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My first impression of Lisa was of a nice, polite, understated, and slightly shy, cute-girl-next-door type.

As I observed her it seemed she was still closer to the beginning of puberty than I was, however there was something more to her as we sat on the loveseat, next to the couch where "the boys" were getting involved in the video game and she began to try to start a conversation.

The contrast between her and I couldn't have been more night and day. Her long dark brunette hair seemed to be her most 'mature' feature, if you could call it that.

I was nearly four or five inches taller than Lisa, not to mention my body was filled out with curves that would rival many of the high school freshman and sophomore girls. She on the other hand didn't really have any curves. How ironic, I thought.

I began to feel somewhat perplexed and conflicted as I noticed a sense of pride in our contrasting appearances. Was I comparing myself to another girl and already starting to feel competitive with other girls about our looks and attracting attention?

That thought sounded rather silly in my head, and I decided if I was going to do this, what I really needed was friends. So rather than entertain starting some petty rivalry, I quickly chose to take care of not getting off on the wrong foot.

Lisa very rapidly started warming up to me, chatting about the neighborhood, the people, things to do in the area, the school we'll be going to together, and who's who there. I just politely listened and nodded, all the while my attention was really more on the football game on the TV than the details of what she was saying.

Dave and Jeremy seemed to hit it off right away, even though my brother was a year younger. Not even ten minutes yet and they were already sounding like they had been friends for quite a while, laughing, yelling, and involved in college football team rivalry.

One thing I noticed as I sat listening to Lisa was how there were times when Jeremy would turn to steal a quick glance over at me, or more accurately, I think he was eyeing my chest.

Every now and then, I would also see Dave shoot a glance at Lisa. Oddly, I thought I also caught Lisa  eyeing my chest.

As for Jeremy stealing glances my way, I felt a little like I was being appraised like a cut of meat at the butcher counter before being selected for purchase.

It made me feel a little uncomfortable and I began to worry he was trying to figure me out rather than checking me out.

In an attempt to appear more feminine, I crossed my legs at the knees and moved my legs so that my knees were to one side, against the edge of the couch.

A few minutes later Mrs. Harper came in to let us know we could join them on the back patio for pie and ice cream.

Lisa immediately hopped up and headed towards the back patio.

"Come on," she enthusiasticly told me.

I wanted to stay and wait on the boys but decided it was probably better if I went with Lisa. I filed all my observations away for later contemplation and headed out of the room.

Jeremy noticed us leaving and immediately put his controller down.

"Guess kicking your butt up and down the field will have to be put on hold. Pie and ice cream awaits."

He quickly headed out to where we were on the covered patio by the pool, and I noticed that he strategically took a seat across the table from me. Dave took the seat across from Lisa.

After finishing the pie and all the ice cream followed by a few pitchers of sweet southern ice tea, our new welcoming neighbors thanked us all for our hospitality.

On their way out, the Millers invited us over to their place for Sunday barbecue, which, to my dismay, my parents graciously accepted.

"Bring a suit, we'll be swimming," Lisa added enthusiastically.

Having just closed the door behind our departing guests, Mom pulled me in close for a hug and whispered how proud she was of me, then also added that she couldn't have me wearing boy's shorts and football jerseys all summer. She didn't want everyone believing she didn't care about her daughter's image any more than that, so she promised me we'd make a quick shopping trip tonight or tomorrow morning before the neighbor's barbecue.

She also told me, tonight before bed, she would teach me how to shave the barely noticeable peach fuzz off my legs.

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