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Lisa and I continued to watch Dave and Jeremy horsing around at the other end of the grotto.

"Look at him," Lisa commented at one point. "Isn't he just the cutest? Dave, I mean. Especially his laugh."

She let out a sigh.

I looked at Lisa for a moment then, with a big grin I moved away from the waterfall and called out to Dave. I had another idea.

"Hey Dave. Come over here, Lisa and I need to ask you something."

"What are you doing," Lisa asked, in a panicked voice just loud enough for me to hear.

Her cheeks turned red and she backed away from me, slipping behind the waterfall again as Dave swam toward me.

As soon as Dave popped up out of the water he quickly flicked my groin with a backhanded swat of his fingers.

"Nut check," he called out quietly, just loud enough only I could hear.

"Why are you such a jerk," I asked with a grin.

Of course it didn't hurt me, since I didn't actually have testicles.   

Dave looked back at me quizzically, his face all twisted up with confusion.

"What," I responded questioning his reaction.

"We both know that's not the first time either of us has ever done that each other , but that time it felt . . . different."

My grin grew three sizes larger, "I know. I couldn't very well come out here in this bathing suit with a little bulge. You didn't notice how flat my groin area was earlier?"

"So you think I would be looking for my brotherrrrrr, er sister's bulge?" He shuddered. "Besides, it too tiny to see anyways."

"Ha, ha. I see, you got jokes. Anyways, it's tucked back inside my vagina."

"Ewwww, TMI. T. M. I. . ."

He paused and his expression changed as a realization came to him.

"Oh shit, are you telling me you can 'F' yoursel--On second thought, don't answer that. I just got a mental picture I DID NOT want to see."

He feigned vomiting.

After heeving a couple times, he stopped and asked, "Whatta you want, anyways?"

"Are you okay with what you saw earlier between Jeremy and me?"

His facial expression turned sour and he tensed up.

"No. I mean, I got lots of questions. Like, yesterday you told me--"

I stopped him.

"Got it. I promise, you can ask anything you want, after dinner tonight while I'm kicking your ass in video game football, but not now."

"Isn't that what you called me over here for?"

"Not exactly. I wanted to ask you if you liked Lisa," I looked in her direction to see her looking terrified.

I looked back at Dave, "I mean, I think you do. It's pretty obvious the way you watch her."

"Okay, and? What's it to you?"

"Well, I happen to have some information," I replied, playfully walking my hands up his chest.

"What's that?"

"Telling you, or not depends on you."


"You've got to promise me you'll work harder to accept me as I am now. And respect me as a girl; your football winning, video game dominating, best friend, and younger sister who can still kick your ass and might also possibly one day find herself wanting to date some of your friends."

"And if I can't?"

"Then life'll really suck for both of us, but mostly you. We're family, Dave, family has each other's back. We've always had each other's back."

"Look, I get it, kinda. You're a girl now and you say you're the same person, and that out relationship will never change, but it will and already has. I'm trying. You've just got to give me some time."

I stuck out my pinkie finger and he wrapped his around mine. We made a pinkie promise to each other, something that had always been sacred between us.

"So, what do you want to tell me about Lisa," Dave asked.

I pulled in real close to him and began to whisper, "Actually, it's not Lisa, it's Jeremy. He isn't actually interested in me. He thinks he using me to make you jealous. He likes you."

"Wait, what? Hell to the naw, you said . . . " Dave questioned loudly as he backed away.

"Yeah, that's why he's being nice to me. He was trying to get information about you."

"Seriously?" Dave continued as he looked towards Jeremy. "Are you serious? Carla, you better be joking. I mean it."

"When you went inside, I was just minding my own business when he called me over and asked me if you'd ever dated or might be interested in dating a bo-  . . ."

I couldn't keep a straight face any longer. I burst out laughing and he stepped back towards me, punching me in the arm.

"Very funny. You're so full of sh*t. So, about Lisa," he asked again.

Well . . . "I began drawing it out for effect.

"Well, what? Come on, spit it out."

"I happen to know . . ."

"Know what?"

"I happen to know she does like you."


"Yeah, look at the way she's trying to hide over there." I pointed towards her with my thumb so she'd know we were talking about her. "She's embarrassed. She knows I called you over to tell you. You should go talk to her."

"Yeah I should, but not yet," he replied. It was obvious he was nervous about actually talking to her.

"Why not?"

"Now's not the right moment. It would put her on the spot and embarrass her too much. She's already freaked out over there thinking you're telling me she likes me. You can see that from here."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right."

"Thanks, sis."

"So you not gonna . . ."

"Yeah, I will. In due time."

I headed back over to Lisa.

"Hey, guess what? I just found out Jeremy does like you and he's gonna ask you out." I told her.

"Really, when?"

"Yeah, just as soon as he gets over  his fear of talking to you."

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