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In hindsight, before I moved I probably should have told Mandy about what was happening, it would have been best, but puberty can be unnerving for most normal kids, and I certainly didn't consider myself normal anymore by any stretch of the imagination.

Mandy and I spent my last day in California together, mostly in silence hanging our legs over the side of the tree house looking down into our backyards as we had done countless times before over the last five years. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't think of any positive way to frame this somber day.

We spent a lot of time remembering some of the best times we'd had together and even shed a few tears.

Just before we parted for the evening, still appreciating the final sunset of our childhood tree house sanctuary, Mandy leaned over and pressed her lips against mine, kissing me as deeply as any romantic movie couple in any gushy love scene that I could recall.

My heart immediately panged as I thought how this would be the last time I'd ever see or be this close with Mandy again. It was also the moment I realized her feelings for me went way beyond any close friendship.

Tears, flowed down my cheek as we kissed.

The movers had finished packing everything we owned into the moving truck, so we said our final goodbyes to all the neighbors who had gathered to see us off.

We then loaded into our vehicle and headed to a hotel about a half-hour or so from town. It had been a long day and we were going to head out on the journey towards our new home first thing in the morning.

That night was not a very restful night, quite the opposite really. Lying in the hotel bed, next to a loudly snoring Dave, my mind was spinning in a jumble of chaotic thoughts and bittersweet emotions.

I don't think I actually fell asleep until about an hour before we were supposed to get up for our trip half way across the country to our new home.

Laying there all night, all I could think of was Mandy and began to recall many moments in our relationship that I, at the time thought were just a result of our close friendship, but now, after last night's kiss which Mandy initiated, I was realizing they had been so much more. The signs that Mandy had romantic feelings for me had been there all along. How did I not see it?

As much as I loved her with all my heart, I had only seen us as best friends. I loved her as much as Dave, if not more than him, but no more than a really close sister.

I wondered how I'd be able to go on without her, and how devastating this must be for her, and then my thoughts eventually turned to how I'd adjust to all of the changes, and our new home.

The following morning we got dressed and checked out of the hotel. I walked out of the hotel lobby and into the parking lot I was surprised to see Mandy and her parents standing next to our vehicle.

They had come over so that Mandy could surprise me with one last goodbye.

Mandy ran up to say her final goodbye. She hugged my parents and my brother Dave first, before giving her last goodbye to me.

Being still half asleep, I had done a poor job wrapping my breasts that morning. So poor the ace bandage slipped down allowing my A cup + breasts to rub against Mandy's when she hugged me.

Despite all of the emotion we felt because of the occasion, I just knew the sensation of my breasts rubbing against hers had to have registered in her mind.

At the very least, I knew she was a little confused by the unexpected physical sensation. She had to be.

It really bothered me for a long time after that day how I already knew this moment would be our final memory of each other together, as a couple.

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