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The next morning Mom didn't say anything else about last night's conversation and it made me feel awkward around her. I kinda wished I hadn't said anything.

After getting some breakfast in the hotel lobby, we got back on the road. The rest of the drive was a blur to me as I stayed deep in thought the entire way.

By the time we finally arrived at our new home, I had just snapped out of the trance-like state I had been in through this last leg of the trip.

All the way from the hotel until now, I had kept playing out in my head, all kinds of scenarios of my life going forward. Not one of them came to a conclusion that satisfied me.

After about 23.5 hours total time on the road yesterday and today, not including gas and meal stops and our time at the motel, we had finally made it to our new house.

Now came the fun part, unpacking.

Exiting the car, I managed a little enthusiasm. I grabbed my luggage and rushed to claim the best bedroom, ending up with the center upstairs room which had its own bathroom and an amazing view overlooking the pool and patio.

While waiting for the moving truck, which pulled up about a half hour after us, I explored the rest of the house and the amazing backyard with it's incredible walk-in grotto pool with a rock mountain feature on one end, a slide, waterfall, and palm trees.

By mid afternoon, all the heavy furniture and most of the boxes were either moved into their final rooms or stacked up against the wall in the garage.

Looking at about six fully packed large boxes of clothes and miscellaneous belongings sitting in the middle of my new bedroom, I shook my head. I wondered if I should even bother unpacking half of my clothes, not sure if I'd even wear most of them again.

I began rummaging through my clothes sorting out my largest t-shirts and then putting them into my dresser drawers. Next, I pulled out all of my sweat pants and shorts, along with the rest of my exercise clothes, then put them away into my dresser drawers as well. All the rest of my clothes, I left boxed up, for now.

Finally, I opened the boxes marked with my linens and bathroom toiletries and began organizing my bathroom so that I could end the day cleaning up with a nice, hot, relaxing shower.

Once the rest of my boxes, aside from my clothes, were unpacked and everything put away, I headed down to find out the family's plans for dinner.

When I walked into the kitchen area, I noticed that mom quickly stopped what she was saying to dad and turned her attention to me.

"HI, sweetheart," she greeted me. "What would you like for dinner? You get everything in your room, unpacked?"

"Yes ma'am, well mostly. I need to ask you about a few things. Are we going out for dinner or just ordering in?"

"I don't think any of us really feel like going out, besides I know I'd need a shower first." Dad replied. "We were just discussing dinner. How's pizza sound? I found a place that has a thirty-six inch deluxe cheezeburger pizza with pickles and a buttery hand tossed crust, served Brooklyn style."

"A thirty-six inch pie?!?! Yes! That's huge for one pizza. More than enough for all of us. And it sounds delicious," I exclaimed.

Once it arrived, I saw just how huge a thirty-six inch pizza really was. That was the biggest pizza I'd ever seen, it looked like it might be enough pizza for all of us, for two meals and still have leftovers. They had to tilt the box sideways to bring it in the front door.

After devouring more pizza than either of us should have, Dave and I challenged each other to see who could finish one more slice first (Dave easily won, since I was already so full I was about to puke). I then headed upstairs to shower.

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