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"I'll never be able to replicate this perfect, airbrushed, supermodel look," I told Beck as I stared at myself in the mirror. "Where did she find such beauty? She's a magician."

"That's the thing about you being a tomboy," Beck explained. "The beauty is all yours and was always there, you just didn't know it. All she and the other girls did, was bring it out."

The makeup tech then gave me a printout that explained my colors and listed all the products used to create this look.

When she handed it to me she asked, "Will you be purchasing any of this today?"

"Sorry, but no," I began, having seen how insanely expensive it all was.

Naturally, I was interrupted by Beck.

"Actually yes, I made a deal with the salon owner, Sasha. You are going to do a series of videos promoting this salon on my YouTube channel, and in exchange he's going to give you a complete set of all the products used on your face today, as well as free services in the salon in exchange for the content of several other videos. The products will be delivered to the house this afternoon."

"Wait, what," I asked in shock. "What do you mean, I've never hosted a video before."

"Don't worry, I'll be right there with you. By the time the series is over, you'll be wanting to start your own channel. The video she took for you just now, we will be editing it down for your first video."

Hoo boy, what have I gotten myself into, I thought.

On the way out, I stopped by the entrance, and pretended to be looking at a display of facial creams and lotions for sale, but was really taking a closer look at myself in the mirrored wall behind the display.

I liked the way my makeover made me look; the cut, color, and makeup completed my transformation. All visible traces of Lucas were now completely gone. No one would ever question me now.

I really did look beautiful at this moment. More beautiful than I ever dreamed I could look.

The music from a Cover Girl commercial played in my head. 🎶 "Beautiful, easy, breezy Cover Girl."🎵

I tilted my head to the right side letting my hair dangle down. I smiled at myself then quickly raised my head.

I took a deep breath and let it out.

This is me, this is really me, I told myself. This hair style is not at all what I would have chosen, but I'm actually loving it. I'm in love with all of my new look. I certainly hope mom and dad are really okay with such a radical change, cause it's a done deal now.

"You coming, Carla," Beck asked from outside the salon, jarring me from my thoughts.

"From the way you were admiring yourself in that mirror back there, I'd say you really like your makeover."

"I do. I really do."

"I'm so glad you do. It actually suits you better than I imagined."

"I love it, but I'm kinda worried about what my parents will think. It's radically different."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about them." Beck replied with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"I may be young, but I'm not an irresponsible adult. I ran the cut and color by your mom last night. I called her and sent her a picture of what I was thinking. She loved it and gave me her approval."

Hearing this couldn't have made me happier and took a load off my chest, although I was still worried about Dave and dad.

"What about my dad? Did she say what he thought?"

"No, but I assume she ran it by him."

Oh geeze, that didn't help too much. I did know from past experience that normally, neither of them made a decision without input from the other. I certainly hoped that was the case this time.

Once we were back in Beck's bright pink Road Queen Hummer ev, I thanked her for letting me spend the morning with her, and again for the makeover.

"When we get home, come in my house and I'll show you my youtube broadcast setup and go over what I'm thinking for your first video series."

"Okay, cool," I replied.

"Hey, it's extra hot today. You wanna stop for a milkshake? There's this place up the road that has a milkshake you just gotta try. It called a Breakfast In Bed shake. It's got coffee flavored ice cream, a shot of espresso, and caramel drizzle in the shake. Then on top; whipped cream, mini pancakes, mini doughnuts, cereal, bacon, and a drizzle of maple syrup."

"Holy crap, that sounds incredibly delicious. But I'm buying."

"No, I got it."

"I've got money, Beck, and you've spent too much on me already Way too much. I'll never be able to repay you."

"Alright, this one time," she told me, giving in as we pulled up in a parking spot next to an "order-from-your-car" menu board.

Beck was right, although it was way more sugar than one person should ever have in a day, the milkshake was insanely delicious and beautiful too.

We were both hopped up on sugar and buzzing from the caffeine when we pulled into Beck's driveway.

Just as I was getting out of the truck, Lisa came running over.

She wanted to see what was up today and if I wanted to hang out. When I told her I was busy right now, but didn't have any plans for the afternoon, she practically squealed with giddiness.

She then began to gush over my hair.

"It's the coolest thing ever," she breathlessly told me.

This girl needed to calm down. And I thought I was the one high off sugar and caffeine. What's wrong with her, I wondered.

"I tell you what, come over to my house in an hour and a half and we'll hang out by the pool. We can order a couple pizzas for dinner, too." I suggested.

"Will Dave be home," she sheepishly inquired.

"I assume so, unless he goes to your house to hang out with Jeremy. If you haven't seen him already, he's probably not out of bed yet."

More girly squealing ensued.

Lisa then headed back towards her house.

"See you in a bit, Lisa," I called out to her.


What's gotten into that girl.

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