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I was still enraptured by what had just transpired and deep in thought when I raised my fork to take a bite of food. That's when a clump of BBQ sauce covered pork escaped my fork and landed on the edge of the table. It scared me because I just knew it was going to continue into my lap and ruin my beautiful dress.

Luck for me though, it didn't. I quickly snatched it up with my fork and placed it on the edge of my plate.

I then took one of the large napkins from the table, and unfolded it in my lap. As I did I got a look at my exposed right thigh which was encased in nude-colored nylon.

An embracing warmth came over me, and I got lost in my thoughts and feelings I understood what dad was saying about discovering who I was before complicating things with a boyfriend. I knew dad and mom loved me unconditionally, and that all was right with the universe now.

All of a sudden, I became aware that someone was standing next to me, looking at me.


"Honey," dad addressed me, jarring me from my thoughts. "He asked if you'd like more tea in your glass."

"Oh, sorry, I was lost in my own world. Yes, please."

As he tipped the pitcher of tea and my glass was being refilled, I looked up to discover it was a young college age boy, with perfect hair, tan skin, muscular broad shoulders, buff arms, and piercing brown eyes. Just the kind of look that would cause any girl my age, to sit up and pay attention. I know, cause I used to worry about having to compete with guys like that, afraid I'd never measure up.

I smiled, thanked him when he was done, and took a quick, sideways glance back at him as he walked away.

When I looked back around I noticed mom, sitting across from me, watching my reaction to and interaction with him. She quickly looked down at her plate with a smile plastered across her face.

Oh, geeze. She thinks I was checking him out . . . but I wasn't. Not like that . . . or . . . well, I guess I was.

My cheeks immediately began to burn with embarrassment.

Mom made a comment without even looking back up at me. "It's okay honey, you don't have to be embarrassed. It's natural."

Well thanks, Mom. If I wasn't embarrassed before, I certainly am now.

I quickly put my fork down, backed my chair up, stood, and excused myself to go to the restroom.

Just as I turned, mom spoke. "Don't forget your purse, sweetheart. A lady never goes to the restroom without her purse."

Why, I asked myself. Why did she think I needed to take my purse? It's not like you're all suddenly gonna leave the table before I get back.

I retrieved the tiny, blue and white purse with the long, thin shoulder strap from the back of my chair even though I really didn't know why she insisted I take it.

I knew there was nothing in my purse but my wallet with the thirty bucks she and Beck had given me before my date with Jeremy, my non-driver ID card from California, my photo ID from my old school, mom's two 'just in case' tampons, and the same tube of lipstick I was current wearing on my lips.

Wait that's it. When I put on my lipstick she reminded me to put it in my purse so I could freshen up.

Headed towards the restroom, I could feel at least two pair of eyes burning a hole in my backside as I walked away from the table.

Did they have to watch me walk away? I asked myself, before deciding to put a little sway in my hips to give them something to look at.

Later that night as I removed my dress in order to get ready for bed, after having a long, wonderful mother-daughter talk with mom, I thought back over everything she said, the last few weeks of my life, the date with Jeremy, and the family dinner.

She had asked me all about my date and I answered her honestly, gave her all the details, holding nothing back nor lying about about anything. She asked me if he tried to kiss me. I not only told her yes but also described what I felt during and after the kiss and asked her what it meant for me.

She said it meant I was well on my way to fully embracing the womanhood that was my destiny. She also pointed out that it sounded like I was learning who I was and quickly becoming  the strong, confident young lady and daughter I was born to be.

A calm washed over me and in that moment I realized I was really beginning to understand there was no remnants of boy left in me, other than a small physical anamoly. This was it. I was a girl on the cusp of blossoming into a lovely young lady.

I reached down and lowered my panties to my thighs.

Taking my external appendage between two fingers and my thumb, I removed it from its usual position folded back into my lady parts and turned it so it pointing upward.

Looking down at it, I began to speak.

"You don't define me, little guy. I know you have a mind of your own and you want nothing more than to one day find yourself rock hard and being thrust in and out of some girl's vaginal canal, but that's not going to happen. One day I'm going to wake up from anesthesia to find you no longer exist in the two inch form in which you currently exist. You'll be much smaller, the size of a new pencil eraser, and surrounded by a hood. The only vagina you'll ever see the inside of, is the one you, for now, get tucked into everyday, bent back in a way that won't allow you to grow and enjoy your time inside.

"You see, the thing is, you aren't who I am or who I want to be. I'm a girl . . . and one day, the doctors are going to fix everything, and I'll be complete. I don't say this as a threat to scare, but rather a promise of that which is yet to come. A joyous day to look forward to, the day I'll be completely normal."

🔲 The End 🔲


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