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I ran upstairs to go through and put away the bag of clothes Beck had given me and change into my bathing suit.

Dumping the bag on my bed, I found several very nice name-brand tops, a couple of pairs of skinny jeans with lots of holes in the front of the legs, a pair of high-waisted jeans, four really short skirts, two dresses, a long skirt, and three pairs of leggings.

As I began to put my new things away I realized I still had the boxes of my boy clothes stacked in the bottom of my closet. With my growing collection of girl things, and the fact I'd never need them again, I needed to get the old stuff out of the way, get rid of it all, so I decided to take the boxes downstairs and stack them next to the garbage can in the garage.

When I returned to finish putting away my new clothes from Beck, something caught my eye that I hadn't noticed before.

It was a balled up blue and white mass of fabric. I didn't know what it was, but I thought it might be a bathing suit.

I grabbed it up, untangled it, and spread it out on the bed to get a better look at it.

It was a bathing suit, a nautical style, white and blue two piece suit with a tiny strip skirt, or as one of my favorite Quorians would call it, a wide belt.

I gazed at it for a moment, trying to decide if it was something I would ever wear or not. I mean the bottom barely had a back, other than the little strip of a skirt. There was just a two inch wide piece of fabric from the crotch up the back to the waistband that I'm guessing will completely dissappear between my cheeks once it's on.

The skirt on the first swim suit I wore covered my butt and crotch plus a couple of inches of leg, this one, not so much.

Although it was definitely more reveling than even my red one, I really liked it and decided I wanted to see what it would look like on me, even if I was never going to wear it in front of anyone else.

Staring at it was getting me excited. I think I just wanted to see it on the hot, 17 y/o looking girl in the mirror, more than anything.

Then, just as soon as I scooped it up, I changed my mind without even trying it on.

I was feeling extremely confident and ready to throw caution to the wind.

On second thought, I told myself out loud. This is what I'm wearing to sun by the pool today.

At that moment I wanted to take control of my situation and how I felt. I wanted to feel sexy, confident and feminine and I knew this suit would do just that.

I quickly stripped off my top and as I reached back to release my bra clasp, I realized I could suddenly hear people splashing into the pool.

At that moment I was brought back to reality.

Crap, it won't be just me and Lisa. I told myself.

I finished removing my bra and the rest of my clothes then picked up the bathing suit top. It was then that I realized just how loud the noise outside was.

Wait. How many people are out there?

It wasn't like Dave to throw a party while Mom and Dad was away, besides the only people our own age we had met so far were Jeremy and Lisa, but with all the splashing, laughing, screaming and general commotion, it sounded like there was a whole party of people out back.

I hurried to the window as I fastened the swim suit top in front and then turned it around back.

My heart was racing and I began reconsidering my choice of swimwear as I peeked out through the half open blinds.

Scanning the entire grotto area, looking for who all was out there, I discovered it was just Dave, Jeremy and Lisa, having a loud, spirited water fight.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I stepped into the bathing suit bottom and pulled it on.

Just as I had suspected, I could feel the back of the swim suit bottom slip up between my cheeks, disappearing out of sight.

In the mirror I confirmed my bare rear really was peaking out from under the tiny skirt

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In the mirror I confirmed my bare rear really was peaking out from under the tiny skirt. I had butt cleavage.

I looked back towards my dresser and once again contemplated changing into one of my other suits, even the red one, but after a couple moments I had reminded myself of who I now was and how I wasn't Lucas anymore, so this would be more expected than shocking.

Well, for everyone but Dave, it'll be plenty shocking for him.

Regaining my bravado, I retrieved a towel, headed downstairs, and made myself a glass of tea.

Before stepping out out on the patio, I paused, took a deep breath, released it, then tried to quietly open the sliding glass door.

Lisa let out a squeal as soon as a sound from the sliding door alerted her someone was exiting and she saw me. Her squeal attracted Dave and Jeremy's attention and they both gasped when they saw what Lisa had squealed at.

I don't know what was getting the most shocked reaction, the bathing suit and the amount of skin being revealed by it, or my radically different hair style with it's unnatural but amazing colors and the makeup that made me look two to three years older.

Either way, Dave's facial expression showed he was shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of me, while the grin on Jeremy's face caused knots in the pit of my stomach and made me once again start to re-think my decision to wear this suit.

I had put it on wanting to feel sexy, but now I suddenly just felt ogled.

My first thought when I saw Jeremy's face is that he was pleased and definitely turned on by the sight of me. I recognized that look as one of lust and I'm pretty sure he involuntarily licked his lips when he saw me.

I quickly brought the towel up I was holding, so that it unrolled and covered me from my breasts, down to my thighs.

Had I made a mistake? I certainly didn't feel sexy right now. I felt more exposed, naked, and felt Jeremy was drooling over me like a wolf eyeing a young, helpless, virgin lamb.

I hurried to a lounger, where I sat my glass of tea down, dropped the towel and immediately waded into the pool.

So much for just hanging out with Lisa, working on our tans and not letting this amazing makeup get destroyed.

Lisa paddled her float over and began to gush over my new hair.

Dave swam to me, popped up, and asked me what I was thinking when I let them give me such an extreme cut and what the hell color was my hair supposed to be anyway.

"And that bikini. You've gone too far. Dad is gonna freak out when he sees this, all of it," he added before dropping below the surface of the water and swimming away.

His comments instantly destroyed the elation I had been feeling over my hairstyle. Dave had really upset me.

I glanced over at Jeremy, who was still checking me out and I made a spur-of-the-moment decision without thinking about it.

I was going to use Jeremy to get back at Dave for his comments, by tring to make Dave uncomfortable, and upset him the way he had upset me.  Of course he was already plenty upset so I think what I was really trying to do was piss him off.

I quickly had a plan.

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