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It doesn't always turn out the way you think it might or the way you plan it.

When you're just a kid growing up, you don't really think much about future plans, other than doing your homework (mostly to keep your parents happy) or what you want for Christmas and birthdays or what to do during summer vacation or how popular you are on social media.

But once high school comes onto the horizon, the future has a way of sneaking up on all of us.

Although it took me quite a while, I eventually figured out that even though many things hadn't turned out as expected, making the most out of every day with all that I've been given, was the key to real contentment and happiness.


HI sabrynabrooklynne here.  👗👙👠👸🏼

Please don't be a ghost reader  🧟
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I was asked by Wattpad and several other sites if I wanted to make my some of my stories, paid stories.💵 I turned the opportunity down so that you guys could read them all without having to pay. 💸💸 Yes that would have made me money, 💵💵🤑💵💵but that's not why I do this.

I don't expect everyone to comment all the time, but it's nice to hear what people are thinking on occasion as it let's me know how I can improve. 🙋🏼

If every reader left comments on every chapter I would go mad trying to respond, 🤔 which I like to do, BTW. 🤷🏼 😁 I love conversating with my readers. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

Please, please leave comments if you don't like something as well.🤔 😒 Just make sure it's constructive criticism and not hate. 🙂

A vote👍🏻 is the easiest thing to do, it only takes a fraction of a second, and let's me know you enjoyed that chapter. 

✔️Votes along with the comments,📃 let Wattpad know that readers like my story. This in turn drives it up in the rankings 📈 and means more people will see it as a suggestion. 📖 It's an easy way for people to support me.

I also love to see readers adding my stories to reading lists 📚, following me, and recommending my stories to other readers🧑🏼‍💻, all other great ways for readers who like my stories, to support and help promote me.

Oh, and when you are done with my story check out Laindzy 🦸🏼‍♀️. Particularly the story, "Online." 💻

I helped her write it📝 and it's very different from anything I would write by myself. ☺️ I guarantee you are going to love it. Let's us know what you think if you do.

I actually help her edit all her stories and occasionally ghostwrite  👻 portions. She, in turn, is my editor and gives valuable feedback to me when I bounce ideas off her.

If you like any of my stories, you'll love 💖 hers even more. 🙏🏼

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