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It was now time to make sure our bikes were in good operational condition. After a few kicks, I was able to get my bike started and running. I then kick started Dave's bike for him, before hopping back onto mine.

As I was about to pull out of the driveway for a quick test ride up the street, a deep rumbling sound quickly approached from down the other end of the block.

With little warning, a late model black Camero roared up the street, nearly skidding to a stop in front of our house. However, the driver didn't completely stop in front of our house, he continued past our house and pulled into our mysterious next door neighbor's driveway.

Hmm, I wonder if this was one of those trouble making friends Mr. Miller was referring to yesterday, I thought to myself.

The driver side door popped open and a scruffy dark haired guy dressed in black jeans and black tank top bolted out, heading straight to the front door of the house.

With the quick input of a code, he was in through the door and gone out of sight. From the brief view I had, he looked like he could have been a former Disney Channel actor kid who had since turned bad.

He must be the Amatos' son, I thought to myself as Dave and I simultaneously turned to look at each other.

We exchanged a look and I took off on my bike, headed away from the house.

After a couple quick trips to the end of the road and back (mostly accomplished while popping a wheelie) we determined that our bikes were running fine and looked their best in years.

Dave and I then put away the cleaning equipment and tools, and stored the bikes in the garage where Dad could easily inspect them when he got home.

After we cleaned up a bit, we decided it was time we tried out our awesome new pool for the first time.

Now, I could have worn the black swim dress again, and maybe should have, but Dad wasn't home and I wanted to have a little fun, get under Dave's skin, and make him uncomfortable, so I put on the much more skin exposing, red, cut-out one piece instead.

Mom made us each a sandwich and drink while we were changing and we were set for the afternoon.

When I came down for lunch, Mom complimented me on how I looked in the suit, but also reminded me to keep an eye on the time so I could make sure I changed before Dad got home.

"What if I'm ready for him to see me like this," I asked, getting a little sassy with mom.

"That very well could be, sweetie, but I assure you, he's not ready to see you like that. Trust me and make sure you're changed before he gets home."

After finishing lunch out on the patio, we pumped up the inflatable pool floats and crashed out on them, relaxing in the pool under the hot sun.

Appreciating the beautiful landscaping from my view while floating in the pool, I noticed an awful lot of caterpillars in the flower garden along one side.

Hopefully they don't ruin Mom's vegetables once she gets them plante--

"You know, that's ah, quite a suit you have on there, Carla," Dave announced, interrupting my relaxed meditative thoughts, as he neared me on his float.

"You like it," I playfully inquired with a grin.

"Well, if it was on a gir-, um I mean, sorry. If it was on any other girl, I would, yeah. But, seeing my uh, new sister in it . . . who until a few days ago, was my brother, I might add, no, I don't care for it too much. And by the way . . . it feels so weird, calling you my sister."

"Why don't you care for it?"

"I didn't say I didn't care for it, it's just weird calling you my sister."

"No, silly, my bathing suit. Why don't you care for it?"

"It's sexy,  revealing, and the kinda suit girls wear when they want to get a reaction out of guys. The kind of suit I love to see girls in. I can't believe you chose something that style. That's what you wanted? I'm finding that hard to believe."

"Is it working?"


"Does this suit turn you on?"

"Mayb-I mean, nooooo. H*ll no, you're my sister."

"Maybe you just don't want to believe it, but yeah, I picked this one out and I bet it is causing an involuntary rise."

"Ha, ha, fvck you. I'm trying to say I don't think it's right for you. What I really can't believe is that Mom agreed to buy it. Has Dad seen it?"

"I'm not making you uncomfortable? And you're not turned on, even the least bit by this suit? Come on, you can't tell me your tiny little wee wee isn't getting aroused by my sexy attire?"

I quickly swung my arm at him, giving him a quick fingertip slap between his legs.

"Nut check," I yelled.

A nut slap was not something new between us as brothers. We occasionally did so when the other least expected it. Dave never understood why a properly landed strike made him double over in pain but I never seemed to mind his slaps.

"Awwww," he screamed as he fell off his float from trying to avoid the tap.

"Fvck, you trying to drown me?" he asked when he popped up from under the water.

"No, but regardless of how sexy I start dressing, if you start getting boners over it, I will. No, Dad hasn't seen it yet. And for your information, Mom is the one who suggested it in the first place."

"Well, you could've said no."

"What? No way. Well, okay yeah, I guess I could've, but then I wouldn't be looking so good at this moment, now would I?  You don't think I look like the girls on your posters," I jokingly responded.

At that moment Dave reached one hand into the water and swung his arm, slinging water on me while loudly replying, "In your d*mn dreams."

I let out a girly yell and splashed him back while laughing.

He splashed me again, then turned and quickly swam away, towards the other end of the grotto.

"Where you going you yellow-bellied chicken? You scared to get splashed by a girrrrl?"

"Chickeh huh? I know you didn't just call me chicken."

Oh no, here it comes. I knew I was in for it now, after calling him a chicken.

"No, I'm afraid of having to hurt my brother while he's wearing a girly swimsuit. A sexy swimsuit that absolutely would get me aroused if I ever saw a cute girl wearing one," he joked.

Or at least I hoped it was just a joke.

"Oh, so you're saying I'm not cute? Im sure Jeremy would disagree with you. Why don't we go on over there and find out?"

"No, how 'bout we don't."

"Fine, we won't, if you'll admit I'm cute."

Dave didn't immediately reply, so I began to count down, "Five . . . Four . . . Three . . . Admit it, before I have to strip naked and prove you wrong . . . Two-"

"Okay, okay, fine." He quickly muttered, stopping my countdown.

"Say it," I demanded while playfully pulling my swimsuit straps off my shoulders.

"You're cute. You're cute," he quickly called back from across the grotto.

"I'm a cute what?"

"You're a cute girl."

"And who am I?"

"A crazy b!tch, I mean cute, a cute girl, a super cute young lady we traded my brother for on our trip from California."

Okay, he got me with that and I began to laugh.

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