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Waking, for the first time, to the luxuriously soft cooling sensation of silk, I found myself pleasantly stretching like a house cat after sleeping all night on its favorite pillow.

I awoke with a wide satiated grin on my face.

When I first found out that we were moving to Texas, I had anticipated a depressing, long and boring summer once when we moved here. So far, it's been, well, unlike anything I could have ever imagined, but it's alright. I'm glad it's turning out the way it is.

Okay, better than alright when you consider my transition to living as a girl. It's only been two days and I can't even begin to imagine what's still waiting around the corner.

Can't wait to find out, either.

I slipped on a pair of silk pajama bottoms and an open pajama top that matched the camisole, then plodded down the stairs around a quarter after nine to find mom carrying an arm load of clothes towards the laundry room.

"Good morning, sleepy head. Get you something to eat. There's cantaloupe cut up in a bowl in the fridge, if you'd like. When you're done, get dressed so we can go shopping."

Once mom had started the washer she went to change and get ready for our shopping trip. I continued to eat slices of salted cantaloupe for a few more minutes before heading to get dressed myself.

Standing in front of my closet, I began to understand women a little better. As a guy, I would have just grabbed the first tee shirt I laid eyes on and the pair of jeans lying on the floor from the night before, but now I found myself picturing myself in each outfit I considered and trying to decide if that's how I wanted to present myself in public today.

I ended up choosing one of my new, girly, fitted tee-shirts that would emphasize my breast and a pair of dressy looking, mid-thigh length shorts with turned up cuffs at the bottom.

After putting on my outfit, I modeled it in the mirror and discovered I could see my red bra through the shirt. Not only did I not like the idea of showing off my bra through my shirt, I knew Mom wouldn't approve either, so I removed the top and found a different bra that wouldn't show through the shirt.

I slipped the shirt back on and a thought occurred to me. My panties were red and matched the first bra, but now my bra was pale pink, the same color as my shirt.

Without another thought I exhaled and stripped off my shorts. I didn't even know where the idea came from, I just knew I needed to change my panties to the pair that matched the bra I now had on.

But why? I asked myself. It's not like anyone, other than maybe Mom in the dressing room, will ever know the difference.

I then shrugged as I retrieved the panties from the drawer and replied, I gotta do it. I won't feel right until I do.

Once I had my shorts back on and my belt fastened, I laced my sandals up my newly shaved legs, brushed my hair back, and once I had it secured with one of Mom's hair ties, I took a moment to admire myself in the mirror.

After changing out my hair tie three times, trying to find the color that looked right with my outfit, I was finally satisfied and ready to go.

I walked into my parents room to see if Mom was ready and found her at her dressing table, doing her makeup.

"Want some," she asked holding up a mascara wand.

"Sure?" I replied, hesitantly accepting her offer.

She sat me down in the chair and did more than just apply mascara. She brushed a small amount of powder on my cheeks, another shade of powder on my nose, and a little pink powder on my eyelids, just a hint.

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