possibly meant more, been more beautiful than this. His gentle kiss triggered a reaction between my thighs like nothing I had ever experienced without having to use my hands to achieve.

The feeling of his lips on mine was like the beating of a butterfly's wings, soft until it became addictive. It was the murmuring, cool breeze of a summer evening; falling asleep to the faint noises of spring cicadas in the distance; and a red, blazing fire, yet gentle, trickling rain all at once.

I was falling fast, craving his scent, and drinking in the feeling of him so close to me, unsure where I ended and he began.

After a moment more he pulled back and took a breath. I ran my fingers through his disheveled hair, and he closed his eyes at my touch. I observed his breath getting caught in his throat.

I looked at him with an inviting warmth that begged him to kiss me again. The look on his face said he wanted to, but he didn't.

I pulled away and he took a step back.

"Sorry - I-I shouldn't have done that." he stammered in apology.

"What are you talking about?" I asked softly, watching him bemusedly. "That was . . . it was fine."

"F- fine?"

He cleared his throat, laughing a little before I made a move. I wanted his lips on my again and didn't want to wait for him to make a move so I did. I quickly moved to kiss him.

Just as our lips connected, a quick, short blast from a vehicle horn startled us and we both jumped, jarred back to reality.

I turned around to see Beck laughing hysterically as she brought her Hummer to a stop, not five feet from where we stood on the sidewalk.

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