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When we pulled into Beck's driveway, she suggested I take my bags to my room, change into my new two-piece, and meet her in my backyard. She said she'd be right over.

As I headed into my house, I began to think about the embarrassing upskirt show I gave those boys earlier. Even now I was still feeling a twinge of embarrassment, yet knowing the effect it had over them, caused me to also feel empowered at the same time.

An uncontrollable smile turned up the corners of my lips.

What did I learn from this incident? I have to be more aware of what I'm wearing and how I could be exposing myself inappropriately while keeping in mind the potential power over guys I now have.

When I walked into my room, I could hear the unmistakable sound of Dave's voice coming from out back. I also heard laughter, feminine laughter. Lisa, Jeremy, and Dave must be in the pool, but was it our amazing, waterfall fed, jungle grotto pool. I certainly hoped they were next door, in Jeremy and Lisa's pool and not ours.

Peeking out the window confirmed my fear, they were in our pool.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

Well, this is gonna be interesting. I thought as I began to undress.

Once I had changed into my new bikini, I put on sunblock and wrapped myself in a beach towel.

I then walked over to the window and began to observe the activity in the pool while waiting for Beck to show up. I wasn't about to go down there until she was here.

Just her presence in a bikini should be a distraction great enough to keep most of the attention off of me. I knew this because I had seen her knockout gorgeous body in her new bikini earlier today, when she tried it on. I bet Jeremy and Dave won't even give me a second glance with her present.

I hope that's the case, anyways.

I rested my shoulder against the wall next to the window. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and continued to peer out the window.

Jeremy floated around on top of an innertube with his legs hanging over the sides. He was shirtless. What caught my eye was that he was well tanned and even more ripped than Dave.

I haf always been jealous of Dave's abs. Always wondering how he could be so defined and me, well, not, even though we both worked out together all the time. I wonder if my genes had been the reason for that all along.

I looked at Dave's abs and then back at Jeremy's and began to wonder if Dave had compared himself to Jeremy the way I was now.

Like I said, I used to want to look just like Dave, now, not so much. Although, I am quite fit, with a tone, flat midsection that I don't want to lose. Being a girl now will not stop me from continuing to workout just as hard as before. I need to get me some workout leggings for working out in the gym during football season.

For a moment I pictured myself lying on a weight bench, lifting 100 lbs, wearing body-hugging, low-rise, cropped leggings and a matching sports bra, while the rest of the football team stole glances, distracted from their own workout.

Continuing to wait for Beck, I took notice of how calm and content Jeremy seemed lying there aimlessly floating around the grotto pool, without a care in the world. For a brief moment I wondered what was going through his head and if he was thinking about me.

Lisa on the other hand was infatuated with Dave and it showed. She wasn't very subtle about it, with the way she hung on to his every word, laughed at his corny jokes, and basically never took her eyes off him.

And Dave, he was loving the attention. He had, as long as I could remember, always loved being the center of attention, especially when the attention was from girls. He knew exactly what was going on with Lisa and he fed into it.

"Hi, guys," I heard Beck call out, just after the sound of the wooden privacy gate opening. "Where's Carla?"

The gate popped as it closed.

Immediately, Jeremy and Dave spun their innertubes around and gave Beck their undivided attention and gaze. They were both practically drooling and for a split-second I felt a tinge of jealousy.

No, no, no. That's not what I want, I quickly told myself.

A second layer, Beck came into view. She was looking around for me.

"I didn't know you guys were back. I haven't seen her." Dave replied.

Oh no, this is it. I don't guess I can put it off any longer.

I turned. Looking at myself in the mirror one last time, I adjusted my top. Why had I allowed Beck to talk me into getting this suit instead of the high waisted one with the larger top that I first saw? It covered a lot more skin than this one.

I suddenly felt way over exposed, practically naked. I told myself that I take back everything negative I had said about how the sundress had made me feel exposed. That dress may as well have been a floor-length padded coat, compared to the exposure I suddenly now felt in this suit.

My heart pounded as I inhaled deeply and let it out. I had to admit, regardless of how I felt, that girl in the mirror didn't look bad at all. In fact, she was quite cute. I also noticed that my suit, regardless of how skimpy I thought it was, it was nearly as scandalous as the one beck currently had on.

That girl in the mirror is me. I am her and I can do this, I told myself before hesitantly turning toward the hallway.

Once I made it downstairs and to the patio door, I paused for a moment before making my debut.

At the sound of the sliding glass door opening, Dave, Jeremy, and Beck all turned their attention towards me.

Beck wanted to see me come out in the most un-tomboy outfit I'd ever worn. Dave looked to see what his new sister was going to walk out wearing, and Jeremy was just excited that I was finally there.

Immediately, someone fired off a shrill cat-call whistle.

It was Beck.

Right after whistling, she turned and asked Dave about me. "Hey Dave, you ever think you'd see your sister looking so far from boyish?"

"I'm speechless," he replied as he quickly looked away.

I was sure he had to be wondering what she meant by that and if she knew my secret. The look on his face was one of embarrassment and confusion.

I laughed internally, deciding to just let him wonder.

Jeremy's eyes had lit up as soon as he first saw me, and were currently glued to me, which made me uncomfortable, but I didn't entirely hate it. I was doing my best to treat it as normal.

Initially I was terrified, but just knowing how approving of my look, Jeremy was, caused a confidence to build within me as I walked over to a lounger, dropped the towel from my arm and quickly dove into the pool with a smile on my face.

So much for not being the focus of Dave and Jeremy's attention.

It turned out to not be as bad as it could have been and like I said, I was trying to treat it as normal, trying to convince myself this was how it was going to be and that I just needed to get used to it.

I swam some laps to calm my nerves and try to adjust my mind to this new normal. Lisa and I had a conversation about my bikini. It turns out, she loved the suit and envied me for having parents that allowed me to wear suits like this.

Little did she know that my parents knew nothing about this swimsuit and would quickly make me change if they did know.

I moved to a deeper part of the pool so I could completely submerge my body in the water and Lisa joined me. We talked for a few minutes before she challanged me to a two lap race, which I easily won.

It wasn't long before all four of us were having water fights and eventually I ended up on Dave's shoulders while Lisa rode on Jeremy's and we fought, trying to topple each other off.

We were having a wonderful time laughing and playing and at one point, taking turns going down the slide.

I let go of my fear and inhibitions and embraced the confidence and silent power the skimpy bathing suit gave me.

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