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Settling into the front passenger seat, I securely fastened my seat belt and began running through a mental shopping list of what I thought I needed to get today.

Although today would be a quick abbreviated trip to the mall, I still needed to come away with enough stuff to tide me over until we could go on a more extended thorough shopping trip.

Mom explained on the drive over, that today's shopping excursion would be about finding out my sizes in the young teen clothing section of the mall department stores rather than delving too much into the high fashion shops and cutting-edge styles, let alone filling up my closet and dresser drawers.

She did tell me, if we had time, we might check out a couple of boutiques.

Once we arrived at the mall, I stepped out of Mom's comfortably air-conditioned Hyundai SUV, took a deep breath, and tried to suppress the nervous butterflies in my stomach currently trying to convince me to chicken out and tell Mom I couldn't do this after all.

Despite the nervousness, I really was excited about this shopping trip.

I exhaled and calmed my mind, forming a mental picture of myself with all my new feminine curves in an ill-fitting pair of boy jeans and a too-tight tee. I absolutely hated the thought of that image and it was enough to convince me I was absolutely doing the right thing. I needed clothes.

As we walked towards the department store entrance, Mom outlined our plans for maximizing today's trip. Our first stop was going to be at Nordstrom's lingerie department so I could be properly measured for bras.

Reaching the lingerie section, one of the young sales ladies had already come over to attend to us before I could even get my hands on a bra rack.

Quickly scanning our sales attendant, her ocean of wavy platinum blond hair, perfectly made-up face, and youthful hourglass figure clothed in expensive finery made it easy to see how she landed a job working in the lingerie department.

"Good afternoon, ladies. What in particular can I help you find today?" Our sales attendant, whose name tag read 'Jacquelyn', enthusiastically queried.

"Hi Jackie, my daughter needs to be measured for a proper undergarment fitting. It's been almost a full school year since her last big shopping trip and what fit her then, doesn't fit her anymore. You could say that we're starting from scratch today."

In her introduction, Mom didn't tell a single lie nor fib. It was all absolutely true.

Jacquelyn immediately led us to the dressing room where she directed me to remove my shirt.

I looked at Mom as if she'd put a stop to this invasion of privacy, but instead, she just gave me a little nod to go ahead and do as instructed.

Moments later I was standing in front of my mom, topless, and even worse, in front of a complete stranger, too. I was deeply embarrassed to be in this position. However, I quickly realized it was natural for Jacquelyn to see bare boobs when she immediately began taking my measurements.

She pulled the measuring tape around my ribcage underneath my breasts, wrote down a number, and then moved the tape up a little higher. As she put the tape around the fullest part of my breasts, she told me to bend forward so that my upper body was horizontal with the floor.

With the tape now running directly over my nipples, she pulled the slack out of the tape creating a little friction which in turn caused my nipples to expand from the unexpected sensation. At this point, I was fairly certain that I had a fiery blush erupting on my face.

Thankfully, Jacquelyn nor Mom seemed to notice.

After writing the next number down, Jacquelyn was finished doing my breast measurements and began to measure other parts of my body. Measurements Mom had requested on the way to the fitting room.

She checked my waist and hip sizes, inseam length, and finally my overall height from head to toe. When she had all of my measurements, she read them off to me, "32 A bra size, waist 26, hips 28, inseam 28 inches, and height 5'7". You're practically runway model material." offered Jackie in a complimentary appraisal.

Whether that was true or not, it made me feel good.

"Thank you," I replied, barely above a whisper.

Mom hardly waited for Jackie to read off my measurements, before heading to a rack of flesh-colored lacy bras.

She quickly brought one with molded foam cups, back to the fitting room. "This should be your size according to the measurements. If it fits, go ahead and keep it on. Just add it to our bill." Mom matter-of-factly instructed both Jacquelyn and myself.

Once the bra clasps were fastened both Jacquelyn and Mom began tugging on it in various places, making sure it fit correctly.

"Okay, now we're ready to do some real shopping. Get your shirt back on." Mom instructed.

After going through the different racks of various bra and panty styles, colors, and patterns, we picked out several more sensible bras in my size, two in white, two black bras, and one in blue. For the last selection, however, Mom grabbed a solid bright pink bra and panty set.

One of the black bras that we picked out was fancier than the rest, which I thought was interesting.

Picking out panties, I made sure we picked solid matching colors without any girly prints like hearts, polka dots, or any such silliness. I wasn't ready for that.

At one point I picked up a black g-string that I thought matched the fancy black bra. I was just looking at it, but as soon as Mom saw what I was holding she raised an eyebrow with a sideways glance, and quickly took it from me. She then switched it out with a fancy bikini cut pair which she added to the pile of undergarments we had already selected.

On our way to the register, I noticed the sports bra section.

"Mom, will I need...?" I pointed at the sports bras.

"Actually, yeah you will. Go ahead," she agreed, permitting me to pick something out.

I quickly searched for my size, adding three high-impact sports bras to my growing collection.

As Jacquelyn rang up our bill, I was shocked to see how much one nice matching bra and panty set, three sports bras, and a week's worth of regular no-frill girl's underwear cost.

Now that I was wearing my first real bra, I quickly concluded I had made the right choice to stop hiding my rapidly developing girl figure. It felt really nice having my breasts gently cupped by such velvety comfortable material, as if someone was caringly holding my newly acquired assets safely and firmly in place.

So much better than painfully trying to press them flat and tightly binding them with the bandages.

Walking away from the register I felt amazing, feminine, and confident, and all the nervousness was gone, well most of it.

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