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After the short walk back to our house, I ran straight up to my room. With the smell of chlorine still in my hair and all over me, I wanted to get a shower and get out of the swimsuit.

Standing in the shower with the warm water flowing across my breast and down my bare body, I thought back over the day and how successful it had been. Not once did anyone doubt my gender. I had presented myself as a girl and no one ever questioned otherwise. It was exciting, confidence boosting, and affirming.

Jeremy not only believed I was all girl, he apparently had a major crush on me.

Up until this puberty thing started happening, I never questioned that I was anything but a boy and always assumed I'd always have girlfriends. Now, this new gender was presenting unique challenges and life situations that were going to take some getting used to.

I'm still not interested in dating a boy. The idea alway has and still does feels repulsive to me, but as I think about all the attention Jeremy gave me and how he was obviously attracted to me, it made me feel uncomfortable, however, beyond that it caused me to feel special, wanted, and uniquely girly.

As I stood in the shower, thinking about it began to cause an interesting warmth in my lower abdomen.

An uncomfortable shiver ran up my spine and I quickly switched my thoughts to Mandy.

I wondered what she was doing right now and what she would think about my decision if she found out.

As much as I cared for her I didn't know if I could tell her what was going on with me. I was afraid of losing her as a special friend.

After the shower I brushed my teeth and gave my swimsuit to Mom so she could put it in the wash.

Standing in the hallway, just Mom and I, when I handed her the suit, she asked me if I was ready for a lesson in leg shaving.

"No not really. Do I have to?"

"Well, yeah. I'm suprised no one else noticed."

"That bad?" I embarrassedly asked while looking down for hair on my legs.

"No, not bad. Not yet, anyways. It's just peach fuzz now, but it will be soon."

"Okay, fine," I relented.

Once we were in the bathroom, Mom had me sit on the edge of the tub with my legs inside. She then began her lesson.

While I was following her instructions and lathering up my legs, I asked her a question.

"Mom? Did I do good today?"

"Absolutely, sweetheart, you made me proud to call you my daughter. Perfectly convincing. The Miller's will never question whether or not you had been a girl your whole life. In fact, I think you have an admirer."

"What," I coyly asked, feigning clueless innocence. "Who, Jeremy?"

"He couldn't keep his eyes off of you all day."

"Com'on Mom, for real?"

"Yeah sweetie. How does that make you feel?" Mom inquired with a grin.

I knew how it made me feel. I could sense my cheeks going flush and that warmth returning right now as she spoke.

I responded with, "I dunno, Mom. Kinda weirded out, I guess. The thought of a guy checking me out feels creepy."

She reached up with her free hand and pushed my wet hair back behind one ear.

"As pretty of a girl as you are, you're gonna have to get used to that kind of attention."

"I don't think I want that, though."

I paused. Mom's facial expression changed, like she had an epiphany.

"What Mom?"

She reached forward again and pushed the hair on the other side of my head back behind the other ear, then gazed at me for a moment before speaking. "I was just thinking . . . You would have looked so cute today, with little white plastic hoops dangling from your ears. When we go out tomorrow, can I take you to get your ears pierced?"

Whoa, this transition was happening fast.

I saw the look on mom's face.

"Hold up, Mom. What happened to what Dad said about taking it slow?"

"So you don't want your ears pierced? It'll make you look even cuter and more unmistakably girly."

I began to smile.

"Okay, yeah, I guess I kinda do. But, you don't think Dad'll be mad."

"You leave that to me. I can handle your Dad."

She then took a lady razor and showed me the proper way to shave. She let me take over while giving me advice and pointers; what to do, what not to do.

When we were finally done, I had only nicked myself once.

After she had me spread a moisturizer all over my legs, we headed back out into the hall.

Mom stopped at my bedroom door and gave me a kiss on my forhead. "If you really want, we can get you a pair of stockings too. Normal tan panty hose though, not thin silky thigh highs or fishnets. You're much too young for anything like that."

I smiled even bigger and kissed her on the cheek.

"Good night, honey," she told me.

"Thanks, Mom. Sleep well."

Mom turned and headed for her room.

I wanted to say something, but I hesitated. When she got to her door on the other end of the hallway, I called out,  "Mom . . ."

She stopped and looked back. I noticed her eyes were already red and swollen.

"Yeah, sweetie?"

"Thanks for everything, Mom. I love you."

She smiled. "I love you, too."

I entered my room, flipped on the light, shut the door, and dropped the oversized towel I was wrapped in.

I then reached into one of my department store bags and pulled out a dark blue silk camisole Mom had picked out for me.

After removing the tag and slipping into my silky new sleepwear, I turned out the light, hopped into bed, and after about a half hour of reflection on the day, I began to explore, my hands roaming all over my silk covered body.

Nothing I had worn as a boy ever felt this nice. It was as if the silk material heightened the sensitivity of every nerve ending in my body, especially my nipples.

Mmmmm Nghhhh.....

Holy sh!t my nipples were sensitive.

As I finally drifted off to sleep, with a peaceful glow about me, the last thing I remember thinking was that I knew I was okay with never spending another day as a boy, for the rest of my life.

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