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Once Mom had put a hint of eyeliner and clear gloss on my face, touched up my hair, and painted my nails, I slipped my feet into the sandals and buckled the little straps around my ankles.

Mom and I then headed into the living room where Dave was watching a sports news broadcast.

Mom entered ahead of me and stopped in the doorway.

"Where's Dad," she inquired of Dave.

"Unpacking and organizing in the garage, I think."

"Okay, well I guess it's just you for now."

She stepped forward and turned back toward me. I was still out of my brother's sight in the hallway. "Let me officially introduce you to Carla O'Riley."

She threw her hands out in my direction and I stepped into the room.

"Be nice," she quickly advised Dave, as I entered.

His reaction was immediate.

"Oh My God, Lucas" he gasped.

"CARLA," Mom and I both loudly exclaimed, simultaneously.

"Sorry, Carla," he corrected.

"We have to get used to saying Carla. We can't slip up in front of anyone." Mom explained, taking a seat in her rocking recliner. "Have a seat next to your brother."

I nervously took a seat on the couch, next to Dave and noticed that he descretly slid over a few inches, further away from me.

"Dave, you had quite the reaction when your sister walked in." Mom stated.

"Why, bro? Is it that bad," I quickly added.

"No, no, not at all. I was just blown away by how different you looked now. Anyone who meets you for the first time, looking like this, would never know."

What mom had done to me actually wasn't that much, but he certainly had quite a reaction and he said all the right things, but I could tell from his body language and by the sound of his voice, he was very uncomfortable right now.


He was looking down, avoiding me and he didn't respond.

"Dave, look at me," I requested.

He slowly turned his head in my direction. When his gaze reached my face, I looked him in the eyes.

"If you're worried, you don't need to be. I'm the same person I've always been. I was born like this and my body was always destined to develop into a woman. Mom and Dad didn't know that at the time and made the choice they thought was right."

"This isn't your sister's fault either, David. Don't blame her." Mom added.

"I know," Dave mumbled, staring towards the now muted television.

"Then what is it," I continued. "Are you afraid I'll stop being your best friend, afraid I'll stop playing or even liking football? There's no way that'll happen. I'll always love and look up to you the same as I always have, and I love football too much to EVER quit playing. I can't wait until we can try out for the team here."

He looked over at me.

Yep, I think that might be part of it, he's worried about our relationship now.

"Kinda," he began.  "Are you sure you'll always be the same person? You're my best friend and I'm afraid we won't have anything in common anymore. And what does Dad really think of all of this?"

Mom spoke up, "Dave, you heard what your sister said. Now you have to understand that there will be new things for her to explore and, yeah there are things about her that will change. But I had a talk with your Dad last night after everyone went to bed. Although he does have reservations and is finding it hard to accept, he's trying and he really does support her. He understands this is what has to happen. It'll take time."

She looked at me," Now, your Dad does think it best if we proceed slowly. He doesn't think there's any reason to rush and end up pushing you into something you're not ready for or want."

She then looked back at Dave," There's no reason you can't do the same thing as your Dad and support her. She's still the same person and she needs your support."

"Yeah, and I'll still kick your butt in video game football," I told him as I pushed him over.

He went to push me back and I hopped up of the couch to avoid him.

Once I stood up I realized I needed to pee. I headed out of the room and straight to the bathroom.

While I was in the bathroom I heard my Dad enter the living room and ask where Lucas was. Simultaneously, both Mom and Dave corrected him with a loud, "CARLA."

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