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Once we got home, Mom went straight to the kitchen to start making her famous no-bake key lime bars. She instructed me to put away my new things and to keep out my new black bathing suit for swimming in the Miller's pool.

I headed to my room. Once everything else was put away I gathered a towel and sun block to take along to the neighbor's backyard party. I love swimming and I know mom told the Miller's we'd go swimming today, but I really wasn't looking forward to wearing a girls bathing suit for the very first time, in front of a crowd, because I knew I'd be accentuating and exposing my feminine body more than ever.

I knew it was going to be bad enough in front of my family, but strange, new people as well? Would I really be able to do this? I began to panic thinking about how much harder it was going to be with neighbors whom I barely knew.

I plopped down on the floor, placed my back against the wall, and huged my knees against my chest. This is how I remained for twenty minutes or more.

In my mind I debated both sides of the situation until I had finally convinced myself it was something I was going to have to do sooner or later and making excuses to get out of it now wouldn't make it any easier later. Besides, they didn't know me as anything other than a girl anyways.

I'm just going to have to rip the band aid off, and go for it, I told myself.

I began to picture myself from earlier today when I had tried the bathing suits on, recalling the images from the dressing room mirrors.

Just as Mom had told me, I knew the bright red cut-out one piece would attract more attention and was not something I should be wearing in front of other people right now, so I put it away in the drawer, agreeing with mom the black swim dress was the one to wear.

That was when I got an idea.

Instead of waiting until we were at the Miller's, for dad, and Dave to see me in a girl's bathing suit for the first time, why not put it on now and go find them. This way they could get over the shock and not risk raising eyebrows later.

I stripped down and changed into the suit, keeping the sandals on. I placed my new white mesh knit summer top (Mom called it a swimsuit cover-up) and one of my new pair of perfect, form fitting denim shorts on the bed to put on over the suit, before we headed over.

I then walked out into the hallway where I could hear the rest of the family having a conversation.

Dad and Dave tried to mask the surprise in their initial wide-eyed expressions. Dave's eyes bugged out and he intentionally composed an exaggerated smile. Dad meanwhile, diverted his eyes.

Neither of them initially said anything.

I could tell Dad was shaken by the sight of me, his 'son', dressed like this with my feminine curves completely revealed. It was also the first time he had gotten such a clear look at my unbound chest which was actually being enhanced by the built-in foam cup supports in the suit.

Dave was shaken too.

Yes, I knew they had to be shocked at the sight of me in a one piece bathing suit, but if they didn't like or even approved of what I was wearing, they were doing a pretty good job of trying to hide it. Well, Dave anyways.

I guess dad was trying too, since he didn't say anything negative or get visibly mad. Dave made an effort at a show of support and at least tried to make me feel like he approved.

After a few minutes of silence,
Dad finally spoke and complimented Mom and I for our excellent choice of a modest one piece suit with a skirt.

Actually, now that I think about it, I believe seeing me like that made Dave more than a little uncomfortable. I'm sure it caught him off guard and his hormone saturated body probably reacted in typical teen male fashion on first sight, before his conscious mind could get it under control and remind him that this was his formerly male sibling he was finding attractive.

Mom could sense that I was anxious, so she walked me to her bedroom where she proceeded to brush my hair and put a small black velvet bow hair clip in my hair, on one side to hold the hair back behind my ear.

"There. You look nice. Of course, you'll have to take that out before getting in the pool," she told me.

She then picked up a blush brush and gave each of my cheeks a quick dusting, just a couple of back-and-forth swipes across each cheek.

She mentioned to me that next time we go shopping, we'll have to figure out my proper colors at the makeup counter.

That actually gave me something to look forward to, since I was ready to do whatever it took to ensure no one ever had to wonder whether I was a girl or boy.

Before we headed over to the Miller's house, I returned to my room and put the shorts and swimsuit cover up on over my bathing suit and gathered my towel and the sun block.

As we headed out the door, Mom handed me one of her large utilitarian shoulder bags. She pointed at the towel  I was carrying across my arm, indicating that I should put my things in the tote, along with a pair of large girly shades, aloe gel, a floppy big brimmed sun blocking hat, and a little battery operated water misting spray bottle fan; all items mom added saying 'Just in case I might need them.'

Now I was beginning to understand why Mom always carried a purse around with her. Girls seem to need more things on hand 'just in case'.

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