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Walking out of the store, my hands were filled with shopping bags and I was overwhelmed at the amount of new stuff I now had.

I didn't say anything to Beck about it, but I was tired and ready to be done. I just wanted to go home now, kick these shoes off and relax.

No, we hadn't done everything I had wanted to. I didn't have my ears pierced yet and we hadn't had an opportunity to shop for any makeup, nor had we gotten my hair done, but I was tired.

Walking in these heeled boots was very different from sneakers, and they made my calves hurt, bad. I hope that'll change once I get used to walking in them, but right now, I was just ready to go home. I could do the rest another day.

Just as I thought we were heading back to the car, Beck turned down another corridor and led me to an expensive brand shoe store.

"Com'on, my treat." Beck told me as we entered.

"Beck, I can't let you do that. You've spent enough on me already."

"What did I tell you about my social media? I promise you, it's no problem. Besides, I didn't ask whether or not you would let me do this for you. I'm gonna do it whether you think I should or not."

And with that, she walked over to a table displaying several different styles of heels.

"Yikes," I exclaimed, noticing the prices. "That's a lot."

"You don't look at prices when you're in a place like this, but if you must know, it's an outlet store so every pair of shoes in here are 45% off the sticker price."

She then held up a three inch spiked-heel tan suede pump, motioning to a clerk that we wanted to see a pair.

"Why that one," I asked.

It goes perfectly with one of the dresses you bought and every dress needs a shoe to match. Besides, they'll look killer with your new jumpsuit, too."

The clerk, an exquisitely dressed, college-aged knockout, came over. Beck gave her the shoe and told her my shoe size.

With a big smile on her face, the clerk struck up a conversation with Beck about the shoes and which celebrities had been seen wearing the same ones and then pointed out a few other pairs.

It threw me for a loop to see, but I'm pretty sure the two were also flirting with each other before the hot clerk finally headed back into the storage area to get a pair in my size. Beck appeared to really be into the conversation. Both of them had been talking and laughing comfortably, like they knew each other.

"Do you know her," I inquired of Beck while we were waiting for the clerk to return.

"Actually, no, I don't."

"It sure seemed like it, and it felt like you were flirting with her. Are you into girls?"

"No, not really. Well, sure I like making out with girls when I've been drinking too much, but that's it. I only get into relationships with guys. No, that was me just flirting with her cause sometimes, flirting with the sales person gets me the employee discount, especially if they are into me. I could tell she was as soon as we walked in. It was the way she smiled, licked her lips, and looked me up and down."

"Ohhhh, I see."

Who was this girl? I didn't really know her very well yet, but every time I learned something new, I liked her even more. She was so smart, and quite an amazing person. I found myself wanting to be exactly like her.

The girl returned with a pair of the shoes in my size. Beck smiled warmly and took the shoes. She then knelt down to help me get my feet into them.

Once they were on my feet, I instantly fell in love with how the spiked-heel pumps looked on me.

"You know what would complete your look with those shoes on," Beck began.

"No, what?"

"Hose. I'm guessing tomboys don't wear hose?"

My heart began to pound and an excitement came over me. There was something about the idea of wearing hose that just seemed so awesome. Hose,  to me, felt like the ultimate in femininity, a line, once crossed would really seal my transformation, make it final and official.

I didn't answer Beck's comment, since I really didn't know much about girls who exhibit typically unfeminine characteristics, behaviors considered typical of a tomboy.

"Well, girly-girls do," she continued, "especially for special occasions when she needs to look extra amazing."

Once I had my boots back on, she led me over to a display containing many different types and styles of hose. She quickly chose for me, several thin silky pairs in black, and various shades of tan/brown. She also picked out a thicker white pair and a thicker pair in black with black designs on the side of each leg.

I really, really wanted every one of those pairs of hose, but I could hear mom's voice in my head urging me to refuse the much too generous offer. I knew she had spent enough money on me already so I protested (just a little) and told her not to buy them.

I really did think she was spending too much on me, but I wasn't disappointed when she continued to insist on buying all of it.

"Stop worrying about how much money I've spent on you," she told me. "Trust me, I make more than this in one week on social media."

While she headed to the register, I headed towards the exit.

Behind me, I heard the clerk tell Beck the total and it was significantly less than it should have been. In fact, the total was exactly what the shoes cost, alone. She was getting all those pairs of hose, for free.

When Beck joined me and we exited the shoe shop, I asked about what happened at the register.

She explained that the clerk had not charged her for all those pairs of hose at all. I knew they weren't cheap and wondered aloud why she would do that.

"It's like I told you, shes really in to me. Right before she rang everything up, she invited me to a party with her this weekend."

"Did you tell her yes?"

"Not exactly. I said I'd think about it and asked for her number."

"Oh, I see. You hinted that you were interested, without committing to anything. You asked for her number and she fell for it and gave you the discount hoping you'd then feel like you owed her and would ultimately decide to go."

"You're catching on. You learn quick, young Padwan."

Wait, a Star Wars reference? The awesomeness of this girl never ceases to amaze.

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