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The most eager, open, and welcoming affection came from Lisa as she dramatically slid off her float and into the water in front of me.

Her reception helped to soften the blow of Dave's disdain.

When she slipped into the water she was right up aginst me, and immediately gave me a firm lingering hug and a peck on the cheek while telling me to not worry about my brother's reaction.

Everything from Lisa's approach, to her warm embrace, and quick kiss on my cheek seemed to take place in slow motion as I consciously not only observed Lisa's exuberant reception, but also Dave's and Jeremy's reactions.

Jeremy had a longing look on his face as if he'd give anything to trade places with his sister and Dave's angry expression changed to more of a jealous look, as if he was wishing he could trade places with me so he would be the one getting this greeting from Lisa.

I couldn't help but smile at the situation and how it looked.

I can use this, I told myself as I continued to embrace Lisa.

I knew this was bothering Dave and I was loving it, so I continued to hold the embrace even longer, while whispering in Lisa's ear.

After a few more awkward moments I reached up and ran my fingers through Lisa's hair, as I finally released the hug and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"You look absolutely amazing," Lisa told me, taking a step back.

Jeremy and Dave continued to stare and I assume, talk about us while Lisa dragged me to the far end of the grotto, for our own private conversation.

I made a point of holding her hand and making noise all the way there, to attract Dave's attention.

Ones we were in the cave area behind the waterfall, Lisa began to talk again.

"Seriously, don't listen to Dave. I absolutely love your hair. The cut is freaking amazing and the color, to die for. And your dad, don't worry about that either. All dad's worry about their daughters. They're always looking out for our best interest and afraid anything we do will attract more attention from boys. Yeah, of course that's what we want, but dad's, they don't."

"Thanks," I replied, knowing I could never tell her the real reason Dave was upset and what he really meant by his comment about dad. She meant well and it was sweet.

I smiled as she continued to try to cheer me up.

"You looked like you could have been a bathing suit model, walking out of the house in that bomb-ass bikini," Lisa purred, looking me up and down.

"Really? No, you're just saying that to make me feel good."

"Um, Yes, really. My mom would never let me wear something like that. Not to mention, I don't have enough to hold up a top like that," she added, cupping her breast with her hands and pushing them up. "I seriously envy you."

"Don't envy me," I mumbled, looking down at my body. "I'm not even a normal girl."

"What even is normal anyways," Lisa replied. "All I know is I wish I could be more like you, especially in the boob department. I'm tired of only having mosquito bites."

I laughed and she joined me in a hardy chuckle.

Lisa gave me a thumbs up and asked, "You good now?"

"Yeah, I am," I replied, formulating a plan in my head.

I leaned forward on a stone ledge, resting my chin on my crossed arms, and looking out through the waterfall towards Dave and Jeremy.

"What do you think about Dave?"

She moved up next to me and gazed out.

"He's being a major jerk to you today, which is weird, because normally, he's quite nice. He's been nothing but charming since I met him, well, until just now."

I looked over at Lisa and asked, "Do you like him? Like like him?"

I saw her blush.

"You do," I replied and gave her a playful shoulder shove.

"Yeah, kinda," she admitted. "I mean, he's cute, athletic, and usually quite charming, but what can I do? I mean, look at me. He would never be interested in an inmature girl like me. A guy like him has higher standards, I mean he'll probably be dating the hottest cheerleader in his grade by the second week of school. Why would he want something like me? But enough about me. I happen to know Jeremy wants to ask you out really, really bad, he just doesn't have the nerve to do it."

"Oh really," I asked out loud while internally I smiled and told myself that would be useful for my plan to irritate Dave.

"Yeah, he hasn't stopped asking me questions about you since we met you guys. He's constantly trying to find reasons he needs to come over, so he can see you."

As she continued talking, I watched the boys. When Dave climbed out of the pool and headed towards the house, I saw my opening.

This was it.

At that moment I told Lisa I'd be back and went underwater. I swam out of the cave and popped up on the other side of the waterfall. Jeremy looked my way and I gave him a warm smile and a flirty little finger wave.

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