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I had just finished making Dave compliment me, when suddenly, from across the fence I heard the sound of wood bumping against a window, like fancy wooden window blinds being moved.

Looking for where the sound came from, I noticed blinds in an upstairs window at the Amatos' house overlooking our backyard, swaying with no other explanation than someone had obviously just looked out at us.

"Did you see that?" I inquired, hastily paddling towards Dave.

"Yeah, I heard something." said Dave in a loud whisper while looking around.

"I think our neighbors were looking out on us. Maybe I ought to give them something to stare at," I stated matter-of-factly.

Without any second thoughts or hesitation I reached up and pulled my swimsuit straps off my shoulders. This time I kept pulling until my top was down to my belly and my boobs were exposed. I then continued to lay on my float, on my back, sunning myself topless, not caring that Dave or the neighbors could see my small, yet fully naked breasts.

Although I know Dave blushed when I lowered my top, I figured it was best. He needed to get used to the new me, once and for all. There didn't need to be any doubt in his mind that I was his sister now, so I figured, seeing my growing chest a few times might do the trick.

Looking back on this, I realize that may not have been the best idea, but at the time I acted on impulse.

It was strange to think back how earlier in the year, I would have figuratively died; mortified if anyone had seen me with my shirt off. But now I've started to embrace the new me, as well as the character I see myself playing.

At this moment I was feeling a bit of a thrill at the idea of people wanting to see the new me. Heck, I love seeing the new me, whether dressed up in my various types of new attractive girl clothes or whether it's just me completely naked in the mirror.

I didn't know if I'd ever get completely used to seeing a pretty girl when I looked in the mirror, but at this point, it didn't matter anymore. Not only have I decided to accept the girl in the mirror, more importantly, I was starting to like what I saw.

"Seriously?" Dave questioned while looking away. "Have you no decency?"

"What? I'm giving them something to look at."

"I'd rather you didn't."

"People in hell would like a glass of water. We don't always get what we want. Sorry, not sorry."

The unrelenting hot Texas sun had my breasts starting to feel a little tender from the exposure and I realized if I didn't put them away I was gonna end up with sunburn or worse, mom was going to see me like this.

Just as I was thinking about putting my top back on, I heard from inside the house, what sounded like the front doorbell.

I quickly pulled up my swimsuit, got out, and grabbed a towel so that I could dry up. I wanted to go see who was here.

However, realizing it could be the neighbors coming over to complain about my indecent exposure, I stopped in my tracks.

Just then, through the kitchen window I could make out Mom and the vague image of a dark haired woman talking together in the kitchen.

I continued to watch them as I moved closer to the patio door. After a couple more minutes of observing their body language, I decided it was safe to go in.

Opening the sliding patio door, still covered up in the oversized fluffy beach towel, I stepped in to meet our new visitor.

"Well, here she is now, my daughter, Carla, " my mom happily introduced me as I entered.

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