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When it was all done, I finally got my first look. I was turned around in the chair and introduced to the radical, even more feminine, new look I was going to have to get used to looking back at me, every time I found a mirror.

To say it was a little different from my old hair, would be an understatement. This was radically different, strange to see with its new colors, and much shorter on one side than the other, which still covered my right ear.

I actually had to stare at myself for a moment to make sure that it was me I was seeing in the mirror. I was unrecognizable.

I'm sure Dave could have walked in right now looking for me and would have said I wasn't here. I was unrecognizable as myself, but I didn't hate it.

In fact, the more I looked at it, the more it grew on me. This was perfect for my first day at a new school as a girl. I couldn't wait to start classes now. My confidence was through the roof and I couldn't wait for mom to see it, as well as everyone else. I also  knew, regardless of how hard dad might be trying to adjust to all these changes, it was definitely going to make him a little uneasy at first.

The color was, well, I don't know what to call it, there was blue, and gray, and green, and purple, and a hint of silver. It was like holographic colors and pretty frickin' awesome.

The cut, which Beck later told me was called an asymmetrical pixie cut with bangs and an under shave, still retained almost all the old length on one side, but was shaved underneath on that side and that shaved closeness continued around the back and the other side.

I began to fell warm and fuzzy in my abdomen and I knew all to well what that feeling was. This new look and confidence was exciting me. That warm abdominal feeling began to spread throughout my body.

The nail tech helped me get my shoes back on and I started to get up from the chair

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The nail tech helped me get my shoes back on and I started to get up from the chair.

"Hey Beck, this is crazy. It's . . . It's so frickin' different."

"But do you like it," she asked, unable to turn her head in my direction since she was laying back, getting hair dye washed out of her own hair.

"Do I have a choice now? I mean, whether I like or not, what's done is done and I have to deal with it. But, what the heck. Who am I trying to kid. I frickin' love it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, so much, Beck. It's a really cool cut and I think everyone will love the color."

They definitely won't see anything other than a girl now, I excitedly told myself.

"I'll wait for you in the bookstore next door. They got a new fantasy series I wanna look at. I'll be in there when you're done," I announced to Beck.

"No you won't, you're not quite done yet."

"What do you mean," I replied stopping in my tracks.

"You're getting a color consultation."

"Color consultation? What's that?"

"You'll see," Beck replied with a smile. "Just pay attention and take notes."

Oh, yeah. Momma mentioned that amd she said the same thing, 'pay attention and take notes.' she's gonna do my makeup.

Just then a very beautiful girl about Beck's age came over, took my hand and led me to an area when she sat me in another chair.

She then pinned the long hair on the right side of my head, away from my face and began to clean my face with a makeup remover pad.

Once she was satisfied that it was completely clean she started to apply new makeup.

The whole time she talked about different types of makeup products, explained what my "optimal colors" were, and described in detail what she was doing. She worked on my face for quite a while, explaining everything in great detail while also making it easy to understand.

A camera next to her video'd the whole process. This was for me to take with me, for reference later, she explained.

I sat in that chair for an extraordinarly long time. I had nexer seen so much makeup used on one person and a couldn't believe the incredible change it made to my face.

When my makeup was done, I couldn't believe it. Even though she had used that much product and takes that long, it didn't look, thick, clownish, or caked on. In fact it looked rather natural, but I was more beautiful than I ever dreamed I could ever be.

As a boy I couldn't have even fantasized about ever knowing a girl this drop-dead gorgeous, and now, here she was, I was that girl.

Admiring myself in the mirror, I felt like a princess, not that I knew what that was supposed to feel like, I just knew that this had to be it. I loved the way the makeup made me look and immediately knew that if this was indeed what it felt like to be a princess, then a princess is what I wanted to be.

There was no doubt that this marked the moment I knew, without a shadow of doubt that not only was I a girl, I would be spending the rest of my life as one of the girliest of girly-girls. I was hooked. Hair, nails and makeup were going to be a huge part of my life, from this day forward.

Dave is definitely going to hate it. The verdict is still out on dad. But if I had to guess, it's going to throw him for a loop too.

When I finally stood up from the makeup chair, I looked down and saw, for the first time, my newly painted toenails. I absolutely loved the way they looked peeking out of my sandals, screaming girly-girl.

Today I had the privilege of getting to experience and enjoy my first manicure/pedicure. I couldn't wait until I could do it again either. My feet felt velvety smooth and soft from the way she massaged my feet and applied a skin softening lotion before painting my nails.

I loved the color of my nails too. I ended up choosing a nice, matte-finish, chocolate-color instead of the French tips Beck had suggested.

Beck went with a burgundy color herself.

I knew that for the rest of the day I wouldn't be able to stop admiring my nails and running my fingers through the short, almost buzzed, hair on the sides and back of my head.

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