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"Seriously, how the hell do you deal with this," Dave complained once he had the bikini bottom pulled all the way up.

"What ever do you mean," I playfully laughed, knowing exactly what he was referring to.

"The backend of this thing went up my butt crack."

"Duh, what did you think would happen? That's how it's designed. Didn't you see that when I had it on."

"Yeah, but I just assumed you pulled the waistband up, forcing it like that to make a point, get a reaction. Either that, or I figured you just liked wedgies."

He squirmed, twisting his hips back and forth. "Does it ever get comfortable?"

"Yeah . . . well, you'll eventually get used to it and won't notice it anymore. Now hold your arms straight out to the side so I can get this top on you."

I tied the bikini top behind Dave's back then adjusted the front.


"I feel so naked, exposed, like I'm on display," Dave revealed.

"Now your starting to get it," I replied.

"I can't do this. Get it off of me. I changed my mind." Dave suddenly became very anxious.

I knew I had to calm him down or he wouldn't go through with this. I knew if he would just relax and do it, he really would gain a better understanding of what I'm going through, at least a tiny bit. I needed him to do this for me. I needed him to understand enough to be sympathetic and understanding. I needed hid support. So I told him as much.

He listened to what I had to say and when I was done explaining I asked him if he still wanted to do it, to understand what I'm going through or not and he agreed, but his anxiety was still high.

At that moment I noticed another issue had popped up.

"Um dude, you can't have that poking out the top of your swim suit. You gotta do something about it and-and then tuck it back."

"Wait. You said no one is going to see us, so what's it matter?"

"Yes, but you said you wanted to understand what it was like for me, believing I was a boy, then suddenly finding out in a girl and starting to wear girls clothes. So, like I have to do, sort of, you gotta tuck it back, but we can't with you aroused like that."

"Well what do you suggest I do?"

I sighed.

"Go take care it, you know, rub one out, and come back. And be careful. I'll kill you if you get anything on my swimsuit."

When Dave returned to my room, he looked exhausted, but his bulge was gone, mostly. At least it wasn't standing at attention any more. And he seemed to have calmed down a little.

I explained to him, as best I could, how to tuck his penis back between his legs. Not having testicles, it was easy for me, plus I had somewhere to stick it back inside me and he didn't. I explained what I had read online and he executed.

When we finally got it, his front was nice and flat like mine.

"Here, slip your feet in these," I instructed, handing him a pair of cork wedge sandals.

"I can't walk in those, they're heels."

"Uh, you won't know till you try. I though the same thing, but I mastered heels rather quickly. Besides, these are easier to walk in than spiked steletto heels, and way more comfortable too. Just try it."

I helped him get his feet in and wrapped the ribbon around his ankles, tying each one in a bow.

When I stood back up, I looked him up and down and let out a loud wolf whistle, trying to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Damn, looking hot, chick," I teased him. "Take a few steps."

He did and I continued, "Can I get some fries to go with that shake? Look at you navigating around the room like a natural. You sure you wouldn't rather be my sister?"

"Hell no," he protested loudly.

"We got one more thing to do before we head outside. Let's go downstairs."


"You'll see, come on."

We got about halfway down the stairs when Dave suddenly cursed and scurried back up.

"Close the blinds in the living room," he yelled at me.

"Why," I questioned with a chuckle. "No one will see you."

"Come on, Carla," he pleaded.

"Fine," I relented.

I headed down the stairs and once all the blinds and curtains were closed, Dave cautiously decended, checking all around to make sure there was no way anyone would be able to see inside the house.

When we got to the kitchen, I grabbed two oranges off the island bar and quickly plopped one in each cup of his top.

"Whoa, hold up," he cried at me, caught off guard.

I adjusted his top so the oranges sat in the right place and wouldn't fall out, then took his hand. I began to run towards the door and out on to the patio, pulling him behind me.

He tried to resist, but I had the upper hand since I was barefooted and he was a newbie in wedge heels.

As we exited into the moonless, dark backyard, I quickly closed the door behind us to keep Dave from immediately trying to duck back inside.

"You really are doing well in those wedges," I commented. "Just don't scuff them up before I even get a chance to wear them."

Just then the motion-activated flood lights clicked on, all across the back of the house.

Dave immediately dropped into a squat and hugged his knees to his chest while placing his back aginst the wall, trying to hide his body. He buried his face between his arms.

"Flip the switch! Turn them off, turn them off, NOW!" He yelled.

"Sorry sis," I told him. "Honestly, I didn't know they were on. Hang on."

I reached back to open the door and turn the lights off.

"Sh*t! It's not turning," I announced, jiggling the handle loudly. "We're locked out."

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