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When I entered the kitchen to get some lunch, I was somewhat relieved to find that only Mom was there.

Reaching into the fridge with my back turned to her, I grabbed the sliced roast beef, black forest ham, mustard, mayonnaise, pickles, and cheese. I retrieved a sub roll from a bag in the bread box and began making myself a sandwich.

"You want one too," I inquired.

"Please," Mom replied.

I grabbed another sub roll.

Once the sandwiches were assembled, I turned around and sat down at the kitchen island across from where Mom was slicing a tomato. She looked over at me and just stared for a few moments.

She had definitely noticed.

"Where have you been hiding those?" she gasped, breaking her long silence.

"Ace bandages, they're not just for sprains anymore." I jokingly replied.

"So far our neighbors haven't come calling to welcome us, but with tomorrow being Saturday, I imagine a few of the more outgoing neighbors will be stopping by to introduce themselves. Have you thought about what we talked about at the hotel?"  Mom inquired, looking to me for a response.

"I've been thinking about it since we last talked. I haven't rushed to a decision yet, but I-I think I'm leaning towards not hiding what's happening."

"Well, I think we better sit down with your Dad and Dave and have a discussion with them about this. It's a big decision, huge, life-changing; it affects all of us. You aren't going to be able to hide this much longer anyways, whether you want to or not."

"Okay Mom," I replied with a feeble smile.

I took a bite of my sandwich, the awkward silence hanging in the air between us.

Finally I spoke again,"Mom?"

"Yeah Lucas?"

"My body is trying to develop into a young woman. Well, it has been for a while. Like you said, I won't be able to hide it much longer. So you think it'll be a complete transformation? If that is where I'm destined to end up anyways, I can't see any reason to continue trying to be a boy, anymore. What do you think?"

"Sweetheart, are you saying that's what you want?"

"What do you think is best, mom?"

"It's not up to me. I've thought about this a lot since you brought it up, even before, back when we first discovered you had breast tissue and all of this started. I knew this day would eventually come. It's your life and you are the one who has to live it. It's not going to be easy, but I'll be here for you, every step of the way, whatever you choose."

A tear began to form in my eye and I continued, "Mom? H-how do you think Dave and Dad will take it?"

"Sweetie, your Dad loves you with all your heart. I can't say I know exactly what he'll say or do or even what he'll think, other than to say I know he'll still love you. That much I know, and he'd never try to disown you for it."

"We are in a new place. No one knows us here. No one knows that we're a family with two boys. I think now might be the perfect time to transition."

"Hold on a moment,sweetie. There's no need to make a hasty decision. We can discuss this more and wait until you're ready."

"Mom." I reached across and placed my hands on top of hers.

At that moment a calm washed over me and I knew what I was sayingmdeciding felt right.

"Yeah, sweetie?"

"I am ready."

She looked me in the eyes and it felt like she was trying to read my heart and mind. It was as if she was peering directly into my soul.

"Are you sure," she inquired.

"I am." I answered without hesitation.

Her eyes began to fill with tears and I felt one began to trickle down my own face.

"I've been giving it a lot of thought. It'll be easier if everyone here meets me as a girl instead of trying to do it later when they already know me as a boy. By tonight I think I'll be more certain how I'd like to do this and I'll be ready to talk with both you and Dad. Tomorrow isn't going to wait and I have a pretty good feeling how things might go now." I explained to Mom as a stood up.

Mom nodded her agreement and stepped around the island. She wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace.

We both cried and in that moment I could feel a pure love radiating from ever fiber of mom's being and surrounding me with unconditional support and acceptance.

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