C.12: It's Me Again

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*** This chapter has a lot of switching POVs ***

Tony's phone rings and he picks it up,

The team sits around with worried expressions as they watch Tony's face falter. They hadn't heard from Y/N or anyone else yet, and were already worried.

"We are on the way" Tony hangs up

"We have to go. Y/N and Clint have been compromised. Get ready"

"What?!" Everyone asks

"Fury didn't say much, other than Loki got to them and that we needed to go now"
They arrive to a jet and get in to be carried to Fury.

"He didn't say what happened?" Nat asks
"No. All he said was Loki compromised them"

Bucky sits with his head in his hands.

How did this happen?
We are sitting in a room in the tunnels, the doctor is working on a new machine.

I stand behind Loki, and I notice his scepter fuse energy.

He says we are on a time limit..

All of a sudden he grimaced and jerks sideways

"Are you ok, sir?" I ask
"I'm fine, mortal"


"Let's get this together, doctor" I tell him.

The team steps off the jet and heads for the helicarrier.

After Fury fills them in on what happened, Bruce asks "where are you with the tesseract?"

Fury points to Coulson, who answers, "we're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cellphones, laptops... if it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us"

"That's still not gonna find them in time" Nat announces
"You have to narrow your field. How many spectrometers do you have access to?" Bruce asks
"How many are there?" Fury asks him
"Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays," Bruce tells Coulson, "I'll rough out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition. Atleast we could rule out a few places"

"Do you have somewhere for me to work?" Bruce asks

Fury shows him to the lab.

"Put it over there" doc tells the scientists
"Where did you find all these people?" he asks Clint and I.

"SHIELD has no shortage of enemies, Doctor" Clint answers

I then hold up the tablet I'm using, "is this the stuff you need?"
"Yeah, iridium. It's found in meteorites. It forms anti-protons. It's very hard to get hold of"

"Especially if SHIELD knows you need it" Clint says while I hand him the tablet
"Well, I didn't know. Hey," doc says while walking up to us, "the tesseract has shown me so much"

I sense Loki behind me.

"It has more than knowledge. It's truth" Doc finished
"I know" Loki smiles

"What did it show you, Agent Barton?" Loki asks
"My next target"
"Tell me what you need"

Clint walks to the table and grabs his bow.
"I need a distraction... and an eyeball"

Clint goes to get his things ready and doc goes back to work

"Tell me, darling, what did it show you?" Loki asks
"It has shown me nothing that I didn't already know" I answer
He smirks.
"We got a hit. A 67% match. Wait... cross match, 79%" an agent says

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