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Once a network speed test was successfully conducted in each room of the house and all the way out to the other end of the pool, I started the task of setting up dads computer, and the computer in the family room, along with a network printer and our network connected storage that we all shared.

I also ensured the smart TVs in my parents room, the kitchen, Dave's room, my room, and the living room was connected and set up the wireless surround sound system in the living room. I then got the Amazon Echo Show running in the kitchen, living room and my parents room and made sure the exterior security cameras and front doorbell were all on the network.

Before I was done, I also connected all the smart bulbs in the living room, bedrooms, kitchen, front entry, and dining area and made sure they were able to be voice activated.

With all of this accomplished, I knew mom and dad had no idea how long it would take, so I could spend the next few hours doing some personal research before they come up with something else due me to do.

Before diving into the research I took the time to freshly wipe my hard drive and reload my operating system along with all of my previous software programs and backed up data. I knew this would now allow me to do my research without having to deal with the prying eyes of the parental software dad had installed on my computer when he bought it for me six months ago.

it was like giving myself a brand new upgraded computer without all the restrictions.

Opening up my browser, I simply typed in a Google search, 'female body parts' and a whole bunch of web links popped up.

Clicking on the first link, I seemed to have found what I was looking for. Not only were there several pictures with detailed diagrams of vaginas, they also had a section displaying the same kind of medical and pictorial explanations for penises.

Before going any further, I took my laptop off of Dad's desk and headed into my bedroom's private bathroom. I sat down on the cold tile floor floor across from where a large six foot tall wall mounted vanity mirror was hung.

I peeled off my sweat pants, pulled off my t-shirt, unwrapped the ace bandages from around my breasts and then resumed my research. I studied several more pages, mainly comparing myself to the clinically diagrammed vaginal photos on the websites.

Most of my parts all matched what I saw in the diagrams, except I didn't have a clitoris but a penis instead.

After I fished it out from it's fleshy encased compartment, I looked at my unerect "manhood" a modest one and a half inches, maybe less. Probably less.

It was in the right spot for a clitoris and looked like the ones in the photos, well kind of, except it was larger and definitely looked more like a penis.

Another thing I learned, on one of the pages, was that my penis wasn't exactly 'normal'.

Until then I never knew that most penises had the pee hole on the very tip. One website I found described something they called Penoscrotal hypospadias. The picture looked like my penis with the pee hole at the base, underneath.

Then I discovered something even more strange, looking at photos of female anatomy, I discovered that my pee hole more closely matched where it should be for a girl.

Did this mean I was actually a girl with an enlarged clit, overgrown to the approximate size of a 5-6 year old boy's penis?

My heart began to pound harder in my chest.

I was scared of what I was discovering. Did I want to continue?

As scary as it was, I knew I had to. I was really intrigued now, so I searched more and more pages and compared myself to every photo and diagram I could find.

At one point, as I continued examining myself, my vaginal opening began to feel a little warm and a little moisture formed. At the same time, my penis began to harden, becoming another 2-3 cm longer.

From there, my examination began to decend into a journey of self exploration.

While my penis was erect, I knew from previous experience, I couldn't tuck it back where I normally kept it in it's fleshy vagina compartment.

I also observed that the more I massaged my small penis, the more the moisture gathered around the opening of my vagina.

Continuing to massage myself, my examination was over and I was completely at the whim of my supercharged teenage hormones, searching for the pinnacle of ecstasy.

My heavy breaths quickly turned into sounds like that of a little girl enjoying her favorite ice cream while simultaneously doing strenuous exercises.

I started to get uncontrollably louder, that's was when I stopped. I couldn't risk being heard by anyone else.

Coming down slowly from the most amazing body and mind engulfing sensations I could ever imagine, I needed a break, if just to reflect on what I had just experienced.

As my head cleared, I could smell an odd, very distinct odor in the room. I touched the fluid on the floor (fluid that had leaked out of my vagina) then raised my fingers up to my nose and took a whiff.

Yup, oh boy, that's where the scent was coming from. It was slightly pungent, however, I had no basis for which to compare the odor with any other scent from memory, other than assuming that this is what intercourse must smell like.

Looking at the clock, I noticed what time it had become and decided I'd better head downstairs for some lunch or, my parents might send a search party out looking for me.

Making sure to clean up thoroughly, myself and then the floor, using a wet soapy wash cloth, I felt satisfied once I couldn't smell the scent any longer.

After slipping my shorts back on and spraying a little deodorant around my privates (just in case), I went downstairs to grab some lunch.

Less than halfway down the stairs, I noticed my breasts moving underneath my shirt, with each downward step. Even though my shirt was a size larger than I should actually be wearing, there was no mistaking two small, yet distinct boobs pushing my shirt out just a bit, in contrast to my normally tightly bandaged breasts.

Contemplating whether to turn around and go rebandage my chest to hide my breast development, or just continue to the kitchen for lunch, I decided I was tired of constantly bandaging myself up, not to mention putting up with the extra layer of cloth in this heat. If anyone says anything, at least I'll get the issue out in the open once and for all.

Continuing towards the kitchen, I was mildly amused by the light movement I felt coming from chest along with the feeling of my shirt brushing against my sensitive nipples, simply from walking without the wrapping. This was the first time I'd gotten to experience that and it was exhilarating.

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