C.1: Horror

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*********Before the story begins I just want to make a few things clear. I won't be following the whole timeline. Alot of things will be different. I want the story to revolve around y/n as much as it can. y/n's back story and what happened leading up to this will come at a later time in the story. Also, this is my first story. It might not be good, but I will be giving you all the drama and SMUT. If you aren't into that, I will warn you when a chapter has sex. BUCKY is endgame, but alot of different things happen before the end. :) this is a HEA. also, there will be triggering things.. I will warn beforehand.

"Love, night, fall, twenty, alone, two, far, away, longing, home..." I wake up sitting in a medal chair. I can't remember anythig.

"Hello, Shadow. We need your help again." Who is this man?

"Ready to comply." I say without a second thought.

"We need you and your partner to take these two men out, and anyone else who gets in your way." He says.

I grab the file and look it over; Nick Furry and Captian America. This should be very easy.

"I'm on it. Where is my partner?" I ask the man, who said his name was Alexander Pierce.

He replies, "He is waking up. Go get ready. You two leave in 5 hours.

My suit is amazing, I love it. A black cat like suit with many places to put my different weapons, I have a mask to cover my mouth. I can also read minds and manipulate them. I can make people see things that aren't there.

5 hours later I'm heading to the truck after reading and learning everthing I can regarding our targets. Nick Furry is first. He is smart, and knows how to get out of bad situations. I get into the truck waiting for my partner.


Ah, there he is. "Soldier", I reply. I don't really know what it is, but we have a connection. Like a fierce pull towards each other. We always have to be near one another. We have to have the other on missons. We work very good together.

I fall asleep during the long ride.

"Hold on, please!" A voice yells. "I can't!" I somehow scream back. "Y/N, please! I cant loose you!" Then I fall.. I feel myself decending into the cold darkness. I look up and watch as a dark fiure falls above me, reaching for me.

"WAKE UP!!" Soldier yells at me with a worried look. "Woah, I'm up!" I say. I can't stop thinking about that nightmare though.. who is Y/N? I've had quite a few nightmares lately. Mostly me falling, watching as a dark figure falls above me. I've never heard talking or a name before. It sounded just like me.

"We are here. Get ready." Agent Dan says from the front seat.

Soldier and I stand on the side of the road waiting for our target. I am pretty certain he will out smart our other agents from what I have read about him. Just as I finish my thought he comes speeding down the road.

Here we go, I think to myself. I step out into the road, point my disk grenade gun straight for him. It clicks in place below his front bumper, then BOOM. Piece of cake. His truck flies up above me then right over. It slides down the road then comes to a stop. My work is done. "Lets go Soldier", I say to my partner. We start walking to the smoking truck.

"Guns up and ready" I tell everyone. We get to the truck, Soldier rips the door off. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I yell. I hit my com and say, "target escaped, we are continuing."

We figured Nick would head straight for the captian, we were right. Soldier and I lay on top of a building straight infront of caps apartment.

"Soldier, do you ever think what we do, is wrong?" I ask.
"Why would I?" Is all he says.
"I don't know...." Is all I can say.

We were taught to do our jobs and that is all. For some reason I feel as though I don't belong here. This is all I have known. Hydra is my home.

I finally see Nick stand up, I take 3-4 shots. They all hit.
"Got 'em" I say to Soldier. He puts his hand in mine.

We hurry to get everything up when we see captian america jump out of his window.

"RUN, THATS AN ORDER!!" Soldier yells at me.

I run, as fast as I can. I see them both behind me. I dont have time to think, he gave me an order to run. So, I jump without a second thought and disappear.

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