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I was still leary of being on a date with a guy and scared to death of what could happen, but as he led me through the amusement center towards the laser tag, I tried to calm my mindset and convince myself to not think about it, just let go, embrace the experience, enjoy the date as a girl, and learn something about myself.

After all, that is why I agreed to a date with Jeremy in the first place.

How bad could it be, I asked myself. You're about to play rounds of laser tag, skeet ball, mini golf, and race superfast electric go carts, all things you loved to do when you thought you were a guy, and today Jeremy is paying for it all. The least you can do is enjoy yourself, make it obvious you're having fun, and show a little interest in him. That's all he expects in return.


Hearing my name jarred me out of my thoughts. I looked at Jeremy. He was putting his laser tag vest on.

"You gonna put your vest on," he asked. "You spaced out for a moment there."

"Yeah, sorry."

I reached out to take a vest from the rack and Jeremy took hold of my hand. He brought it towards his face and gently kissed the back of my hand.

Releasing my hand, he looked me in the eyes and tried to comfort me, "This isn't the same person that initiated the flirting with me at the pool the other day. Why are you so nervous? Relax, I don't bite. You have nothing to worry about."

He then helped me get my vest on and fastened. "Now let's go kick some butt."

Thirty five minutes later we exited the laser tag arena, having played two rounds. We were both laughing and talking about how the two of us and another couple on a date, had just had a blast dominating the other team consisting of three guys and a girl.

"We're about to head outside for a round of mini golf," the girl from the other couple on our team, announced. "Would you guys like to join us?"

Hearing this offer excited me. I was sure this would be a better situation than Jeremy and I alone.

I looked at Jeremy with a nod and smiled. I wanted him to know I wanted us to join the other couple.

He got my message and accepted their offer.

"So how long you guys been dating," the girl asked me while we waited for our dates to pay for the mini golf.

"It's actually our first date," I responded. "How about you guys?"

"Almost six months. Y'all make a cute couple. I hope you'll still be together at the six month mark, too. I can tell he really, really likes you. You need to hold on to him. He seems to be one of the really good guys . . . just like my Callan."

"You talking about me, Daisy," Callan asked as he and Jeremy walked up.

The guys handed us each a putter and ball. I noticed Callan leaned in and gave his girl a quick kiss on the lips.

Fear hit me and I cut my eyes over at Jeremy, praying he didn't get any ideas.

Thankfully he didn't even seem to notice their kiss.

Callan and Daisy, what a cute couple, I told myself as we headed outside.

Especially Daisy and her cute Texas accent.

We elected to let Daisy tee off first.

As she got in position to take her first swing, I took notice of her style and how it reminded me of Mandy.

I observed her perfect sun-kissed blemish-free complexion, wavy shoulder-blade length blonde hair with light brown lowlights, her suede button down blouse which was unbuttoned two buttons down to allow a little cleavage to show and tucked into her pleated mid-thigh length skirt, her gorgeous tan suede oped-toe platform wedges, and creamy caramel color painted toenails.

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